Pokedex Backend API Node/Express application that uses Postgres and Redis (for caching) database to serve Pokemon data that can be used with the frontend companion React application for retrieving information on Pokemon 1-807.
The project was one half of the end of the year CS 160 (Software Engineering) project.
- Install or Enable a remote Postgres/Redis DB, ex. Heroku application
- Create a database inside Posgres for the Pokemon data location
- Create a .env file. Includes DB login information and which DB name
#Example of .env file
- Install NPM Packages using
npm install
- Run with
npm start
Pokemon data is stored locally in CSV files, and upon start up with the flag REBUILD_DATA=TRUE, it will parse the CSV files and load the data into the selected database. The information only needs to be rebuilt once, and can be set to FALSE to speed up start up times.
All needed NPM packages are included in the package.json file.
If you are using with a Heroku application, the application will pull from the environment variables the DATABASE_URL and REDIS_URL without being set within your .env files.
All needed NPM packages are included in the package.json file.
Local or remote PostGres and Redis (for caching) database URL to start the application.
and other great NPM packages. See package.json for full list.
Pokemon data is from publically available data from places such as PokeAPI
Feel free to fork into your own repo to add additional features.
As of this writing an example of the application can be located at:
Frontend Application https://pokedex-e972f.firebaseapp.com/
Backend Application https://pokedex-backend-server.herokuapp.com/
Public API Documentation is located at https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/5517807/RzZFBvca