A simple OpenID Connect identity provider with signup and login. Based on the NodeJS module oidc-provider. The CODE returned from the provider mimics the CODE from Government Gateway, with the obvious exception of the signing key and issuer values.
This Stub has been developed by the PRS team at DVLA. We appreciate the code is not production quality, but it fulfil its purpose of stubbing the Government Gateway behaviour in line with the HMRC documentation from:https://gitlab.com/business-authentication-service/documentation/wikis/Authorisation
For simplicity of testing we provide a user out of the box.
Government id: 123123123, password: "test", uuid: 1d4fe1ad-958e-4d73-811d-ca4f2305a1d8 Should return => "", ""
If your team needs to implement and test Government Gateway integration, this stub will work for you with minimal configuration. You will only need to set a few environment variables as shown below.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
With the following configurable ENVIROMENT VARIABLES
- PORT=9090
- STUB_CLIENT_ID=stubOidcClient
- STUB_CLIENT_SECRET=secretsarehardtokeep
- AUTH_CALLBACKS=http://localhost:3000/auth_callback
- SERVICE_RETURN_URL=http://localhost:3000
PORT is the container's port
STUB_CLIENT_ID is mocking the CLIENT_ID provided by HMRC for using the GG api
STUB_CLIENT_SECRET is mocking the CLIENT_SECRET provided by HMRC for using the GG api
AUTH_CALLBACKS is a comma separated array of authorised callback urls, this has to match the redirect_uri parameter of the Open ID authentication flow.
SERVICE_RETURN_URL is a url for returning after completing Accounts operations (see 'Change email') which we suggest you set this to your service homepage.
GET http://localhost:9090/auth
POST https://localhost:9090/oauth/token
Your “id_token” is:
We have reproduced the same look and feel of Government Gateway, although we have simplified the Sign Up process, as the real flow is much more convoluted. We think testing the sign up flow does not add value to the end to end flow as it effectively means testing an out-of-the-box functionality.
Gov Gateway allows account management. We have implemented a simulation of the actual email-change flow.