Converted AppVeyor.yml to pull Pester from PSGallery instead of Chocolatey.
Changed AppVeyor.yml to use default image.
Converted AppVeyor build process to use AppVeyor.psm1.
Resolved PSSA violations.
Resolved style violations.
Converted Integration Tests to use Test Drive and stop using Invoke-Pester.
Move strings into separate language files.
Added CodeCov support.
Clean up manifest file by removing commented out sections.
Convert Examples to pass tests and meet minimum standards.
Convert to Wiki and auto-documentation generation.
Convert to TestHarness test execution method.
Correct parameter block format to meet guidelines.
Replaced all type accelerators with full type names.
Updated to contain resource list.
Fixed xDFSNamespaceServerConfiguration by converting LocalHost to ComputerName
Added integration test to test for conflicts with other common resource kit modules.
Prevented ResourceHelper and Common module cmdlets from being exported to resolve
conflicts with other resource modules.
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