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Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
IsSingleInstance Key String Specifies the resource is a single instance, the value must be 'Yes'. Yes
NotificationLevel Write String Specifies the desired notification level for the User Account Control setting. This parameter can not be used at the same time as any of the granular parameters. AlwaysNotify, AlwaysNotifyAndAskForCredentials, NotifyChanges, NotifyChangesWithoutDimming, NeverNotify, NeverNotifyAndDisableAll
FilterAdministratorToken Write UInt16 Specifies the mode for the built-in administrator account (RID 500). 0, 1
ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin Write UInt16 Specifies the prompt behavior for the Consent Administrator. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
ConsentPromptBehaviorUser Write UInt16 Specifies how the operations that requires elevation is handled for users. 0, 1, 3
EnableInstallerDetection Write UInt16 Specifies how package installations are handled. 0, 1
ValidateAdminCodeSignatures Write UInt16 Specifies how cryptographic signatures on interactive applications are handled. 0, 1
EnableLua Write UInt16 Specifies how the 'administrator in Admin Approval Mode' user type are handled. 0, 1
PromptOnSecureDesktop Write UInt16 Specifies if secure desktop prompting are used. 0, 1
EnableVirtualization Write UInt16 Specifies how redirection of legacy application File and Registry writes are handled. 0, 1
SuppressRestart Write Boolean Specifies if a restart of the node should be suppressed. By default the node will be restarted if the value is changed.


The resource allows you to configure the notification level or granularly configure the User Account Control for the computer.

The parameter NotificationLevel and any of the other granular parameters are mutual exclusive and will throw an argument exception error.

For the granular properties available in this resource, read more about the possible values in the article User Account Control Group Policy and registry key settings.

The values of the parameter NotificationLevel reflects the levels available through the User Account Control Settings user interface; AlwaysNotify, NotifyChanges, NotifyChangesWithoutDimming, and NeverNotify. The other available values have been added to easier configure different scenarios, but they can also be configured using the granular properties of the resource. Available values for the parameter NotificationLevel is:

  • AlwaysNotify: You will be notified before programs make changes to your computer or to Windows settings that require the permissions of an administrator. When you're notified, your desktop will be dimmed, and you must either approve or deny the request in the UAC dialog box before you can do anything else on your computer. The dimming of your desktop is referred to as the secure desktop because other programs can't run while it's dimmed. This is the most secure setting. When you are notified, you should carefully read the contents of each dialog box before allowing changes to be made to your computer. This sets the values:
    • ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: 2
    • EnableLUA: 1
    • PromptOnSecureDesktop: 1
  • AlwaysNotifyAndAskForCredentials: This is the same as the notification level "AlwaysNotify" with the exception that when you're notified, your desktop will be dimmed, and you must enter valid credentials to approve the request in the UAC dialog box. This sets the values:
    • ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: 1
    • EnableLUA: 1
    • PromptOnSecureDesktop: 1
  • NotifyChanges: You will be notified before programs make changes to your computer that require the permissions of an administrator. You will not be notified if you try to make changes to Windows settings that require the permissions of an administrator. You will be notified if a program outside of Windows tries to make changes to a Windows setting. It's usually safe to allow changes to be made to Windows settings without you being notified. However, certain programs that come with Windows can have commands or data passed to them, and malicious software can take advantage of this by using these programs to install files or change settings on your computer. You should always be careful about which programs you allow to run on your computer. This sets the values:
    • ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: 5
    • EnableLUA: 1
    • PromptOnSecureDesktop: 1
  • NotifyChangesWithoutDimming: You will be notified before programs make changes to your computer that require the permissions of an administrator. You will not be notified if you try to make changes to Windows settings that require the permissions of an administrator. You will be notified if a program outside of Windows tries to make changes to a Windows setting. This setting is the same as "NotifyChanges" but you are not notified on the secure desktop. Because the UAC dialog box isn't on the secure desktop with this setting, other programs might be able to interfere with the dialog's visual appearance. This is a small security risk if you already have a malicious program running on your computer. This sets the values:
    • ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: 5
    • EnableLUA: 1
    • PromptOnSecureDesktop: 0
  • NeverNotify: You will not be notified before any changes are made to your computer. If you are logged on as an administrator, programs can make changes to your computer without you knowing about it. If you are logged on as a standard user, any changes that require the permissions of an administrator will automatically be denied. If you select this setting, you will need to restart the computer to complete the process of turning off UAC. Once UAC is off, people that log on as administrator will always have the permissions of an administrator. This is the least secure setting. When you set UAC to never notify, you open up your computer to potential security risks. If you set UAC to never notify, you should be careful about which programs you run, because they will have the same access to the computer as you do. This includes reading and making changes to protected system areas, your personal data, saved files, and anything else stored on the computer. Programs will also be able to communicate and transfer information to and from anything your computer connects with, including the Internet. This sets the values:
    • ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: 0
    • EnableLUA: 1
    • PromptOnSecureDesktop: 0
  • NeverNotifyAndDisableAll: This is the same as the notification level "NeverNotify", but in addition EnableLUA registry key is disabled. EnableLUA controls the behavior of all UAC policy settings for the computer. If you change this policy setting, you must restart your computer. We do not recommend using this setting, but it can be selected for systems that use programs that are not certified for Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 because they do not support UAC. This sets the values:
    • ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin: 0
    • EnableLUA: 0
    • PromptOnSecureDesktop: 0


Example 1

This configuration will change the notification level for the User Account Control (UAC).

Configuration UserAccountControl_ChangeNotificationLevel_Config
    Import-DscResource -Module ComputerManagementDsc

    Node localhost
        UserAccountControl 'ChangeNotificationLevel'
            IsSingleInstance  = 'Yes'
            NotificationLevel = 'AlwaysNotifyAndAskForCredentials'

Example 2

This configuration will change the notification level for the User Account Control (UAC).

Configuration UserAccountControl_GranularSettings_Config
    Import-DscResource -Module ComputerManagementDsc

    Node localhost
        UserAccountControl 'SetGranularSettings'
            IsSingleInstance  = 'Yes'
            FilterAdministratorToken = 0
            ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin = 5
            ConsentPromptBehaviorUser = 3
            EnableInstallerDetection = 1
            ValidateAdminCodeSignatures = 0
            EnableLua = 1
            PromptOnSecureDesktop = 1
            EnableVirtualization = 1