Projects evaluates change in suicide morbidity and mortality rates among youth (10-24) in relationship to the GLS suicide prevention program in selected Florida counties.
- Gender and race differences in suicides among adolescent Floridians (12 to 18 year of age) in the period between 2004 and 2017. -
- Summary tables and graphs describing the delivery of GLS programming in the state of Florida for 2014-2018. -
- shows how population size, death counts, and suicide rates vary across counties. Addresses the issues of measurement. -
- displays observed counts and rates of suicide by sex, race, and ethniciy.
- activity of GLS Suicide prevention program./manipulation/1-greeter-population
- population estimates by FL Health./manipulation/2-greeter-suicide
- deaths counts as reported by FL Health- ...
- combines sources and serves analysis-ready dataframe
- Research Notebook (OneDrive sign-in required)
- SP2019 shared folder on OneDrive (sign-in required)
Using query builder of the Florida Health Charts ( we have obtained the following data tables: