A RESTful API for Bank Account creation and performing different actions of the different types of BankAccount.
Since the app is supposed to be stateless, the below design considerations were made:
- Repository methods are synchronized to ensure thread saftey
- Bank accounts are stored in Hashmap with IBAN as key for easy lookup (0(1))
This project is created with:
- Java version 11
- SpringBoot version 2.3.5.RELEASE
- RestAssured, Junit 5 and Mockito for Testing
- Docker for containerization
- Swagger for API documentation
The project can be run in two ways:
- Gradle
- Docker
To start the app using gradle, you'll need to run the command below:
./gradlew bootRun
To run the app as a docker container, we have to first package the jar by running the command below
./gradlew build
build the image using the Dockerfile using the command below
docker build ${project-dir} -t sample-tag
and then run the app in a container by using the command below:
docker run -p 8080:8080 sample-tag
App should be available at localhost:8080
The API documentation can be viewed in this path /swagger-ui.html
To run the tests that were created along with the submission, Kindly run the command below:
./gradlew clean test
- Metrics and Alerts
- Since application is supposed to be stateless, we cannot get the ACID properties of a relational database to gaurantee