Configuration management system that utilizes One Password CLI for local development and Secret Automation for CI
- Single entry point for both tools
- Run secret automation in CI without hosting an external server
- Multi environment and multi tenanted approach to configuration
- Secrets loaded and command executed from sub shell
- Human credentials used in local, machine token in CI
ENV=dev make test
ENV=dev make test-ci
1. Create vault in OP and define OP_VAULT in env/.env.shared-env
2. Create secrets document in OP named application.shared-env and
3. Add section called "Secrets" to documents
4. Add secrets to newly created sections
Add vault id to env/.env.shared-env
brew install --cask 1password-cli
op signin <Your Domain> <Your Account>
// *Secret Key can be found : 1password7 app > preferences > accounts
Follow steps
//Store secrets in CI
OP_TOKEN=<Machine user access token>
OP_AUTOMATION_CREDENTIALS=<Base64 encoded 1password-credentials.json >