Dupnium is part of the E-sites iOS Suite.
A small helper class for localization
pod 'Dupnium'
And then
pod install
"welcome_text_string" = "Welcome user!";
"apples##{other}" = "%zd apples";
"apples##{one}" = "%zd apple";
import Dupnium
typealias Dup = Dupnium.shared
// Sets the fallback language to dutch, if your current locale isn't available
Dup.fallbackLocale = Locale.dutch()
Dup["welcome_text_string"] // -> Welcome user!
Dup["apples", 2] // -> 2 apples
Dup["apples", 1] // -> 1 apple
are available that will automatically set translations if you provide the translated key as text in your storyboard or xib
pod 'Dupnium/UI'