The UC Berkeley Modules Student Team was an early initiative of UC Berkeley Data Science Education that worked to create innovative new material - principally in Juptyer notebooks - to classes across the UC Berkeley Campus. The original vision was a combination of giving students a place to apply tools learned in the introductory Data 8 class, help instructors to build new curriculum for their courses, and provide an opportunity for professional development for students on the student teams. Over time the program has gone in many directions but has continued to build an extensive collection of notebooks, attracted studetns into the popular Data Science Major, and led to extensive training, documentation, and interdisciplinary collaborations.
It has been our vision throughout the program that these materials are publicly licensed as open educional resources. Most respositories are licsensed with MIT, BSD, or CC licenses which makes them free to use and adapt. If the materials you seek to use do not have a license please reach out and we will do our best to clarify the status.