Simplest DApp is a simple DApp on Nervos CKB which allow user to create, update and delete cell data.
Simplest DApp is an example for Nervos CKB developers to start to develop their own DApps.
Simplest DApp never touch users' private keys and it's all operations which need private keys will delegate Keypering to complement. Keypering is a desktop wallet that manages user's private keys and lock scripts and responds to requests from DApps.
For example, when Simplest DApp need to sign transaction, it will send request to Keypering and delegate it to sign transaction with its' private keys and return signed transaction to Simplest DApp.
Send a request to Keypering to get authorization token (Click Request Auth button)
Fetch addresses information (addresses, lock scripts and lock hashes) from Keypering with authorization token
Fetch live cells from CKB Rich Node with lock hashes and show cell list
Create a new transaction whose output data is filled with input content (Click Create Cell button)
Send the transaction to Keypering to delegate Keypering to sign and send transaction to CKB
Update cell list after the transaction successfully sent
Update or delete the cell data by sending transaction and delegating Keypering to sign and send transaction to CKB (Click Update or Delete buttons)
Note: Every transaction that has been sent to CKB successfully will be viewed on Nervos CKB Explorer which includes Mainnet and Testnet.
Note: CKB Rich Node includes ckb node and ckb indexer and Keypering Agency Protocol document will be helpful for you.
Requires Node.js 8+
git clone
cd simplestdapp
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve in dev mode, with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn serve
# build for production
yarn build
- Keypering Agency Protocol - DApp Developer Guide of Keypering
- CKB Rich Node - Remote server which includes ckb node and ckb indexer
- CKB Indexer - Core Module of CKB Rich Node
- CKB Explorer
- CKB Faucet