This helm chart installs the Catena-X Portal application which consists of
The Catena-X Portal is designed to work with the Catena-X IAM.
For further information please refer to the technical documentation.
The referenced container images are for demonstration purposes only.
To install the chart with the release name portal
$ helm repo add tractusx-dev
$ helm install portal tractusx-dev/portal
To install the helm chart into your cluster with your values:
$ helm install -f your-values.yaml portal tractusx-dev/portal
To use the helm chart as a dependency:
- name: portal
version: 1.2.0
Repository | Name | Version |
---|---|---| | postgresql | 11.9.13 |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | "portal" |
portalAddress | string | "" |
Provide portal base address. |
portalBackendAddress | string | "" |
Provide portal-backend base address. |
centralidpAddress | string | "" |
Provide centralidp base address (CX IAM), without trailing '/auth'. |
sharedidpAddress | string | "" |
Provide sharedidp address (CX IAM), without trailing '/auth'. |
semanticsAddress | string | "" |
Provide semantics base address. |
dapsAddress | string | "" |
Provide daps base address |
bpdmPartnersPoolAddress | string | "" |
Provide bpdm partners pool base address. |
bpdmPortalGateAddress | string | "" |
Provide bpdm portal gate base address. |
custodianAddress | string | "" |
Provide custodian base address. |
sdfactoryAddress | string | "" |
Provide sdfactory base address. |
clearinghouseAddress | string | "" |
Provide clearinghouse base address. |
clearinghouseTokenAddress | string | "" |
Provide clearinghouse token address. |
frontend.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Portal frontend ingress parameters, enable ingress record generation for portal frontend. |
frontend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "nginx" |
frontend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "/$1" |
frontend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "true" |
frontend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "true" |
frontend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "https://*" |
Provide CORS allowed origin. |
frontend.ingress.tls[0] | object | {"hosts":[""],"secretName":""} |
Provide tls secret. |
frontend.ingress.tls[0].hosts | list | [""] |
Provide host for tls secret. |
frontend.ingress.hosts[0] | object | {"host":"","paths":[{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"portal"},"path":"/(.*)","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"registration"},"path":"/registration/(.*)","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"assets"},"path":"/((assetsORdocumentation)/.*)","pathType":"Prefix"}]} |
Provide default path for the ingress record. | | string | "portal" |
| | string | "" |
frontend.portal.image.portaltag | string | "v1.2.0" |
| | string | "registration" |
| | string | "" |
frontend.registration.image.registrationtag | string | "v1.2.0" |
| | string | "assets" |
| | string | "" |
frontend.assets.image.assetstag | string | "v1.2.0" |
frontend.assets.path | string | "/assets" |
frontend.centralidpAuthPath | string | "/auth" |
frontend.bpdmPartnersPoolApiPath | string | "/api" |
backend.ingress.enabled | bool | false |
Portal-backend ingress parameters, enable ingress record generation for portal-backend. | | string | "portal-backend" |
backend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "nginx" |
backend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "true" |
backend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "true" |
backend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "8m" |
backend.ingress.annotations."" | string | "https://*" |
Provide CORS allowed origin. |
backend.ingress.tls[0] | object | {"hosts":[""],"secretName":""} |
Provide tls secret. |
backend.ingress.tls[0].hosts | list | [""] |
Provide host for tls secret. |
backend.ingress.hosts[0] | object | {"host":"","paths":[{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"registration-service"},"path":"/api/registration","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"administration-service"},"path":"/api/administration","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"notification-service"},"path":"/api/notification","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"provisioning-service"},"path":"/api/provisioning","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"marketplace-app-service"},"path":"/api/apps","pathType":"Prefix"},{"backend":{"port":8080,"service":"services-service"},"path":"/api/services","pathType":"Prefix"}]} |
Provide default path for the ingress record. |
backend.dbConnection.schema | string | "portal" |
backend.dbConnection.sslMode | string | "Disable" |
backend.portalHomePath | string | "/home" |
backend.userManagementPath | string | "/usermanagement" |
backend.keycloak.secret | string | "secret-backend-keycloak" |
Secret containing the database-password and the client-secret for the connection to the centralidp (CX IAM) and the client-secret for the connection to the sharedidp (CX-IAM). |
backend.keycloak.central.clientId | string | "central-client-id" |
Provide centralidp client-id from CX IAM centralidp. |
backend.keycloak.central.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for centralidp client-id. Secret-key 'central-client-secret'. |
backend.keycloak.central.authRealm | string | "CX-Central" |
backend.keycloak.central.jwtBearerOptions.metadataPath | string | "/auth/realms/CX-Central/.well-known/openid-configuration" |
backend.keycloak.central.jwtBearerOptions.tokenValidationParameters.validIssuerPath | string | "/auth/realms/CX-Central" |
backend.keycloak.central.jwtBearerOptions.tokenValidationParameters.validAudiencePortal | string | "Cl2-CX-Portal" |
backend.keycloak.central.jwtBearerOptions.tokenValidationParameters.validAudienceRegistration | string | "Cl1-CX-Registration" |
backend.keycloak.central.jwtBearerOptions.refreshInterval | string | "00:00:30" |
backend.keycloak.central.tokenPath | string | "/auth/realms/CX-Central/protocol/openid-connect/token" |
| | string | "centralidp-postgresql-primary" |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.port | int | 5432 |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.user | string | "kccentral" |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.database | string | "iamcentralidp" |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.password | string | "" |
Password for the kccentral username. Secret-key 'central-db-password'. |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.schema | string | "public" |
backend.keycloak.central.dbConnection.sslMode | string | "Disable" |
backend.keycloak.shared.clientId | string | "shared-client-id" |
Provide sharedidp client-id from CX IAM sharedidp. |
backend.keycloak.shared.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for sharedidp client-id. Secret-key 'shared-client-secret'. |
backend.keycloak.shared.authRealm | string | "master" |
backend.mailing.secret | string | "secret-backend-mailing" |
Secret containing the passwords for backend.mailing and backend.provisioning.sharedRealm. | | string | "" |
Provide host. |
backend.mailing.port | string | "587" |
Provide port. |
backend.mailing.user | string | "smtp-user" |
Provide user. |
backend.mailing.password | string | "" |
Password for the smtp username. Secret-key 'password'. |
backend.interfaces.secret | string | "secret-backend-interfaces" |
Secret containing the client-secrets for the connection to daps, custodian, bpdm, sdFactory and clearinghouse. | | string | "registration-service" |
| | string | "" |
backend.registration.image.registrationservicetag | string | "v1.2.0" |
backend.registration.logging.registrationServiceBpn | string | "Information" |
backend.registration.portalRegistrationPath | string | "/registration" |
backend.registration.keycloakClientId | string | "Cl1-CX-Registration" |
backend.registration.applicationStatusIds.status0 | string | "SUBMITTED" |
backend.registration.applicationStatusIds.status1 | string | "DECLINED" |
backend.registration.applicationStatusIds.status2 | string | "CONFIRMED" |
backend.registration.documentTypeIds.type0 | string | "CX_FRAME_CONTRACT" |
backend.registration.documentTypeIds.type1 | string | "COMMERCIAL_REGISTER_EXTRACT" |
backend.registration.swaggerEnabled | bool | false |
backend.registration.registrationDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "CX_FRAME_CONTRACT" |
| | string | "administration-service" |
| | string | "" |
backend.administration.image.administrationservicetag | string | "v1.2.0" |
backend.administration.logging.businessLogic | string | "Information" |
backend.administration.logging.sdfactoryLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.administration.connectors.validCertificationContentTypes.type0 | string | "application/x-pem-file" |
backend.administration.connectors.validCertificationContentTypes.type1 | string | "application/x-x509-ca-cert" |
backend.administration.connectors.validCertificationContentTypes.type2 | string | "application/pkix-cert" |
backend.administration.connectors.validCertificationContentTypes.type3 | string | "application/octet-stream" |
backend.administration.connectors.selfDescriptionDocumentPath | string | "/api/administration/documents/selfDescription" |
backend.administration.keycloakClientId | string | "Cl2-CX-Portal" |
backend.administration.daps.apiPath | string | "/api/v1/daps" |
backend.administration.daps.scope | string | "openid" |
backend.administration.daps.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
backend.administration.daps.clientId | string | "daps-client-id" |
Provide daps client-id from CX IAM centralidp. |
backend.administration.daps.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for daps client-id. Secret-key 'daps-client-secret'. |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.fileName | string | "identityproviderlinks.csv" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.contentType | string | "text/csv" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.charset | string | "UTF-8" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.separator | string | "," |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerUserId | string | "UserId" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerFirstName | string | "FirstName" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerLastName | string | "LastName" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerEmail | string | "Email" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerProviderAlias | string | "ProviderAlias" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerProviderUserId | string | "ProviderUserId" |
backend.administration.identityProviderAdmin.csvSettings.headerProviderUserName | string | "ProviderUserName" |
backend.administration.invitation.invitedUserInitialRoles.role0 | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.administration.invitation.initialLoginTheme | string | "catenax-shared" |
backend.administration.registration.partnerUserInitialRoles.role0 | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.administration.registration.documentTypeIds.type0 | string | "COMMERCIAL_REGISTER_EXTRACT" |
backend.administration.userManagement.companyUserStatusIds.status0 | string | "ACTIVE" |
backend.administration.userManagement.companyUserStatusIds.status1 | string | "INACTIVE" |
backend.administration.serviceAccount.clientId | string | "technical_roles_management" |
backend.administration.swaggerEnabled | bool | false |
backend.administration.frameDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "CX_FRAME_CONTRACT" |
backend.provisioning.centralRealm | string | "CX-Central" |
backend.provisioning.centralRealmId | string | "CX-Central" |
backend.provisioning.invitedUserInitialRoles.registration | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.provisioning.serviceAccountClientPrefix | string | "sa" |
backend.provisioning.centralIdentityProvider.clientId | string | "central-idp" |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealmClient.clientId | string | "central-idp" |
| | string | "" |
Provide host. |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.port | string | "587" |
Provide port. |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.user | string | "smtp-user" |
Provide user. |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.password | string | "" |
Password for the smtp username. Secret-key 'provisioning-sharedrealm-password'. |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.ssl | string | "" |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.startTls | string | "true" |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.auth | string | "true" |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.from | string | "[email protected]" |
Provide from. |
backend.provisioning.sharedRealm.smtpServer.replyTo | string | "[email protected]" |
Provide replyTo. | | string | "provisioning-service" |
| | string | "" |
backend.provisioning.service.image.provisioningservicetag | string | "v1.2.0" |
backend.provisioning.service.swaggerEnabled | bool | false |
| | string | "marketplace-app-service" |
| | string | "" |
backend.appmarketplace.image.appmarketplaceservicetag | string | "v1.2.0" |
backend.appmarketplace.logging.offersLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.appmarketplace.appOverviewPath | string | "/appoverview" |
backend.appmarketplace.catenaAdminRoles.role0 | string | "CX Admin" |
backend.appmarketplace.serviceAccountRoles.role0 | string | "App Tech User" |
backend.appmarketplace.salesManagerRoles.role0 | string | "Sales Manager" |
backend.appmarketplace.serviceManagerRoles.role0 | string | "App Manager" |
backend.appmarketplace.activeAppCompanyAdminRoles.role0 | string | "IT Admin" |
backend.appmarketplace.activeAppCompanyAdminRoles.role1 | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.appmarketplace.approveAppUserRoles.role0 | string | "Sales Manager" |
backend.appmarketplace.approveAppUserRoles.role1 | string | "Service Manager" |
backend.appmarketplace.ITAdminRoles.role0 | string | "IT Admin" |
backend.appmarketplace.documentTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_CONTRACT" |
backend.appmarketplace.documentTypeIds.type1 | string | "APP_DATA_DETAILS" |
backend.appmarketplace.documentTypeIds.type2 | string | "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS" |
backend.appmarketplace.documentTypeIds.type3 | string | "APP_TECHNICAL_INFORMATION" |
backend.appmarketplace.documentTypeIds.type4 | string | "APP_LEADIMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.documentTypeIds.type5 | string | "APP_IMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.documentTypeIds.type6 | string | "CONFORMITY_APPROVAL_BUSINESS_APPS" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_CONTRACT" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type1 | string | "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type2 | string | "APP_TECHNICAL_INFORMATION" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type3 | string | "APP_LEADIMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type4 | string | "APP_IMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.deleteDocumentTypeIds.type5 | string | "CONFORMITY_APPROVAL_BUSINESS_APPS" |
backend.appmarketplace.submitAppDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_LEADIMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.submitAppDocumentTypeIds.type1 | string | "APP_IMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.submitAppDocumentTypeIds.type2 | string | "CONFORMITY_APPROVAL_BUSINESS_APPS" |
backend.appmarketplace.contentTypeSettings.setting0 | string | "application/pdf" |
backend.appmarketplace.contentTypeSettings.setting1 | string | "image/jpeg" |
backend.appmarketplace.contentTypeSettings.setting2 | string | "image/png" |
backend.appmarketplace.notificationTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_RELEASE_REQUEST" |
backend.appmarketplace.activeAppNotificationTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_ROLE_ADDED" |
backend.appmarketplace.submitAppNotificationTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_RELEASE_REQUEST" |
backend.appmarketplace.approveAppNotificationTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_RELEASE_APPROVAL" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type0 | string | "APP_LEADIMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type1 | string | "APP_IMAGE" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type2 | string | "APP_CONTRACT" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type3 | string | "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type4 | string | "APP_TECHNICAL_INFORMATION" |
backend.appmarketplace.appImageDocumentTypeIds.type5 | string | "CONFORMITY_APPROVAL_BUSINESS_APPS" |
backend.appmarketplace.offerStatusIds.status0 | string | "IN_REVIEW" |
backend.appmarketplace.offerStatusIds.status1 | string | "ACTIVE" |
backend.appmarketplace.swaggerEnabled | bool | false |
| | string | "portal-migrations" |
| | string | "" |
backend.portalmigrations.image.portalmigrationstag | string | "8428dbe3d4fe9a344ea5d0adb178e6807d9fa78c" |
backend.portalmigrations.seeding.testDataEnvironments | string | "" |
| | string | "portal-maintenance" |
| | string | "" |
backend.portalmaintenance.image.portalmaintenancetag | string | "v1.2.0" |
| | string | "notification-service" |
| | string | "" |
backend.notification.image.notificationservicetag | string | "v1.2.0" |
backend.notification.swaggerEnabled | bool | false |
| | string | "services-service" |
| | string | "" |
| | string | "v1.2.0" |
| | string | "Information" |
| | string | "/servicemarketplace" |
| | string | "CX Admin" |
| | string | "App Tech User" |
| | string | "Sales Manager" |
| | string | "Service Manager" |
| | string | "Sales Manager" |
| | string | "Service Manager" |
| | string | "IT Admin" |
| | string | "ADDITIONAL_DETAILS" |
| | string | "application/pdf" |
| | bool | false |
| | string | "provisioning-migrations" |
| | string | "" |
backend.provisioningmigrations.image.provisioningmigrationstag | string | "v1.2.0" |
| | string | "checklist-worker" |
| | string | "" |
backend.checklistworker.image.checklistworkertag | string | "v1.2.0" |
backend.checklistworker.logging.checklistLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.checklistworker.logging.bpdmLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.checklistworker.logging.clearinghouseLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.checklistworker.logging.custodianLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.checklistworker.logging.sdfactoryLibrary | string | "Information" |
backend.checklistworker.applicationActivation.applicationApprovalInitialRoles.portal.role0 | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.checklistworker.applicationActivation.applicationApprovalInitialRoles.registration.role0 | string | "Company Admin" |
backend.checklistworker.applicationActivation.clientToRemoveRolesOnActivation.client0 | string | "Cl1-CX-Registration" |
backend.checklistworker.applicationActivation.welcomeNotificationTypeIds.type0 | string | "WELCOME" |
backend.checklistworker.applicationActivation.welcomeNotificationTypeIds.type1 | string | "WELCOME_USE_CASES" |
backend.checklistworker.applicationActivation.welcomeNotificationTypeIds.type2 | string | "WELCOME_SERVICE_PROVIDER" |
backend.checklistworker.applicationActivation.welcomeNotificationTypeIds.type3 | string | "WELCOME_CONNECTOR_REGISTRATION" |
backend.checklistworker.applicationActivation.welcomeNotificationTypeIds.type4 | string | "WELCOME_APP_MARKETPLACE" |
backend.checklistworker.applicationActivation.loginTheme | string | "catenax-shared-portal" |
backend.checklistworker.bpdm.scope | string | "openid" |
backend.checklistworker.bpdm.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
backend.checklistworker.bpdm.clientId | string | "bpdm-client-id" |
Provide bpdm client-id from CX IAM centralidp. |
backend.checklistworker.bpdm.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for bpdm client-id. Secret-key 'bpdm-client-secret'. |
backend.checklistworker.custodian.scope | string | "openid" |
backend.checklistworker.custodian.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
backend.checklistworker.custodian.clientId | string | "custodian-client-id" |
Provide custodian client-id from CX IAM centralidp. |
backend.checklistworker.custodian.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for custodian client-id. Secret-key 'custodian-client-secret'. |
backend.checklistworker.sdfactory.selfdescriptionPath | string | "/api/rel3/selfdescription" |
backend.checklistworker.sdfactory.scope | string | "openid" |
backend.checklistworker.sdfactory.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
backend.checklistworker.sdfactory.issuerBpn | string | "BPNDUMMY000DUMMY" |
Provide BPN for sdfactory. |
backend.checklistworker.sdfactory.clientId | string | "sdfactory-client-id" |
Provide sdfactory client-id from CX IAM centralidp. |
backend.checklistworker.sdfactory.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for sdfactory client-id. Secret-key 'sdfactory-client-secret'. |
backend.checklistworker.clearinghouse.scope | string | "openid" |
backend.checklistworker.clearinghouse.grantType | string | "client_credentials" |
backend.checklistworker.clearinghouse.clientId | string | "clearinghouse-client-id" |
Provide clearinghouse client-id from clearinghouse IAM. |
backend.checklistworker.clearinghouse.clientSecret | string | "" |
Client-secret for clearinghouse client-id. Secret-key 'clearinghouse-client-secret'. |
backend.checklistworker.clearinghouse.callbackPath | string | "/api/administration/registration/clearinghouse" |
backend.checklistworker.processes.lockExpirySeconds | string | "300" |
backend.placeholder | string | "empty" |
postgresql.enabled | bool | true |
PostgreSQL chart configuration Switch to enable or disable the PostgreSQL helm chart |
postgresql.fullnameOverride | string | "portal-backend-postgresql" |
FullnameOverride to 'portal-backend-postgresql'. |
postgresql.auth.database | string | "postgres" |
Database name |
postgresql.auth.port | int | 5432 |
Database port number |
postgresql.auth.existingSecret | string | "secret-postgres-init" |
Secret containing the passwords for root usernames postgres and non-root usernames repl_user, portal and provisioning. |
postgresql.auth.password | string | "" |
Password for the root username 'postgres'. Secret-key 'postgres-password'. |
postgresql.auth.replicationPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'repl_user'. Secret-key 'replication-password'. |
postgresql.auth.portalUser | string | "portal" |
Non-root username for portal. |
postgresql.auth.provisioningUser | string | "provisioning" |
Non-root username for provisioning. |
postgresql.auth.portalPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'portal'. Secret-key 'portal-password'. |
postgresql.auth.provisioningPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'provisioning'. Secret-key 'provisioning-password'. |
postgresql.architecture | string | "replication" |
postgresql.audit.pgAuditLog | string | "write, ddl" |
postgresql.audit.logLinePrefix | string | "%m %u %d " |
postgresql.primary.initdb.scriptsConfigMap | string | "configmap-postgres-init" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[0].name | string | "PORTAL_PASSWORD" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[0] | string | "{{ .Values.auth.existingSecret }}" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[0].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key | string | "portal-password" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[1].name | string | "PROVISIONING_PASSWORD" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[1] | string | "{{ .Values.auth.existingSecret }}" |
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[1].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key | string | "provisioning-password" |
| | string | "portal-backend-postgresql-external-db" |
External PostgreSQL configuration IMPORTANT: init scripts ( and 02-init-db.sql) available in templates/configmap-backend-postgres-init.yaml need to be executed beforehand. Database host |
externalDatabase.database | string | "postgres" |
Database name |
externalDatabase.port | int | 5432 |
Database port number |
externalDatabase.secret | string | "secret-postgres-external-db" |
Secret containing the passwords non-root usernames portal and provisioning. |
externalDatabase.portalUser | string | "portal" |
Non-root username for portal. |
externalDatabase.provisioningUser | string | "provisioning" |
Non-root username for provisioning. |
externalDatabase.portalPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'portal'. Secret-key 'portal-password'. |
externalDatabase.provisioningPassword | string | "" |
Password for the non-root username 'provisioning'. Secret-key 'provisioning-password'. |
portContainer | int | 8080 |
portService | int | 8080 |
replicaCount | int | 3 |
securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
resources | object | {} |
If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment |
tolerations | list | [] |
Tolerations for pod assignment |
affinity.podAntiAffinity | object | {"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution":[{"podAffinityTerm":{"labelSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"DoesNotExist"}]},"topologyKey":""},"weight":100}]} |
Following Catena-X Helm Best Practices, reference. |
updateStrategy.type | string | "RollingUpdate" |
Update strategy type, rolling update configuration parameters, reference. |
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge | int | 1 |
updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable | int | 0 |
livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 3 |
Following Catena-X Helm Best Practices, reference. |
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 10 |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
livenessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | 3 |
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | 10 |
readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | 10 |
readinessProbe.successThreshold | int | 1 |
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | 1 |
Autogenerated with helm docs