Super simple Codeigniter MY_Model for generic database operations
We want our models to be slim. Commonly used database operations should be inside MY_Model where every model file can extend and use.
Copy MY_Model.php to application/core
Extend MY_Model instead of CI_Model
class Some_model extends MY_Model { }
Set table name to use inside your models
protected $TABLE = "mytable";
Set custom primary key
protected $PKEY = "custom_pkey";
Call MY_Model functions from model like this. Make sure your model extends MY_Model.
$result = $this->get(1)->row();
Call MY_Model functions from controller like this. Make sure your model is loaded and extends MY_Model.
$result = $this->some_model->get(1)->row();
Note If you don't specify a table name, MY_Model will guess table name by pluralizing model class name. See _get_table()
Note If you don't set custom primary key, "id" will be used as primary key.
#To Do's
- Option to record date time stamps to database write, update and delete operations
- Option to enable soft delete of data (data are tagged as deleted but not entirely deleted)