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dscbot edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 5 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
GroupName Key String The name of the DFS Replication Group.
Ensure Write String Specifies whether the DFS Replication Group should exist. Present, Absent
Description Write String A description for the DFS Replication Group.
Members Write StringArray[] A list of computers that are members of this Replication Group. These can be specified using either the ComputerName or FQDN name for each member. These may alternatively be defined separately through the DFSReplicationGroupMember resource - NB do NOT use both methods in the same configuration to avoid config flapping. If an FQDN name is used and the DomainName parameter is set, the FQDN domain name must match.
Folders Write StringArray[] A list of folders that are replicated in this Replication Group.
Topology Write String This allows a replication topology to assign to the Replication Group. It defaults to Manual, which will not automatically create a topology. If set to Fullmesh, a full mesh topology between all members will be created. Fullmesh, Manual
ContentPaths Write StringArray[] An array of DFS Replication Group Content Paths to use for each of the Folders. This can have one entry for each Folder in the Folders parameter and should be set in th same order. If any entry is not blank then the Content Paths will need to be set manually by using the DFSReplicationGroupMembership resource.
DomainName Write String The AD domain the Replication Group should created in.


This resource is used to create, edit or remove DFS Replication Groups. If used to create a Replication Group it should be combined with the DFSReplicationGroupMembership resources.


Example 1

Create a DFS Replication Group called Public containing two members, FileServer1 and FileServer2. The Replication Group contains a single folder called Software. A description will be set on the Software folder and it will be set to exclude the directory Temp from replication. An automatic fullmesh topology is assigned to the replication group connections.

Configuration DFSReplicationGroup_FullMesh_Config

    Import-DscResource -Module DFSDsc

    Node localhost
            Install the Prerequisite features first
            Requires Windows Server 2012 R2 Full install
        WindowsFeature RSATDFSMgmtConInstall
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con'

        # Configure the Replication Group
        DFSReplicationGroup RGPublic
            GroupName = 'Public'
            Description = 'Public files for use by all departments'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Members = 'FileServer1','FileServer2'
            Folders = 'Software'
            Topology = 'Fullmesh'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]RSATDFSMgmtConInstall'
        } # End of RGPublic Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupFolder RGSoftwareFolder
            GroupName = 'Public'
            FolderName = 'Software'
            Description = 'DFS Share for storing software installers'
            DirectoryNameToExclude = 'Temp'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroup]RGPublic'
        } # End of RGPublic Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupMembership RGPublicSoftwareFS1
            GroupName = 'Public'
            FolderName = 'Software'
            ComputerName = 'FileServer1'
            ContentPath = 'd:\Public\Software'
            PrimaryMember = $true
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroupFolder]RGSoftwareFolder'
        } # End of RGPublicSoftwareFS1 Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupMembership RGPublicSoftwareFS2
            GroupName = 'Public'
            FolderName = 'Software'
            ComputerName = 'FileServer2'
            ContentPath = 'e:\Data\Public\Software'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroupFolder]RGSoftwareFolder'
        } # End of RGPublicSoftwareFS2 Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration

Example 2

Create a DFS Replication Group called Public containing two members, FileServer1 and FileServer2. The Replication Group contains two folders called Software and Misc. An automatic Full Mesh connection topology will be assigned. The Content Paths for each folder and member will be set to 'd:\public\software' and 'd:\public\misc' respectively.

Configuration DFSReplicationGroup_Simple_Config

    Import-DscResource -Module DFSDsc

    Node localhost
            Install the Prerequisite features first
            Requires Windows Server 2012 R2 Full install
        WindowsFeature RSATDFSMgmtConInstall
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con'

        # Configure the Replication Group
        DFSReplicationGroup RGPublic
            GroupName = 'Public'
            Description = 'Public files for use by all departments'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Members = 'FileServer1','FileServer2'
            Folders = 'Software','Misc'
            Topology = 'Fullmesh'
            ContentPaths = 'd:\public\software','d:\public\misc'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]RSATDFSMgmtConInstall'
        } # End of RGPublic Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration

Example 3

Create a DFS Replication Group called Public containing two members, FileServer1 and FileServer2. The Replication Group contains a single folder called Software. A description will be set on the Software folder and it will be set to exclude the directory Temp from replication. The resource group topology is left set to 'Manual' so that the replication group connections can be defined.

Configuration DFSReplicationGroup_Complete_Config

    Import-DscResource -Module DFSDsc

    Node localhost
            Install the Prerequisite features first
            Requires Windows Server 2012 R2 Full install
        WindowsFeature RSATDFSMgmtConInstall
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con'

        # Configure the Replication Group
        DFSReplicationGroup RGPublic
            GroupName = 'Public'
            Description = 'Public files for use by all departments'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Members = '',''
            Folders = 'Software'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]RSATDFSMgmtConInstall'
        } # End of RGPublic Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupConnection RGPublicC1
            GroupName = 'Public'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            SourceComputerName = ''
            DestinationComputerName = ''
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
        } # End of DFSReplicationGroupConnection Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupConnection RGPublicC2
            GroupName = 'Public'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            SourceComputerName = ''
            DestinationComputerName = ''
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
        } # End of DFSReplicationGroupConnection Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupFolder RGSoftwareFolder
            GroupName = 'Public'
            FolderName = 'Software'
            Description = 'DFS Share for storing software installers'
            DirectoryNameToExclude = 'Temp'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroup]RGPublic'
        } # End of RGPublic Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupMembership RGPublicSoftwareFS1
            GroupName = 'Public'
            FolderName = 'Software'
            ComputerName = ''
            ContentPath = 'd:\Public\Software'
            PrimaryMember = $true
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroupFolder]RGSoftwareFolder'
        } # End of RGPublicSoftwareFS1 Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupMembership RGPublicSoftwareFS2
            GroupName = 'Public'
            FolderName = 'Software'
            ComputerName = ''
            ContentPath = 'e:\Data\Public\Software'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroupFolder]RGSoftwareFolder'
        } # End of RGPublicSoftwareFS2 Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration

Example 4

Create a Hub and Spoke style DFS Replication Group called WebSite containing one Hub member and one or more Spoke members. The name of the Hub computer is passed in the HubComputerName parameter and defaults to 'Hub'. The Hub member contains a folder called WebSiteFiles with the path 'd:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebSiteFiles'. This path is replicated to all members of the SpokeComputerName parameter array into the 'd:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebSiteFiles' folder. The spoke computers are passed in the SpokeComputerName parameter and defaults to 'Spoke1', 'Spoke2' and 'Spoke3'.

Configuration DFSReplicationGroup_HubAndSpoke_Config

        $HubComputerName = 'Hub',

        $SpokeComputerName = @('Spoke1','Spoke2','Spoke3')

    Import-DscResource -Module DFSDsc

    Node localhost
            Install the Prerequisite features first
            Requires Windows Server 2012 R2 Full install
        WindowsFeature RSATDFSMgmtConInstall
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con'

        # Configure the Replication Group
        DFSReplicationGroup RGWebSite
            GroupName = 'WebSite'
            Description = 'Files for web server'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Members = @() + $HubComputerName + $SpokeComputerName
            Folders = 'WebSiteFiles'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]RSATDFSMgmtConInstall'
        } # End of RGWebSite Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupFolder RGWebSiteFolder
            GroupName = 'WebSite'
            FolderName = 'WebSiteFiles'
            Description = 'DFS Share for replicating web site files'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroup]RGWebSite'
        } # End of RGWebSiteFolder Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupMembership RGWebSiteMembershipHub
            GroupName = 'WebSite'
            FolderName = 'WebSiteFiles'
            ComputerName = $HubComputerName
            ContentPath = 'd:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebSiteFiles'
            PrimaryMember = $true
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroupFolder]RGWebSiteFolder'
        } # End of RGWebSiteMembershipHub Resource

        # Configure the connection and membership for each Spoke
        foreach ($spoke in $SpokeComputerName)
            DFSReplicationGroupConnection "RGWebSiteConnection$spoke"
                GroupName = 'WebSite'
                Ensure = 'Present'
                SourceComputerName = $HubComputerName
                DestinationComputerName = $spoke
                PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
                DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroupFolder]RGWebSiteFolder'
            } # End of RGWebSiteConnection$spoke Resource

            DFSReplicationGroupMembership "RGWebSiteMembership$spoke"
                GroupName = 'WebSite'
                FolderName = 'WebSiteFiles'
                ComputerName = $spoke
                ContentPath = 'd:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebSiteFiles'
                PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
                DependsOn = "[DFSReplicationGroupConnection]RGWebSiteConnection$spoke"
            } # End of RGWebSiteMembership$spoke Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration

Example 5

Create a DFS Replication Group called Public containing members defined separately, FileServer1 and FileServer2. The Replication Group contains a single folder called Software. A description will be set on the Software folder and it will be set to exclude the directory Temp from replication. Create a two-way connection between the two nodes.

Configuration DFSReplicationGroup_Separate_Simple_Config

    Import-DscResource -Module DFSDsc

    Node localhost
            Install the Prerequisite features first
            Requires Windows Server 2012 R2 Full install
        WindowsFeature RSATDFSMgmtConInstall
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name = 'RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con'

        # Configure the Replication Group
        DFSReplicationGroup RGPublic
            GroupName = 'Public'
            Description = 'Public files for use by all departments'
            # NB Members parameter must NOT be defined to allow DFSReplicationGroupMember to be used elsewhere - avoid configuration flapping
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Folders = 'Software'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[WindowsFeature]RSATDFSMgmtConInstall'
        } # End of RGPublic Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupMember RGPublicMemberFS1
            GroupName = 'Public'
            ComputerName = 'FileServer1'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroup]RGPublic'
        } # End of RGPublicMemberFS1 Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupMember RGPublicMemberFS2
            GroupName = 'Public'
            ComputerName = 'FileServer2'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroup]RGPublic'
        } # End of RGPublicMemberFS2 Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupFolder RGSoftwareFolder
            GroupName = 'Public'
            FolderName = 'Software'
            Description = 'DFS Share for storing software installers'
            DirectoryNameToExclude = 'Temp'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroup]RGPublic'
        } # End of RGPublic Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupMembership RGPublicSoftwareFS1
            GroupName = 'Public'
            FolderName = 'Software'
            ComputerName = 'FileServer1'
            ContentPath = 'd:\Public\Software'
            StagingPathQuotaInMB = 4096
            PrimaryMember = $true
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroupMember]RGPublicMemberFS1', '[DFSReplicationGroupFolder]RGSoftwareFolder'
        } # End of RGPublicSoftwareFS1 Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupMembership RGPublicSoftwareFS2
            GroupName = 'Public'
            FolderName = 'Software'
            ComputerName = 'FileServer2'
            ContentPath = 'e:\Data\Public\Software'
            StagingPathQuotaInMB = 4096
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroupMember]RGPublicMemberFS2', '[DFSReplicationGroupFolder]RGSoftwareFolder'
        } # End of RGPublicSoftwareFS2 Resource

        DFSReplicationGroupConnection RGPublicConnectionFS1
            GroupName = 'Public'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            SourceComputerName = 'FileServer1'
            DestinationComputerName = 'FileServer2'
            PSDSCRunAsCredential = $Credential
            DependsOn = '[DFSReplicationGroupFolder]RGSoftwareFolder'
        } # End of RGPublicConnectionFS1 Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration