This is a project completed by three students (Damian Bogunowicz, Sangram Gupta, HyunJung Jung) in conjunction with the Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality of the Technical University of Munich. For this project we have been awarded with maximum grade 1.0. We have created a prototype of an autonomous, intelligent agent for garbage collection named G.E.A.R (Garbage Evaporating Autonomous Robot). The goal of the agent is collect relevant pieces of garbage, while avoiding collisions with static objects (such as chairs or tables). The agent navigates in the environment (a mock-up of German Oktoberfest tent) using camera RBG-D input.
The purpose of this project was to broaden our knowledge in the areas of Reinforcement Learning, Game Development and 3D Computer Vision. If you would like to get more familiar with our work, the detailed description of the project in form of a blog post can be found here.
images: Sample images from the training set, which has been used for training Semantic Segmentation network.
unity-environment: Contains the whole environment, which can be opened in Unity 3D and run (training or inference) using ML-Agents.
ml-agents: Contains the ml-agents library, modified for the purpose of this project.
pre-trained-models: Contains pre-trained models (ML-Agents model or Semantic Segmentation model).
NOTE: Due to some recurring LFS bandwith issues some of the files may not get cloned properly. You can fetch them manually here:
Before you run the project, you need to install:
- Unity 3D and Unity ML-Agents Toolkit
- OpenCV Python
sudo apt-get install python-opencv
To run the project:
- Open the
project using Unity 3D. Additionally, please sure that the ML-Agents Toolkit (including TensorFlowSharp) is correctly installed
You should be welcomed by the following view:
Replace the
library (in the virtual environment created during ML-Agents toolkit installation) with ourml-agents
. -
Then, put
. Finally, open the script.../mlagents/trainers/
and edit lines313
by replacing the current path to the SegNet .cpkt files with your path:.../mlagents/trainers/models/latest_model_Encoder-Decoder-Skip_Dataset.cktp
(this inelegant workaround can be skipped, if one does not want to use SegNet for training).
The user can change the parameters of the environment according to his needs. The parameters can be found in Academy
. Those are:
- Parameters regarding the respawn of static objects (chairs and tables):
- Table Pos Max Offset
- Table Rotation Max
- Chair Pos Max Offset
- Spawn Area
- N Spawn Xdir -N Spawn Zdir
- Parameters regarding the respawn of items (collectibles and non-collectibles):
- N Garbages
- Garbage Spawn Height
- Ratio Wurst
- Ratio Bread
- Ratio Cup
- N Valuables
- Valuable Spawn Height
This is the default setup for the environment.
To train the robot from the scratch using PPO, simply run the command:
mlagents-learn trainer_config.yaml --run-id=test_run --train --slow
Set Brain Type
in Academy/Brain
to Internal
. To run the inference and see the robot in action, drag pre-trained-models/PPO.bytes
into Graph Model
and run the simulation.
To change from default setup to the one which uses external Semantic Segmentation Network (a SegNet, trained using Semantic Segmentation Suite):
- In
underHugger Agent (Script)
changeCamera 1
. - In
setElement 0/Width
to 512 andElement 0/Height
to 512. Switch offElement 0/Black And W
In gear-unity/trainer_config.yaml
set segmentation: true
. Then, run mlagents-learn trainer_config.yaml --run-id=test_run --train --slow
Set Brain Type
in Academy/Brain
to Internal
. To run the inference and see the robot in action, drag pre-trained-models/PPOSegNet.bytes
into Graph Model
and run the simulation.
For instructions how to train an agent simply apply steps from the official instruction
Set Brain Type
in Academy/Brain
to Internal
. To run the inference and see the robot in action, drag pre-trained-models/BC.bytes
into Graph Model
and run the simulation.
In gear-unity/trainer_config.yaml
set heuristics: true
. Then, run mlagents-learn trainer_config.yaml --run-id=test_run --train --slow
Set Brain Type
in Academy/Brain
to Internal
. To run the inference and see the robot in action, drag pre-trained-models/Heuristic.bytes
into Graph Model
and run the simulation.
- Damian Bogunowicz
- Sangram Gupta
- HyunJung Jung
We would like to thank:
- Mahdi Saleh, Patrick Ruhrkamp and Benjamin Busam - for the supervision throughout the project
- GeorgeSeif - for the cool repository Semantic Segmentation Suite