This project uses data from the Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge, which consists of nearly half a terabyte of uncompressed data. There are 9 classes of malware, and each instance of malware has one, and only one, category.
We built a Random Forest classifier which achieves an accuracy of 66.41%.
Getting Started The following instructions will assist you get this project running on your local machine for developing and testing purpose.
Prerequisites: . Apache Spark 2.3.2 . Python 3.7.2 . Anaconda
Running the tests: Execute the random forest classifier. The data is automatically imported from the link.
$ python large
Dataset large for large dataset
Features - byte count: 10
Number of trees - 40
Depth - 23
The prediction will be saved to disk in the current directory and named result.txt.
(Ordered alphabetically)
- Aishwarya
- Ankit
- Divya
License This project is licensed under the MIT License