This is a console utility to recover lost files of some reasonable size (like photos, but not large videos) by performing a full scan of a disk image file. It uses the fact that many file formats contain a fixed well-defined header that, being found anywhere in a disk image file, signifies about a start of a file of that particular format. The implementation assumes that the lost files are up to some certain size, for example, 50 MB.
- Make sure you don't write to the disk with lost files.
- Make a plain unencoded disk image file of a disk. Under Windows, you can use HxD editor and its "Tools -> Open disk..." and "File -> Save as..." features.
- Figure out the
to search for. To do that, you can open a couple of existing files (of the format you want to detect) in a hex editor and find the common sequence of bytes at the beginning of each file. The length of the pattern should ideally be between 5 and 20 bytes. For example, for Canon CR2 format it can be: 49,49,2A,00,10,00,00,00,43,52,02,00 - Run the app located in bin/app.jar.
For that you need to have the latest JRE.
Note: setdiscoveredFileSize
to as low value as possible that is larger than sizes of any files to be found.
For Canon CR2 file recovery:path/to/jdk/bin/java.exe -jar path/to/app/build/app.jar inputFilePath=some/file.bin outputDirPath=some/dir outputFileExtension=cr2 discoveredFileSize=50000000 pattern=49,49,2A,00,10,00,00,00,43,52,02,00 or path/to/jdk/bin/java.exe -jar path/to/app/build/app.jar inputFilePath=some/file.bin outputDirPath=some/dir outputFileExtension=cr2 discoveredFileSize=50000000 sampleFilePath=photo/sample.cr2 sampleFilePatternLength=12
Testing:path/to/jdk/bin/java.exe -jar path/to/app/build/app.jar inputFilePath=path/to/app/build/testfile.bin outputDirPath=path/to/app/tmp/output outputFileExtension=bin discoveredFileSize=10 pattern=01,02,03 (should discover 17 files)
- discoveredFileSize < 1 GB
- sampleFile < 1 GB
- pattern length < 50
- input file size is unconstrained
Ask the developer if you have questions or suggestions.