A full stack flask application that allows a user to track directors and movies.
These are the main technologies we used to contruct the project.
After 4 weeks at CodeClan we undertook our first project. Working independently we were to create a flask application that allows a user to perform simple CRUD actions. I decided to create a movie watchlist, following this brief.
A user should be able to...
- The app should allow the user to track directors and movies they want to watch and those they have watched.
- The user should be able to create and edit directors.
- Each director should have one or more movies to watch.
- The user should be able to create and delete entries for movies.
- The app should allow the user to mark movies as watched or still to see.
- Have separate pages for all movies and movies on the watchlist.
- Have individual pages for directors and movies.
- Have user rating option.
- The user can write reviews for movies.
I may or may not develop this app any further. Purely to keep a record of my progress during my coding journey. This is the result of 4 weeks with CodeClan.
You'll need python3, postgreSQL and flask installed to run this.
To build the database structure and seed with starter data run the following in your CLI.
createdb movies
psql -d movies -f db/movies.sql
python3 console.py
Then to run the app:
flask run or python3 -m flask run
Then visit to view the app.
Some directors and movies have been added. These can be deleted and more added.