Tiny single page application framework.
Based on jQuery and Backbone, it provides an API to create single page applications.
Supports HTML5 history.pushState
method and hash routing.
Viewport stores pages as Backbone's models with related Views. When [URL changes] user goes to some page, it retrieves URI, creates page Model, renders page View, and put model into Collection with unique URI, and shows it. If page for URI exists in Collection, it just shown.
- jQuery/Zepto/$-compatible framework can be used by Backbone.js
- Backbone.js
Inherited from Backbone.View. Represents page view. View is rendered on any model's change.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
tagName | string | 'div' | Inherited from Backbone.View . Tag name of container element |
Must be overridden. Receives model attributes and return rendered string.
It is common to use html templates in <script type="text/html">
elements and use underscore to render them.
Here is an example how .template()
may look like:
<script type="text/html" id="template-page-discovery">
<h1><%= name %></h1>
var View = Viewport.View.extend({
// ...
template: function(data) {
var template = $('#template-page-' + this.model.get("name")),
templateFn = _.template(template.html());
return templateFn(data);
// Extending classes and configuring router...
// In Router's action:
router.go({ name: "discovery", content: "" /* , ... */ });
...will cause script[id="template-page-discovery"]
will be rendered with data:
Renders model attributes by template.
Set display: block
css style to page container if active=true
, or display:none
if false.
Override it to use different behaviour.
Event type | Description |
rendered | Fires when .render was called. |
Inherited from Backbone.Model. Contains page's attributes and data, which can be rendered in view.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
uri | string | Generated automatically if not given. Unique identifier of every page. Viewport uses Backbone.history methods getPath() and getHash() for history.pushState and hash routing. |
active | boolean | true | Indicates visibility of a page. When changed, page container is set display: block css style if true, and display:none if false. Override Viewport.View.toggle() to use whatever behaviour. |
All model's attributes are available in view.template()
Set page.active
property to true
Triggers shown
Set page.active
property to false
Triggers hidden
Extend this method to provide options for ajax fetch call:
var Page = Viewport.Model.extend({
// ...
getFetchOptions: function() {
var defaults = Page.__super__.getFetchOptions.call();
return _.extend({}, defaults, {
beforeSend: function() {
// custom beforeSend callback
error: function() {
// custom error handling
complete: function() {
// custom callback on complete
Event type | Description |
shown | Fires when page was hidden and became shown. |
hidden | Fires when page was shown and became hidden. |
render | Fires when page content needed to be rendered. |
var Page = Viewport.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.on("shown", this.onShown);
onShown: function() {
// event handling
Inherited from Backbone.Collection.
Stores pages. Accessing pages to add/toggle them.
When page is added, new Viewport.View
is created and linked to this page.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
el | jQuery | $('body') |
Pages container. Available after router initialized. Not allowed in extend() . |
model | Backbone.Model | Viewport.Model | Type of model used by collection. |
view | Backbone.View | Viewport.View | Type of view used by collection. Will be created on collection.add() . |
Open page with given uri and hide others.
Find and show()
page with uri, hide()
other pages.
Create a page with given attributes
and existing HTML-element ($el
) and insert into collection.
Useful for rendering start page without loading data.
Returns added page.
Inherited from Backbone.Router.
Listening to URI changes and handling assigned events.
Contains Viewport.Collection
and accessing it to handle pages.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
collection | Backbone.Collection | Viewport.Collection | Type of collection used by Router. |
Creates new instance of Viewport.Router
If start=true
, runs Backbone.history.start()
when initialized and begin listening to URL changes.
Options are:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
el | jQuery | $('body') |
Container of pages' views. |
start | boolean | true | Start to listen URI changes when initialized (Run Router.start()). |
pushState | boolean | false | Defines which type of routing to use: history.pushState or hash. Will be transmitted to Backbone.history.start() . |
silent | boolean | false | Tells router not to navigate (in case if page is already rendered). Will be transmitted to Backbone.history.start() . |
root | string | '/' | Make sense only if pushState=true Will be transmitted to Backbone.history.start() . |
pages | Object[] | [] | Initial array of pages. |
var Router = Viewport.Router.extend({
// extend default router by routes and methods...
var router = new Router({
el: $('#viewport'),
pushState: true,
root: '/path/custom/'
Run Backbone.history.start()
with pushState
, root
and silent
in constructor and overridden by provided directly.
Stop watching uri changes (Run Backbone.history.stop()
Read document uri and activate page with given attributes
If page not exists in collection, it will be created with given attributes
, and added to collection.
URI is generated automatically:
- If
: full URI of document - If
: hash part of URI
If page has been already added in collection, it will be just shown, none of attributes will be updated and view will not be re-rendered.
Options are:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
force | boolean | false | Update properties of model and make it re-render its view if page is already exists. |
load | boolean | false | (For pushState:true) Make request to server with url=page's uri (run Viewport.Model.fetch() ), update model with received data |
is not supposed to be used anywhere except for Router's actions.
Backbone.Router.navigate inherited from Backbone.Router
Use it in code to navigate to some page:
router.navigate("product/1", {
trigger: true
Viewport classes are unsuitable for end use and must be extended.
At least, .template()
must be provided for Viewport.View
var View = Viewport.View.extend({
className: 'my-page-class',
template: function(data) {
return _.template('<h1>Page title: <%= title %><h1> ...content... ', data);
must be extended to use View (also provide model if extended):
var Collection = Viewport.Collection.extend({
view: View
Router must be extended to use Collection
and set routes
and handlers.
Refer Backbone.Router.routes for routing syntax.
var Router = Viewport.Router.extend({
collection: Collection,
routes: {
'': 'home',
'discovery': 'discovery',
'product/:name': 'product'
home: function() {
this.go({ title: 'Home – My SPA' });
discovery: function() {
this.go({ title: 'Discovery – My SPA' });
product: function(name) {
this.go({ title: name + ' – My SPA', productName: name });
Now application classes are ready to use, but it is not started yet.
To start the application, create instance of extended Router
var router = new Router({
// options
Refer Router.initialize() for options.
When Router is initialized, or when URI is changed, Router begin to look for matching routes through routes
property and if found, runs route's action.
In an action, you can analyze route params, and maybe load some data from server to get some data required by page.
in actions points to current router, so this.go()
can be called to open a page with its attributes and data.
Viewport considers each page as unique for different uri.
But it may be useful to have one page for many uris, e.g one homepage for /
and /#!/
To make it, provide uri manually when go to a page:
var Router = Viewport.Router.extend({
// ...
routes: {
'': 'home',
'#!/': 'home'
// other routes
home: function() {
uri: '/'
// page properties
// other actions
Viewport does not handle any events on hyperlinks. They must be handled manually. Possible example:
// Ensure router is instance of Viewport.Router
$(document).on('click', 'a.spa-link', function(e) {
if (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey) {
var url = $(this).attr("href").replace(/^\//,'').replace('\#\!\/','');
router.navigate(url, {
trigger: true
return false;
In this example, all hyperlinks with spa-link
class will be handled to use Viewport router instead of common behavior.
Viewport does not update browser page's title automatically.
Page title can be changed on Page shown
var Page = Viewport.Model.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.on("shown", function() {