vagrant file to build a kubernets cluster which consists of 1 master and 3 nodes. You don't have to create complicated ca files and dont't have to do a lot of configuration
Because I want to setup the etcd, apiserver, controller, scheduler without docker container
The default setting will create the private network from to for nodes, and it will use the host's dhcp for the public ip
The kubenetes service's vip range is
The container network range is owned by flanneld with GW mode
- Host server with 8G+ mem(More is better), 60G disk, 8 core cpu at lease
- vagrant 2.0+
- virtualbox 5.0+
- Maybe need to access the internet through GFW to download the kubernetes files
- CoreDNS
- Dashboard with service VIP
You may need to change below line in Vagrantfile according to your host network "public_network", bridge: "en1: Wi-Fi (AirPort)", auto_config: false
git clone
cd centos-vagrant
vagrant up
via Host (Recommended) You must install kubectl in your mac host first.
mkdir -P ~/.kube
cd centos-vagrant
cp .kube/config ~/.kube/config
kubectl get nodes
via VM
vagrant ssh node1
sudo su
kubectl get nodes
show the dashboard address
kubectl cluster-info
and then access dashboard via https from host
vagrant destroy
rm -rf .vagrant/
Don't use it in production environment