Releases: dwdii/GarudaUtil
- Upgraded to Microsoft.Phoenix.Client 2.0 and Google Protocol Buffer 3.1 released versions
- Support for Azure HDInsight Hbase Cluster 3.6 and Gateway mode connection
- Discontinued support (breaking changes!) for Hortonworks HDP 2.4 and Azure HDInsight Hbase Cluster 3.4
Please submit issues to the project repo:
Exiting beta!
- Upgraded to Microsoft.Phoenix.Client 1.1 and Google Protocol Buffer 3.0 released versions
- Phoenix table and index meta data classes added to assembly.
Please submit issues to the project repo:
Garuda.Data Beta
- ConnectionString enhanced to better handle HDInsight Gateway mode.
- Tested (briefly) with Azure HDInsight Hbase Cluster 3.4 and Gateway mode connection
- PhoenixConnection broken connection state handling
- PhoenixDataReader::FieldCount and HasRows handle no result set gracefully
- PhoenixDataReader:RecordsAffected available when ExecuteDataReader used for UPSERT statements.
- PhoenixCommand::Explain, PhoenixConnection::GetTables methods added
- Fixed GetSchemaTable column data types, compatible with DataGridView
- Tested against Hortonworks HDP 2.4 (HBASE 1.1.2 / Phoenix 4.4)
- Improved async handling with UI threads.
- PhoenixDataReader::GetSchemaTable and support for DataTable::Load
- Bulk copy functionality introduced
- Prepared commands
- Parameterized queries for string, int, long and float parameters data types
- Initial support for transactions via PhoenixTransaction class
- Improved data type handling in PhoenixDataReader
- PhoenixDataReader now fetching next row set automatically once initial row set has been read.
Please submit issues to the project repo:
Garuda Query Beta
Get the Garuda Query Windows client app for desktop querying of your Apache Phoenix/Hbase Server. Download the file, below, extract to a temp folder and run the GarudaQuery.application file to get started.
Garuda.Data Beta
- PhoenixConnection broken connection state handling
- PhoenixDataReader::FieldCount and HasRows handle no result set gracefully
- PhoenixDataReader:RecordsAffected available when ExecuteDataReader used for UPSERT statements.
- PhoenixCommand::Explain, PhoenixConnection::GetTables methods added
- Fixed GetSchemaTable column data types, compatible with DataGridView
- Tested against Hortonworks HDP 2.4 (HBASE 1.1.2 / Phoenix 4.4)
- Improved async handling with UI threads.
- PhoenixDataReader::GetSchemaTable and support for DataTable::Load
- Bulk copy functionality introduced
- Prepared commands
- Parameterized queries for string, int, long and float parameters data types
- Initial support for transactions via PhoenixTransaction class
- Improved data type handling in PhoenixDataReader
- PhoenixDataReader now fetching next row set automatically once initial row set has been read.
Please submit issues to the project repo:
Garuda Query Beta
Get the Garuda Query Windows client app for desktop querying of your Apache Phoenix/Hbase Server. Download the from the file list below and double click the GarudaQuery.application file.
A .NET Framework System.Data implementation for Apache Phoenix including IDbConnection, IDbCommand, IDbTransaction and IDbDataReader.
* PhoenixCommand::Explain, PhoenixCommand::GetTables methods added
* Fixed GetSchemaTable column data types, compatible with DataGridView
* Tested against Hortonworks HDP 2.4 (HBASE 1.1.2 / Phoenix 4.4)
* Improved async handling with UI threads.
* PhoenixDataReader::GetSchemaTable and support for DataTable::Load
* Bulk copy functionality introduced
* Prepared commands
* Parameterized queries for string, int, long and float parameters data types
* Initial support for transactions via PhoenixTransaction class
* Improved data type handling in PhoenixDataReader
* PhoenixDataReader now fetching next row set automatically once initial row set has been read.
Please submit issues to the project repo:
Ultra Alpha
* Tested against Hortonworks HDP 2.4 (HBASE 1.1.2 / Phoenix 4.4)
* Prepared commands
* Parameterized queries for string, int, long and float parameters data types
* Initial support for transactions via PhoenixTransaction class
* Improved data type handling in PhoenixDataReader
* PhoenixDataReader now fetching next row set automatically once initial row set has been read.
Please submit issues to the project repo: