This repository builds a Jupyter Book environment that we can use to compile Duckietown books v2+.
NOTE: these are instructions on how to use this image directly. While this is possible, we encourage
you to use the wrapper dts
command, dts docs build
Move to the root of a repository based on template-book
of version v2+
For example,
Run the following command to run the jupyter-book environment and have it compile our book into HTML:
docker run -it --rm --user ${UID} -v ./src:/book -v ./html:/out/html duckietown/dt-jupyter-book:daffy
Run the following command to run the jupyter-book environment and have it compile our book into PDF:
docker run -it --rm --user ${UID} -v ./src:/book -v ./pdf:/out/pdf duckietown/dt-jupyter-book:daffy