This is a starter project that can be used to try AdminFaces, PrimeFaces and Jakarta EE 9 together or to bootstrap your own project using these technologies.
At the time it was written, I couldn't find a version of AdminFaces that had already migrated to Jakarta EE 9, so I cloned the admin-template repository, upgraded Java EE references to Jakarta EE 9 references, ran mvn deploy
to create the new artifact at a local Maven repository then uploaded it to LabES UFES' webserver in order for people to be able to declare it as a dependency in their Maven projects.
There's probably a better way of doing this and I'm open to suggestions. This is the quickest, although organized and usable, way I could think of making this available to students taking the Web Development course.
To test it, I used WildFly Preview EE 9.1 Distribution. The home page should be an instance of Admin Template and PrimeFaces buttons should allow the user to try some AJAX funcionality to see if it all works.