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My configuration files (used on Mac, Ubuntu, WSL Ubuntu)

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Various Unix Settings

All my settings, plugins, and colour schemes that I have found on the Internet can be found here. Take what you want! Hopefully you can find something useful in there somewhere.


Follow relevant instructions from top to bottom

If using Homebrew

  1. Install homebrew
  2. Run the printed out command to load brew in the current shell (eval ... or something)
  3. Install packages
    # Main packages
    brew install git antigen asdf neovim fzf tmux diff-so-fancy bat ripgrep entr bottom lf
    # UI
    brew install google-chrome alfred slack rectangle maccy spotify discord
    # Mac-specific
    brew install reattach-to-user-namespace trash fd
  4. Close terminal and open app Kitty
  5. Generate your SSH key for git and set on your Git hosting service
  6. Follow relevant steps from the If using Ubuntu or WSL+Ubuntu section for setting up the rest of stuff

If using Ubuntu or WSL+Ubuntu

  1. WSL Setup

    1. Install WSL
    2. Set the default shell to be Ubuntu, not PowerShell
    3. Install Git inside WSL
  2. Generate your SSH key for git (on the host) and set on your Git hosting service

  3. (WSL only) Copy the SSH keys to WSL and change permissions

    cp -r /mnt/c/Users/DylanChong/.ssh .ssh/
    chown -R $USER .ssh
    chmod 700 .ssh
    chmod 600 .ssh/*
  4. Install snap TODO remove?

  5. Install packages that need manual installing, e.g., neovim

  6. Install packages - roughly the same ones from list of Main package from the mac section above

    sudo apt-get install zsh zsh-antigen python3 python3-pip build-essential bat lf tmux ripgrep fd-find
    sudo snap install bottom diff-so-fancy # TODO
  7. (Ubuntu Wayland only) sudo apt install wl-clipboard

  8. (WSL only) Install wslu

  9. Set default shell to zsh chsh --shell $(which zsh)

    1. Restart your computer to apply

Cloning this repo

  1. Clone and configure git
    cd ~
    git clone [email protected]:dylan-chong/dotfiles.git
    cd dotfiles
    git config core.worktree ~
    git config status.showUntrackedFiles no
  2. Move the contents of dotfiles into ~ (except .git)
    cd ~
    # Note `mv -t` errors for directories, so do the git checkout steps below to move those
    rm -r ~/dotfiles/.config/
    git checkout ../config # This doesn't delete existing files in ~/.config
    ls -A dotfiles | grep -v '^.git$' | while read -r content; do mv dotfiles/"$content" -t ~; done
    cd ~/dotfiles
  3. Merge the ~/.gitconfig.example into your ~/.gitconfig
    • Also update any AAAAAA spots
  4. Clone gprq
  5. Run cp ~/.zshrc_private.example ~/.zshrc_private
    • Also update any AAAAAA spots


  1. Download asdf from
  2. Install asdf plugins
    cd ~
    asdf plugin add nodejs
    asdf install nodejs
    • Ignore warnings about plugins not being installed if you don't want to use those


  1. Install rustup using the default options
  2. Run installation steps
    • Let it install dependencies except neovim and tree-sitter-cli are not needed
  3. If pynvim didn't install, run:
    • (Ubuntu / WSL Ubuntu):
      sudo apt install python3-pynvim
      sudo apt remove neovim
    • Mac: Probably the same as the above but with brew.


  • fix telescope f to open file, appears to delete current wintabs buffer (rather than adding a new one)
  • move keybinds into which-key declaration

Neovim (optional - legacy - non LunarVim)

  1. Install vim-plug
  2. Create shortcut for nvim directory
    ln -s ~/.vim ~/.config/nvim
  3. Open vi, run :PlugInstall
  4. Run :checkhealth
  5. Close vim


  1. Install Tmux Plugin Manager
  2. Open tmux and press CTRL-s I to install plugins

Terminal theme

  1. Set terminal theme by running base16_material-palenight
  2. Install the Fira Code font (not Fira Mono)
    • This will be applied automatically if using Kitty, otherwise set this as your terminal font manually
  3. Restart your terminal to check it applies


My configuration files (used on Mac, Ubuntu, WSL Ubuntu)






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