The supporting demo for my talk at CascadiaJS entitled Cartography on the Web.
Before running the application locally, you must first create a
file at the root of the project with an access
token for Mapbox:
NEXT_PUBLIC_MAPBOX_TOKEN='<your pk access token>'
Once that's in place, install the dependencies for the project:
npm install
And run the dev server:
npm run dev
As the datasets powering Treelandia are personally hosted, you'll have to generate and host the datasets yourself to be able to view them locally. A script has been included to merge datasets from the Tree Equity Score and the Portland Tree Inventory Project. You'll need the following tools installed to regenerate the datasets for consumption by Treelandia:
To generate new tilesets from new downloaded data, store the new data from the
above links in a data/
directory and run the following commands:
# transform the tree equity shapefiles into geojson
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON equity.geojson or.shp -s_srs EPSG:5070 -t_srs EPSG:4326
# generate the actual tilesets
npm run tileset
After they're generated, you'll upload them to Mapbox and grab the accurate tileset IDs to use in the layers config. Restart the dev server to see the changes.