Some of the APIs from Leetcode, written in our favorite language. Let's Goooo.... (sorry if you're already tired of it, I am)
All the APIs written here can be accessed without any user context, hence there is no need for authentication. Although, user context will provide additional data such as the user's solve count, submission status, premium data (if applicable to the user), etc. In order to inject or remove the user context, the following methods can be called.
package your_package
import (
var session string = "your_leetcode_session_from_cookie"
var csrfToken string = "your_leetcode_csrfToken_from_cookie"
func main() {
// to inject user context
leetcodeapi.SetCredentials(session, csrfToken)
// any api call will now use the user context
// to remove the context
Available APIs can be called in the following way,
package your_package
import (
func DoSomething() {
var allProblemList leetcodeapi.ProblemList
allProblemList, err := leetcodeapi.GetAllProblems(0, 50)
leetcodeapi.GetContestInfo(contestSlug string) (leetcodeapi.Contest, error)
leetcodeapi.GetContestRanking(contestSlug string, page int) (leetcodeapi.ContestRanking, error)
leetcodeapi.GetDiscussions(categories []string, tags []string, orderBy string, searchQuery string, offset int) (leetcodeapi.DiscussionList, error)
leetcodeapi.GetDiscussion(topicId int64) (leetcodeapi.Discussion, error)
leetcodeapi.GetDiscussionComments(topicId int64, orderBy string, offset int, pageSize int) ([]leetcodeapi.Comment, error)
leetcodeapi.GetCommentReplies(commentId int64) ([]leetcodeapi.Comment, error)
leetcodeapi.GetAllProblems(offset int, pageSize int) (leetcodeapi.ProblemList, error)
leetcodeapi.GetProblemContentByTitleSlug(titleSlug string) (leetcodeapi.ProblemContent, error)
leetcodeapi.GetProblemsByTopic(topicSlug string) (leetcodeapi.ProblemsByTopic, error)
leetcodeapi.GetTopInterviewProblems(offset int, pageSize int) (leetcodeapi.ProblemList, error)
leetcodeapi.GetUserPublicProfile(username string) (leetcodeapi.UserPublicProfile, error)
leetcodeapi.GetUserSolveCountByProblemTag(username string) (leetcodeapi.TagProblemCounts, error)
leetcodeapi.GetUserContestRankingHistory(username string) (leetcodeapi.UserContestRankingDetails, error)
leetcodeapi.GetUserSolveCountByDifficulty(username string) (leetcodeapi.UserSolveCountByDifficultyDetails, error)
leetcodeapi.GetUserProfileCalendar(username string) (leetcodeapi.UserCalendar, error)
leetcodeapi.GetUserRecentAcSubmissions(username string, pageSize int) ([]leetcodeapi.AcSubmission, error)
Indeed the available APIs may not be sufficient, hence a GraphQL request can be made directly. The following method will only allow us to make GET calls
to prevent the misusage of the API. The method takes two parameters, GraphQL request payload as a string
and the reference object as an interface{}
where the response body will be translated.
package your_package
import (
type Something struct {
Data struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
IsBlocked bool `json:"is_blocked"`
} `json:"data"`
func DidYouDoDat() {
var responseBody Something
payload := `{
"query": "\n query Something() {\n name \nis_blocked \n} \n",
"variables": {}
err := (&leetcodeapi.Util{}).MakeGraphQLRequest(payload, &responseBody)