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Topographic CartoCSS style


A simple topographic, OSM-Bright based CartoCSS style

Why another CartoCSS style?

Because I didn't find a topographic CartoCSS style that fits my needs.


The style uses the same shapefiles (simplified_land_polygons.shp and land_polygons.shp only) and tables layout as opestreetmap-carto style, so refer to the INSTALL guide in order to get the shapefiles and populate the DB.

In addition, the style uses hillshades files, contours DBs (contain contour data, in webmercator projection) and grid DB.

To create hillshade and contours, use OpenTopoMap guide or see below.

Be aware that this style uses also contours_20 DB, which is a simplified version (with an error of 20M) of contours DB, for the lower levels. You can populate the simplified version by the grass gis v.generalize command, or by using the phyghtmap simplifyContoursEpsilon flag.

Build mapnik.xml using script.

The parameters are:

  • --input_file (required): A path to mapnik.xml file.
  • --input_project_file (optional): A path to project (mml) file. Supply this parameter if you want to edit this style with Tilemill.
  • --db_name (required): The OSM data DB name. The data in this DB should be loaded with osm2pgsql.
  • --user_name (required): A username with write permission to the OSM and contours DBs.
  • --password (required): A password for the username with write permission to the OSM and contours DBs.
  • --host (required): The host of the DBs.
  • --external_layers_folder (required): A path that contains the following hillshade raster files:
    • hillshade_30.tif - An hillshae raster with a resolution of 30 meters per pixel. The raster should be in webmercator projection (EPSG:3857).
    • hillshade_90.tif - An hillshae raster with a resolution of 90 meters per pixel. The raster should be in webmercator projection (EPSG:3857).
    • hillshade_700.tif - An hillshae raster with a resolution of 700 meters per pixel. The raster should be in webmercator projection (EPSG:3857).
    • hillshade_1000.tif - An hillshae raster with a resolution of 1000 meters per pixel. The raster should be in webmercator projection (EPSG:3857).
    • hillshade_5000.tif - An hillshae raster with a resolution of 5000 meters per pixel. The raster should be in webmercator projection (EPSG:3857).
  • --simplified_land_polygons (required): A path to simplified land shapefile (see openstreetmap-carto shapefiles).
  • --land_polygons (required): A path to land shapefile (see openstreetmap-carto shapefiles).
  • --language (optional): The prefered language code in which the place labels should be rendered. Default: en.

Grid Data

It's pretty easy to produce 1 KM grid, but the projection to use depends on the area the map covers. For a world wide 1 KM grid you can use MGRS. See and scripts. Create a grid db:

sudo -u postgres createdb grid -O $USER

sudo -u postgres psql grid -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'

# Load an empty pbf, just for creating the tables, indexes, etc. You can find the PBF file in scripts/contours_empty.pbf
osm2pgsql -d grid -U $USER -W --cache 5000 --style contours_empty.pbf

# Load downloaded zip files to the db
./ <input zip files directory> <DB host> <User name> <log file path>

Serving Tiles

There are a lot of options to serve mapnik rendered tiles. For example, see this guide.

Large scale contours and hillshade datasets

Processing of world scale hillshades and contours datasets can take a lot of time (months) using OpenTopoMap guide.

If your map covers a large area, you can use the scripts in the scripts folder, which run contours processing and hillshading in parallel. It's recommended to use SSD HD if available to speed up the processing.

For example, processing hillshade for 1/4 of the world (30M per pixel) took only few hours with these scripts, instead of months with the original gdal commands.


In order to use the scripts, you should:

  • Install gdal/ogr utilities (version >= 2.0).
  • Install grass gis (version >= 7.2).
  • Install osm2pgsql
  • Install python 2.7
  • Install GNU parallel
  • To ensure that everything is installed properly, you can run the tests:
cd scripts/tests
  • Download DEM data (you can use phyghtmap for this). For example:

    phyghtmap --area=-162.754757:16.294779:-150.279273:23.748636 --download-only --srtm=1 --earthexplorer-user=EARTHEXPLORER_USERNAME --earthexplorer-password=EARTHEXPLORER_PASSWORD --hgtdir ./hawaii_data

    (Sign up for earthexplorer before).

  • Fill no data

    cd ./hawaii_data/SRTM1v3.0
    for tiffile in *.tif; do $tiffile ${tiffile%%.tif}.filled.tif && rm $tiffile; done;
  • Make vrt

    find . -iname '*.filled.tif' -exec echo {} >> ./file_list.txt \;
    gdalbuildvrt -srcnodata -32767 -vrtnodata -32767 -input_file_list ./file_list.txt ./unified_raster.vrt
  • Warp the data (virtualy)

    gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 -of VRT -r cubicspline -tr 30 30 ./unified_raster.vrt ./unified_raster_30_3857.vrt
    gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 -of VRT -r cubicspline -tr 90 90 ./unified_raster.vrt ./unified_raster_90_3857.vrt
    gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 -of VRT -r bilinear -tr 700 700 ./unified_raster.vrt ./unified_raster_700_3857.vrt
    gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 -of VRT -r bilinear -tr 1000 1000 ./unified_raster.vrt ./unified_raster_1000_3857.vrt
    gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 -of VRT -r bilinear -tr 5000 5000 ./unified_raster.vrt ./unified_raster_5000_3857.vrt


The following commands create hillshade rasters

cd scripts
./ /full/path/to/hawaii_data/SRTM1v3.0/unified_raster_30_3857.vrt /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/hillshade_30.tif 2 <Number of concurrent jobs>
# Clean temporary data if errors were reported
#rm -r -f /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/tmp

./ /full/path/to/hawaii_data/SRTM1v3.0/unified_raster_90_3857.vrt /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/hillshade_90.tif 2 <Number of concurrent jobs>
# Clean temporary data if errors were reported
#rm -r -f /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/tmp

./ /full/path/to/hawaii_data/SRTM1v3.0/unified_raster_700_3857.vrt /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/hillshade_700.tif 4 <Number of concurrent jobs>
# Clean temporary data if errors were reported
#rm -r -f /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/tmp

./ /full/path/to/hawaii_data/SRTM1v3.0/unified_raster_1000_3857.vrt /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/hillshade_1000.tif 7 <Number of concurrent jobs>
# Clean temporary data if errors were reported
#rm -r -f /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/tmp

./ /full/path/to/hawaii_data/SRTM1v3.0/unified_raster_5000_3857.vrt /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/hillshade_5000.tif 7 <Number of concurrent jobs>
# Clean temporary data if errors were reported
#rm -r -f /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/tmp

Build overviews

In the near future mapnik should properly handle gdal overviews, so it's a good idea to build overviews for large hillshade rasters. This can take quite long time:

gdaladdo -ro --config TILED_OVERVIEW yes --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG --config BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW YES --config INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW PIXEL /full/path/to/hawaii_data/hillshades/hillshade_30.tif 2 4 8 16


The following commands create contours shapefiles. They use parallel processing which:

  • Divides the raster into virtual (VRT) tiles.
  • Smoothes the raster (using grass r.neighbors command). Needed for smoothed output contours.
  • Creates contours shapefiles.
  • Creates simplified contours shapefiles.
cd scripts
./ /full/path/to/hawaii_data/SRTM1v3.0/unified_raster_30_3857.vrt <output contours folder> <Number of concurrent jobs> /path/to/logs/folder/log.txt

Loading to DB:

# Create DB
sudo -u postgres createdb contours -O $USER
sudo -u postgres createdb contours_20 -O $USER
sudo -u postgres psql contours -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'
sudo -u postgres psql contours_20 -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'

# Load empty pbf, just for creating the tables, indexes, etc. You can find the PBF file in scripts/contours_empty.pbf
osm2pgsql -d contours -U $USER -W --cache 5000 --style contours_empty.pbf
osm2pgsql -d contours_20 -U $USER -W --cache 5000 --style contours_empty.pbf

# Load shapefiles to the db. The <contours folder> is the output folder you gave in the above ./ command
./ <contours folder> <postgres host> <postgres user> /path/to/logs/folder/log.txt

Using Dockerfile

All of the above scripts can be run from a docker image that you can build from scripts/Dockerfile.

Grass gis commands (which are used in the scripts for contour processing) need to be ran by the user that is the owner of the output directory (running as root is not enough).

You can find your user id (which should be the owner of the output directory) by:

id -u $USER

Then replace the user id 1000 in the Dockerfile with your user id.

Build the docker image:

cd scripts
docker build -t compute_contours .

Run a script with:

docker run -u <YOUR USER ID> --rm -it -v /path/to/input/directory:/input -v /path/to/output/directory:/output -w /src compute_contours ./ /input/mercator.vrt /output/output_contours 7 /output/output_contours/logs/log.txt

Note: By default, the VRT files made in the 'Preprocessing' stage use relative path to the actual files. Make sure that the relative path is also available on the volume from within the container.


  • Install Tilemill.
  • Clone the project into tilemill project path (On linux: under ~/Documents/MapBox/project).
  • Build the project file (using with --input_project_file parameter).
  • Open tilemill and choose JNet project.
  • Due to a bug in Tilemill, in order to see your changes, export the Mapnik XML into the project directory (use default name), after saving your changes.


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Topographic CartoCSS style






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