This plugin requires:
- Craft CMS 3.0.0 or later.
To install the plugin, follow these instructions.
cd {craft app folder}
composer config repositories.blasvicco.consoletoolkit vcs
composer require blasvicco/console-toolkit
./craft install/plugin console-toolkit
This plugin add two console command to craft:
- One is a re saving entries tool to test that all the entries can be save without error. In case of error a log file will be generated in
{craft app folder}/storage/logs/save-fails.logs
. - The other one is to remove empty fields for native and super table field type.
In order to execute the re-saving-entries
cd {craft app folder}
./craft console-toolkit/re-saving-entries/run
In order to execute the remove-empty-fields
cd {craft app folder}
./craft console-toolkit/remove-empty-fields/run
Brought to you by Blas Vicco