A pytorch implementation of HIN2vec
07/13/2021 add binary activation function
HIN2Vec learns distributed representations of nodes in heterogeneous information networks (HINs) by capturing the distiguishing metapath relationships between nodes. Please refer the paper here.
Please find more details in the original repo
- python3.6+
- pytorch
- numpy
- pandas
- networkx
- use Adam instead of SGD to optimize weights
I find Adam much more effective in training.
some tricks not implemented
- sampling the same type of nodes
- learning rate decay
may be more robust comparing to the original implementation
Maybe there is something wrong about my parameter setting, but when I do some experiments using the original code,
the program won't continue with window
set to more than 4. This pytorch code works fine.
- this implementation is slower (It takes about 10 times of the time)
But is surly more easier to understand and modify. (And I would try to use a bigger window size to get comparable or better results.)
create your own edge.csv referring to demo_data.csv
The input graph is assumed to be undirected by default.
create a main.py in the project folder, copy the following code and modify it.
import torch
import pandas as pd
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from walker import load_a_HIN_from_pandas
from model import NSTrainSet, HIN2vec, train
# set method parameters
window = 4
walk = 10
walk_length = 300
embed_size = 100
neg = 5
sigmoid_reg = True
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
print(f'device = {device}')
demo_edge = pd.read_csv('./demo_data.csv', index_col=0)
edges = [demo_edge]
print('finish loading edges')
# init HIN
hin = load_a_HIN_from_pandas(edges)
hin.window = window
dataset = NSTrainSet(hin.sample(walk_length, walk), hin.node_size, neg=neg)
hin2vec = HIN2vec(hin.node_size, hin.path_size, embed_size, sigmoid_reg)
# load model
# hin2vec.load_state_dict(torch.load('hin2vec.pt'))
# set training parameters
n_epoch = 10
batch_size = 20
log_interval = 200
data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
optimizer = optim.AdamW(hin2vec.parameters()) # 原作者使用的是SGD? 这里使用AdamW
loss_function = nn.BCELoss()
for epoch in range(n_epoch):
train(log_interval, hin2vec, device, data_loader, optimizer, loss_function, epoch)
torch.save(hin2vec, 'hin2vec.pt')
# set output parameters [the output file is a bit different from the original code.]
node_vec_fname = 'node_vec.txt'
# path_vec_fname = 'meta_path_vec.txt'
path_vec_fname = None
print(f'saving node embedding vectors to {node_vec_fname}...')
node_embeds = pd.DataFrame(hin2vec.start_embeds.weight.data.numpy())
node_embeds.rename(hin.id2node).to_csv(node_vec_fname, sep=' ')
if path_vec_fname:
print(f'saving meta path embedding vectors to {path_vec_fname}...')
path_embeds = pd.DataFrame(hin2vec.path_embeds.weight.data.numpy())
path_embeds.rename(hin.id2path).to_csv(path_vec_fname, sep=' ')
# save model
# torch.save(hin2vec.state_dict(), 'hin2vec.pt')
In this repository, the Heterogeneous Information Network is considered as an undirected weighted simple graph with multiple node types and multiple edge types. And each edge type is presented as "<node_type_A>-<node_type_B>" (e.g. "User-Item"), so there is at most one type of edges for each pair of node types. Besides, isolated nodes are not preferable and the only way to add a node into the graph is to add an edge with this node on one side.