Gulp plugin for Alex
npm install --save-dev gulp-alex
// gulpfile.babel.js
import alex from 'gulp-alex'
import gulp from 'gulp'
/* ./ */
// # Awesome project!
// Garbagemen versus Abe Lincoln!
gulp.task('alex', () =>
.pipe(alex.reporter()) // prints any issues Alex finds to the console
.pipe(alex.reporter('fail')) // emits an error after the task is ran if there are errors in any files
.pipe(alex.reporter('failImmediately')) // causes the task to fail right away if Alex finds any issues with a file
// `gulp alex` produces in console:
// 2:1 `garbageman` may be insensitive, use `garbage collector`, `waste collector`, `trash collector` instead
// gulpfile.js
var alex = require('gulp-alex')
, gulp = require('gulp')
/* ./ */
// # Awesome project!
// Garbagemen versus Abe Lincoln!
gulp.task('alex', function () {
return gulp.src('./')
.pipe(alex.reporter()) // prints any issues Alex finds to the console
.pipe(alex.reporter('fail')) // emits an error after the task is ran if there are errors in any files
.pipe(alex.reporter('failImmediately')); // causes the task to fail right away if Alex finds any issues with a file
// `gulp alex` produces in console:
// 2:1 `garbageman` may be insensitive, use `garbage collector`, `waste collector`, `trash collector` instead
uses .alexrc
or package.json
as described in Alex's Ignoring Messages.
MIT © Dustin Specker