This is a Udacity's ReactJS nano degree project, MyReads: A Book Lending App. Original README file found here
The application requires only npm install
and npm start
to get it installed and launched.
On the main page you have 3 shelves for books, and you can move the books between them as they are dividing your books into three categories: currently reading, want to read, and read.
On the search page you can search for books by either author or title. You can move books to the above categories from the search results page as well.
The backend API uses a fixed set of cached search results and is limited to a particular set of search terms:
'Android', 'Art', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Astronomy', 'Austen', 'Baseball', 'Basketball', 'Bhagat', 'Biography', 'Brief', 'Business', 'Camus', 'Cervantes', 'Christie', 'Classics', 'Comics', 'Cook', 'Cricket', 'Cycling', 'Desai', 'Design', 'Development', 'Digital Marketing', 'Drama', 'Drawing', 'Dumas', 'Education', 'Everything', 'Fantasy', 'Film', 'Finance', 'First', 'Fitness', 'Football', 'Future', 'Games', 'Gandhi', 'History', 'History', 'Homer', 'Horror', 'Hugo', 'Ibsen', 'Journey', 'Kafka', 'King', 'Lahiri', 'Larsson', 'Learn', 'Literary Fiction', 'Make', 'Manage', 'Marquez', 'Money', 'Mystery', 'Negotiate', 'Painting', 'Philosophy', 'Photography', 'Poetry', 'Production', 'Program Javascript', 'Programming', 'React', 'Redux', 'River', 'Robotics', 'Rowling', 'Satire', 'Science Fiction', 'Shakespeare', 'Singh', 'Swimming', 'Tale', 'Thrun', 'Time', 'Tolstoy', 'Travel', 'Ultimate', 'Virtual Reality', 'Web Development', 'iOS'
Search terms can also be found in