For version 22.0.2 IF003
Installs BAW and FNCM environment.
- Disclaimer ✋
- Prerequisites
- Needed tooling
- Install preparation
- Command line preparation in install Pod
- Prerequisite software
- Cloud Pak for Business Automation CASE package
- Cloud Pak for Business Automation Development Environment
- Cloud Pak for Business Automation Test Environment
- Contacts
- Notice
This is not an official IBM documentation.
Absolutely no warranties, no support, no responsibility for anything.
Use it on your own risk and always follow the official IBM documentations.
It is always your responsibility to make sure you are license compliant when using this repository to install IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation.
Used OpenLDAP and PostgreSQL cannot run on Restricted OCP from CP4BA.
Please do not hesitate to create an issue here if needed. Your feedback is appreciated.
Not for production use. Suitable for Demo and PoC environments - but with Production deployment.
- Empty OpenShift cluster of a supported version
- With direct internet connection
- File RWX StorageClass - in this case ocs-storagecluster-cephfs is used, feel free to find and replace
- Block RWO StorageClass - in this case ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd is used, feel free to find and replace. File Based RWX is also usable but is not supported.
- Cluster admin user
- IBM entitlement key from
Provided in the install Pod.
- podman
- openjdk9
- oc
- kubectl
- yq
- jq
In you OCP cluster create Project cp4ba-install using OpenShift console.
kind: Project
name: cp4ba-install
app: cp4ba-install
Create PVC where all files used for installation would be kept if you would need to re-instantiate the install Pod.
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: install
namespace: cp4ba-install
app: cp4ba-install
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 1Gi
storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
volumeMode: Filesystem
Assign cluster admin permissions to cp4ba-install default ServiceAccount under which the installation is performed by applying the following yaml.
This requires the logged in OpenShift user to be cluster admin.
The ServiceAccount needs to have cluster admin to be able to create all resources needed to deploy the platform.
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: cluster-admin-cp4ba-install
app: cp4ba-install
- kind: User
name: "system:serviceaccount:cp4ba-install:default"
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
Create a pod from which the install will be performed with the following definition.
It is ready when the message Install pod - Ready is in its Log.
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: install
namespace: cp4ba-install
app: cp4ba-install
- name: install
privileged: true
image: ubi9/ubi:9.1.0
command: ["/bin/bash"]
["-c","cd /usr;
yum install podman -y;
yum install ncurses -y;
yum install jq -y;
curl -O;
tar -xvf openjdk-9_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz;
ln -fs /usr/jdk-9/bin/java /usr/bin/java;
ln -fs /usr/jdk-9/bin/keytool /usr/bin/keytool;
curl -k --output oc.tar;
tar -xvf oc.tar oc;
chmod u+x oc;
ln -fs /usr/oc /usr/bin/oc;
curl -LO$(curl -L -s;
chmod u+x kubectl;
ln -fs /usr/kubectl /usr/bin/kubectl;
curl -LO;
tar -xzvf yq_linux_amd64.tar.gz;
ln -fs /usr/yq_linux_amd64 /usr/bin/yq;
podman -v;
java -version;
oc version;
kubectl version;
yq --version;
jq --version;
while true;
do echo 'Install pod - Ready - Enter it via Terminal and \"bash\"';
sleep 300; done"]
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: install
mountPath: /usr/install
- name: install
claimName: install
This needs to be repeated if you don't perform this in one go and you come back to resume.
Open Terminal window of the install pod.
Enter bash.
CP4BA needs at least LDAP and Database. In this deployment OpenLDAP and PostgreSQL are used.
You would normally use your own production ready instances.
Please note that OpenLDAP is working but is not officially supported by CP4BA.
Create cp4ba-openldap Project
echo "
kind: Project
name: cp4ba-openldap
app: cp4ba-openldap
" | oc apply -f -
Create ConfigMap for env
echo "
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: openldap-env
namespace: cp4ba-openldap
app: cp4ba-openldap
LDAP_ROOT: 'dc=cp,dc=internal'
LDAP_DOMAIN: cp.internal
" | oc apply -f -
Create ConfigMap for users and groups
echo "
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: openldap-customldif
namespace: cp4ba-openldap
app: cp4ba-openldap
01-default-users.ldif: |-
# cp.internal
dn: dc=cp,dc=internal
objectClass: top
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organization
o: cp.internal
dc: cp
# Units
dn: ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Users
dn: ou=Groups,dc=cp,dc=internal
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: Groups
# Users
dn: uid=cpadmin,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: cpadmin
sn: cpadmin
uid: cpadmin
mail: [email protected]
userpassword: Password
employeeType: admin
dn: uid=cpuser,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
cn: cpuser
sn: cpuser
uid: cpuser
mail: [email protected]
userpassword: Password
# Groups
dn: cn=cpadmins,ou=Groups,dc=cp,dc=internal
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
cn: cpadmins
member: uid=cpadmin,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
dn: cn=cpusers,ou=Groups,dc=cp,dc=internal
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
cn: cpusers
member: uid=cpadmin,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
member: uid=cpuser,ou=Users,dc=cp,dc=internal
" | oc apply -f -
Create Secret for password
echo "
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: openldap
namespace: cp4ba-openldap
app: cp4ba-openldap
" | oc apply -f -
Create PVC for data
echo "
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: openldap-data
namespace: cp4ba-openldap
app: cp4ba-openldap
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 1Gi
storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
volumeMode: Filesystem
" | oc apply -f -
Create Deployment
echo "
kind: Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
name: openldap
namespace: cp4ba-openldap
app: cp4ba-openldap
replicas: 1
app: cp4ba-openldap
app: cp4ba-openldap
- name: openldap
cpu: 100m
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 500m
memory: 512Mi
port: ldap-port
timeoutSeconds: 1
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 30
port: ldap-port
initialDelaySeconds: 60
timeoutSeconds: 1
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 10
port: ldap-port
initialDelaySeconds: 60
timeoutSeconds: 1
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 10
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
- name: ldap-port
containerPort: 1389
protocol: TCP
image: 'bitnami/openldap:2.6.4'
imagePullPolicy: Always
- name: data
mountPath: /bitnami/openldap/
- name: custom-ldif-files
mountPath: /ldifs/
terminationMessagePolicy: File
- configMapRef:
name: openldap-env
- secretRef:
name: openldap
- name: data
claimName: openldap-data
- name: custom-ldif-files
name: openldap-customldif
defaultMode: 420
" | oc apply -f -
Create Service
echo "
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: openldap
namespace: cp4ba-openldap
app: cp4ba-openldap
- name: ldap-port
protocol: TCP
port: 389
targetPort: ldap-port
type: NodePort
app: cp4ba-openldap
" | oc apply -f -
Wait for pod in cp4ba-openldap Project to become Ready 1/1.
oc get pod -n cp4ba-openldap -w
- See Project cp4ba-openldap, Service openldap for assigned NodePort
- cn=admin,dc=cp,dc=internal / Password
- In OpenLDAP Pod terminal
ldapsearch -x -b "dc=cp,dc=internal" -H ldap://localhost:1389 -D 'cn=admin,dc=cp,dc=internal' -W "objectclass=*"
Create cp4ba-postgresql Project
echo "
kind: Project
name: cp4ba-postgresql
app: cp4ba-postgresql
" | oc apply -f -
Add required privileged permission
echo "
kind: RoleBinding
name: postgresql-privileged
namespace: cp4ba-postgresql
app: cp4ba-postgresql
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: default
namespace: cp4ba-postgresql
kind: ClusterRole
name: system:openshift:scc:privileged
" | oc apply -f -
Create Secret for config
echo "
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: postgresql-config
namespace: cp4ba-postgresql
app: cp4ba-postgresql
POSTGRES_DB: postgresdb
" | oc apply -f -
Create PVC for data
echo "
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: postgresql-data
namespace: cp4ba-postgresql
app: cp4ba-postgresql
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 5Gi
storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
volumeMode: Filesystem
" | oc apply -f -
Create PVC for table spaces as they should not be in PGDATA
echo "
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: postgresql-tablespaces
namespace: cp4ba-postgresql
app: cp4ba-postgresql
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 5Gi
storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
volumeMode: Filesystem
" | oc apply -f -
Create StatefulSet
echo "
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: postgresql
namespace: cp4ba-postgresql
serviceName: postgresql
replicas: 1
app: cp4ba-postgresql
app: cp4ba-postgresql
- name: postgresql
- '-c'
- max_prepared_transactions=500
- '-c'
- max_connections=500
memory: 4Gi
memory: 4Gi
- /bin/sh
- -c
- exec pg_isready -U \$POSTGRES_USER -d \$POSTGRES_DB
failureThreshold: 6
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 5
- /bin/sh
- -c
- exec pg_isready -U \$POSTGRES_USER -d \$POSTGRES_DB
failureThreshold: 6
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 5
- /bin/sh
- -c
- exec pg_isready -U \$POSTGRES_USER -d \$POSTGRES_DB
failureThreshold: 18
periodSeconds: 10
privileged: true
image: postgres:14.7-alpine3.17
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- containerPort: 5432
- secretRef:
name: postgresql-config
- mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data
name: postgresql-data
- mountPath: /pgsqldata
name: postgresql-tablespaces
- name: postgresql-data
claimName: postgresql-data
- name: postgresql-tablespaces
claimName: postgresql-tablespaces
" | oc apply -f -
Create Service
echo "
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: postgresql
namespace: cp4ba-postgresql
app: cp4ba-postgresql
type: NodePort
- port: 5432
app: cp4ba-postgresql
" | oc apply -f -
Wait for pod in cp4ba-postgresql Project to become Ready 1/1.
oc get pod -n cp4ba-postgresql -w
- See Project cp4ba-postgresql, Service postgresql for assigned NodePort
- cpadmin / Password
- In PostgreSQL Pod terminal
psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb
# Download the package
ibm-cp-automation/4.1.3/ibm-cp-automation-4.1.3.tgz \
--output /usr/install/ibm-cp-automation-4.1.3.tgz
# Extract the package
tar xzvf /usr/install/ibm-cp-automation-4.1.3.tgz -C /usr/install
# Extract cert-kubernetes
tar xvf /usr/install/ibm-cp-automation/inventory/\
cp4aOperatorSdk/files/deploy/crs/cert-k8s-22.0.2.tar \
-C /usr/install
# Rename directory for dev
mv /usr/install/cert-kubernetes /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev
Select the cloud platform to deploy:
1) RedHat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS) - Public Cloud
2) Openshift Container Platform (OCP) - Private Cloud
3) Other ( Certified Kubernetes Cloud Platform / CNCF)
Enter a valid option [1 to 3]: 1 # Or 2 based on your platform
What type of deployment is being performed?
1) Starter
2) Production
Enter a valid option [1 to 2]: 2
Do you want CP4BA Operator support 'All Namespaces'? (Yes/No, default: No) No
Where do you want to deploy Cloud Pak for Business Automation?
Enter the name for a new project or an existing project (namespace): cp4ba-dev
The Cloud Pak for Business Automation Operator (Pod, CSV, Subscription) not found in cluster
Using project cp4ba-dev...
Here are the existing users on this cluster:
1) Cluster Admin
2) Your User
Enter an existing username in your cluster, valid option [1 to 3], non-admin is suggested: 2
ATTENTION: When you run script, please use cluster admin user.
Follow the instructions on how to get your Entitlement Key:
Do you have a Cloud Pak for Business Automation Entitlement Registry key (Yes/No, default: No): Yes
Enter your Entitlement Registry key: # it is OK that when you paste nothing is seen - it is for security.
Verifying the Entitlement Registry key...
Login Succeeded!
Entitlement Registry key is valid.
Please use available storage classes.
The existing storage classes in the cluster:
Creating docker-registry secret for Entitlement Registry key in project cp4ba-dev...
secret/ibm-entitlement-key created
Waiting for the Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator to be ready. This might take a few minutes... created created created created created created
IBM Operator Catalog source created!
Waiting for CP4A Operator Catalog pod initialization
CP4BA Operator Catalog is running ibm-cp4a-operator-catalog-g624g 1/1 Running 0 26h created
CP4BA Operator Group Created! created
CP4BA Operator Subscription Created!
Waiting for CP4BA operator pod initialization
No resources found in cp4ba namespace.
CP4A operator is running ibm-cp4a-operator-76c4c85584-pjxrf 1/1 Running 0 17s
Waiting for CP4BA Content operator pod initialization
CP4A Content operator is running ibm-content-operator-58fb9986d7-ccpzk 1/1 Running 0 32s
Label the default namespace to allow network policies to open traffic to the ingress controller using a namespaceSelector...namespace/default not labeled
Storage classes are needed to run the deployment script. For the Starter deployment scenario, you may use one (1) storage class. For an Production deployment, the deployment script will ask for three (3) storage classes to meet the slow, medium, and fast storage for the configuration of CP4A components. If you don't have three (3) storage classes, you can use the same one for slow, medium, or fast. Note that you can get the existing storage class(es) in the environment by running the following command: oc get storageclass. Take note of the storage classes that you want to use for deployment.
...omitted list of storage classes
Wait until the script finishes.
Wait until all Operators in Project cp4ba-dev are in Succeeded state.
oc get csv -n cp4ba-dev -w
Based on
Change CPFS size to small
oc patch CommonService common-service --type='merge' -p '{"spec":{"size":"small"}}'
Prepare services configurations
oc patch CommonService common-service --type=json \
-p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/services", "value":[]}]'
Change mongodb storage class
oc patch CommonService common-service --type=json \
-p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/services/-",'\
'"spec":{"mongoDB": {"storageClass":"ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd"}}}}]'
Customize username of the default CPFS admin
oc patch CommonService common-service --type=json \
-p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/services/-",'\
'"spec":{"authentication": {"config":{"defaultAdminUser":"cpfsadmin"}}}}}]'
Based on
Clear SecretShare resource sharing not needed for new versions
oc patch SecretShare common-services -n cs-control --type=json \
-p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/configmapshares","value":[]},'\
'{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/secretshares","value":[]}]'
Generate properties for components that you would like to deploy.
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/ -m property
Answer as follows.
Tips:Press [ENTER] to accept the default (None of the patterns is selected)
Enter a valid option [1 to 4, 5a, 5b, 6, 7a, 7b]: 5a
Tips:Press [ENTER] to accept the default (None of the patterns is selected)
Enter a valid option [1 to 4, 5a, 5b, 6, 7a, 7b]: 1
Hit Enter to continue.
Pattern "FileNet Content Manager": Select optional components:
1) Content Search Services
2) Content Management Interoperability Services
3) IBM Enterprise Records
4) IBM Content Collector for SAP
5) Business Automation Insights
6) Task Manager
ATTENTION: IBM Content Collector for SAP (5) does NOT support a cluster running a Linux on Power architecture.
Tips: Press [ENTER] if you do not want any optional components or when you are finished selecting your optional components
Enter a valid option [1 to 6 or ENTER]:
Hit Enter to continue.
Pattern "(a) Workflow Authoring": Select optional components:
1) Business Automation Insights
Tips: Press [ENTER] to accept the default (None of the components is selected)
Enter a valid option [1 to 1 or ENTER]:
Hit Enter to continue.
What is the LDAP type used for this deployment?
1) Microsoft Active Directory
2) Tivoli Directory Server / Security Directory Server
Enter a valid option [1 to 2]: 2
[*] You can change the parameter "LDAP_SSL_ENABLED" in the property file "/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/" later. "LDAP_SSL_ENABLED" is "TRUE" by default.
To provision the persistent volumes and volume claims
please enter the file storage classname for slow storage(RWX): ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
please enter the file storage classname for medium storage(RWX): ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
please enter the file storage classname for fast storage(RWX): ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
please enter the block storage classname for Zen(RWO): ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd
What is the Database type used for this deployment?
1) IBM Db2 Database
2) Oracle
3) Microsoft SQL Server
4) PostgreSQL
Enter a valid option [1 to 4]: 4
[*] You can change the parameter "DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE" in the property file "/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/" later. "DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE" is "TRUE" by default.
[*] You can change the parameter "POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER" in the property file "/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/" later. "POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER" is "TRUE" by default
[*] - POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER="True": For a PostgreSQL database with both server and client authentication
[*] - POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER="False": For a PostgreSQL database with server-only authentication
Enter the alias name(s) for the database server(s)/instance(s) to be used by the CP4BA deployment.
(NOTE: NOT the host name of the database server, and CANNOT include a dot[.] character)
(NOTE: This key supports comma-separated lists (for example: dbserver1,dbserver2,dbserver3)
The alias name(s): postgresql
How many object stores will be deployed for the content pattern? 1
============== Creating database and LDAP property files for CP4BA ==============
Creating DB Server property file for CP4BA
[✔] Created the DB Server property file for CP4BA
Creating LDAP Server property file for CP4BA
[✔] Created the LDAP Server property file for CP4BA
============== Creating property file for database name and user required by CP4BA ==============
Creating Property file for IBM FileNet Content Manager GCD
[✔] Created Property file for IBM FileNet Content Manager GCD
Creating Property file for IBM FileNet Content Manager Object Store required by BAW authoring or BAW Runtime
[✔] Created Property file for IBM FileNet Content Manager Object Store required by BAW authoring or BAW Runtime
Creating Property file for IBM Business Automation Navigator
[✔] Created Property file for IBM Business Automation Navigator
Creating Property file for IBM Business Automation Studio
[✔] Created Property file for IBM Business Automation Studio
============== Created all property files for CP4BA ==============
Enter the <Required> values in the property files under /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile
[*] The key name in the property file is created by the and is NOT EDITABLE.
[*] The value in the property file must be within double quotes.
[*] The value for User/Password in [] [] file should NOT include special characters "=" "." "\"
[*] The value in [] or [] [] file should NOT include special character '"'
* []:
- Properties for database server used by CP4BA deployment, such as DATABASE_SERVERNAME/DATABASE_PORT/DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE.
- The value of "<DB_SERVER_LIST>" is an alias for the database servers. The key supports comma-separated lists.
* []:
- Properties for database name and user name required by each component of the CP4BA deployment, such as GCD_DB_NAME/GCD_DB_USER_NAME/GCD_DB_USER_PASSWORD.
- Change the prefix "<DB_SERVER_NAME>" to assign which database is used by the component.
- The value of "<DB_SERVER_NAME>" must match the value of <DB_SERVER_LIST> that is defined in "<DB_SERVER_LIST>" of "".
* []:
- Properties for the LDAP server that is used by the CP4BA deployment, such as LDAP_SERVER/LDAP_PORT/LDAP_BASE_DN/LDAP_BIND_DN/LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD.
* []:
- Properties for the global value used by the CP4BA deployment, such as "sc_deployment_license".
- properties for the value used by each component of CP4BA, such as <APPLOGIN_USER>/<APPLOGIN_PASSWORD>
Update values for
# Backup generated file
cp /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/ \
# Update generated file with real values
sed -i \
-e 's/postgresql.DATABASE_SERVERNAME="<Required>"/'\
'postgresql.DATABASE_SERVERNAME="postgresql.cp4ba-postgresql.svc.cluster.local"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.DATABASE_PORT="<Required>"/postgresql.DATABASE_PORT="5432"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE="True"/postgresql.DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE="False"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER="True"/postgresql.POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER="False"/g' \
Update values for
# Backup generated file
cp /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/ \
# Update generated file with real values
sed -i \
-e 's/postgresql.GCD_DB_NAME="GCDDB"/postgresql.GCD_DB_NAME="DEVGCD"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.GCD_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.GCD_DB_USER_NAME="devgcd"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.GCD_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.GCD_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.OS1_DB_NAME="OS1DB"/postgresql.OS1_DB_NAME="DEVOS1"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.OS1_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.OS1_DB_USER_NAME="devos1"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.OS1_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.OS1_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_NAME="BAWDOCS"/postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_NAME="DEVBAWDOCS"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_USER_NAME="devbawdocs"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/'\
'postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_NAME="BAWDOS"/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_NAME="DEVBAWDOS"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_USER_NAME="devbawdos"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_NAME="BAWTOS"/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_NAME="DEVBAWTOS"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_USER_NAME="devbawtos"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.CHOS_DB_NAME="CHOS"/postgresql.CHOS_DB_NAME="DEVCHOS"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.CHOS_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.CHOS_DB_USER_NAME="devchos"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.CHOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.CHOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.ICN_DB_NAME="ICNDB"/postgresql.ICN_DB_NAME="DEVICN"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.ICN_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.ICN_DB_USER_NAME="devicn"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.ICN_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.ICN_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.STUDIO_DB_NAME="BASDB"/postgresql.STUDIO_DB_NAME="DEVBAS"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.STUDIO_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.STUDIO_DB_USER_NAME="devbas"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.STUDIO_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.STUDIO_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
Update values for
# Backup generated file
cp /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/ \
# Update generated file with real values
sed -i \
-e 's/LDAP_TYPE="IBM Security Directory Server"/LDAP_TYPE="Custom"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_SERVER="<Required>"/LDAP_SERVER="openldap.cp4ba-openldap.svc.cluster.local"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_PORT="<Required>"/LDAP_PORT="389"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_BASE_DN="<Required>"/LDAP_BASE_DN="dc=cp,dc=internal"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_BIND_DN="<Required>"/LDAP_BIND_DN="cn=admin,dc=cp,dc=internal"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD="<Required>"/LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN="<Required>"/LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN="ou=Groups,dc=cp,dc=internal"/g' \
'(|(\&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(member={0}))(\&(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(uniquemember={0})))"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_GROUP_MEMBER_ID_MAP="<Required>"/LDAP_GROUP_MEMBER_ID_MAP="groupOfNames:member"/g' \
-e 's/LC_USER_FILTER="<Required>"/LC_USER_FILTER="(\&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))"/g' \
-e 's/LC_GROUP_FILTER="<Required>"/'\
'(\&(cn=%v)(|(objectclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(objectclass=groupofurls)))"/g' \
Update values for
# Backup generated file
cp /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/ \
# Update generated file with real values
sed -i \
-e 's/CP4BA.CP4BA_LICENSE="<Required>"/CP4BA.CP4BA_LICENSE="non-production"/g' \
-e 's/CP4BA.FNCM_LICENSE="<Required>"/CP4BA.FNCM_LICENSE="non-production"/g' \
-e 's/CP4BA.BAW_LICENSE="<Required>"/CP4BA.BAW_LICENSE="non-production"/g' \
-e 's/BAN.APPLOGIN_USER="<Required>"/BAN.APPLOGIN_USER="cpadmin"/g' \
-e 's/BAN.LTPA_PASSWORD="<Required>"/BAN.LTPA_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/BASTUDIO.ADMIN_USER="<Required>"/BASTUDIO.ADMIN_USER="cpadmin"/g' \
Generate SQL and Secrets
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/ -m generate
PostgreSQL instance configured in a way that tablespace path in some of the generated SQL create scripts doesn't need updating.
Update GCD create script table space path
sed -i \
-e 's|/pgsqldata/gcd|/pgsqldata/devgcd|g' \
Copy create scripts to PostgreSQL instance
oc cp /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/dbscript \
cp4ba-postgresql/$(oc get pods --namespace cp4ba-postgresql -o name | cut -d"/" -f2):/usr/dbscript-dev
Execute create scripts with table space directory creation
# Studio
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# BAW authoring DOCS
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/devbawdocs; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/devbawdocs;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# BAW authoring DOS
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/devbawdos; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/devbawdos;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# BAW authoring TOS
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/devbawtos; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/devbawtos;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# BAW authoring CHOS
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/devchos; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/devchos;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# Navigator
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/devicn; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/devicn;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/devos1; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/devos1;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/devgcd; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/devgcd;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
Apply secrets which are in /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/secret_template/.
# Switch to Project
oc project cp4ba-dev
# Apply secrets
Validate connectivity
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/ -m validate
Look for all green checkmarks.
Based on
Run deployment script
Based on
IMPORTANT: Review the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation license information here:
Press any key to continue
Do you accept the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation license (Yes/No, default: No): Yes
Did you deploy Content CR (CRD: in current cluster? (Yes/No, default: No): No
Starting to Install the Cloud Pak for Business Automation Operator...
What type of deployment is being performed?
1) Starter
2) Production
Enter a valid option [1 to 2]: 2
Summary of CP4BA capabilities
1. Cloud Pak capability to deploy:
* FileNet Content Manager
* Business Automation Workflow
(a) Workflow Authoring
2. Optional components to deploy:
* None
[INFO] Above CP4BA capabilities is already selected in the script
Press any key to continue
Please select the deployment profile (default: small). Refer to the documentation in CP4BA Knowledge Center for details on profile.
1) small
2) medium
3) large
Enter a valid option [1 to 3]: 1
Select the cloud platform to deploy:
1) RedHat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS) - Public Cloud
2) Openshift Container Platform (OCP) - Private Cloud
3) Other ( Certified Kubernetes Cloud Platform / CNCF)
Enter a valid option [1 to 3]: 1 # Or 2 based on your platform
Provide a URL to zip file that contains JDBC and/or ICCSAP drivers.
(optional - if not provided, the Operator will configure using the default shipped JDBC driver): # Hit Enter - omit
The Operator will configure using the default shipped JDBC driver.
Summary of input
1. Cloud Pak capability to deploy:
* FileNet Content Manager
* Business Automation Workflow
(a) Workflow Authoring
2. Optional components to deploy:
* None
3. File storage classname(RWX):
* Slow: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
* Medium: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
* Fast: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
4. Block storage classname(RWO): ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd
5. URL to zip file for JDBC and/or ICCSAP drivers:
Verify that the information above is correct.
To proceed with the deployment, enter "Yes".
To make changes, enter "No" (default: No): Yes
Creating the Custom Resource of the Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator...
Applying value in property file into final CR
[✔] Applied value in property file into final CR under /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/generated-cr
Please confirm final custom resource under /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/generated-cr
The custom resource file used is: "/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/generated-cr/ibm_cp4a_cr_final.yaml"
ATTENTION: If the cluster is running a Linux on Z (s390x)/Power architecture, remove the baml_configuration section from "/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/generated-cr/ibm_cp4a_cr_final.yaml" before you apply the custom resource. Business Automation Machine Learning Server (BAML) is not supported on this architecture.
To monitor the deployment status, follow the Operator logs.
For details, refer to the troubleshooting section in Knowledge Center here:
Update CR file
Based on
Change LDAP sub settings from tds to custom
sed -i \
-e 's/tds:/custom:/g' \
Apply CR
Based on
oc apply -n cp4ba-dev -f /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/generated-cr/ibm_cp4a_cr_final.yaml
Wait for the deployment to be completed. Can be determined by looking in Project cp4ba-dev in Kind ICP4ACluster, instance named icp4adeploy to have the following conditions:
oc get -n cp4ba-dev icp4acluster icp4adeploy -o=jsonpath="{.status.conditions}" -w
- message: Running reconciliation
reason: Running
status: 'True'
type: Running
- message: Prerequisites execution done.
reason: Successful
status: 'True'
type: PrereqReady
- message: ''
reason: Successful
status: 'True'
type: Ready
- https://cpd-cp4ba-dev.<ocp_apps_domain>/
- cpadmin / Password
- Additional capabilities based info in Project cp4ba-dev in ConfigMap icp4adeploy-cp4ba-access-info
Based on
You need to setup permissions for your users.
Before that you need to add cpfsadmin user to Zen to be able to follow step 3 in the Docs.
# Get password of zen initial admin
zen_admin_password=`oc get secret admin-user-details -n cp4ba-dev \
-o jsonpath='{.data.initial_admin_password}' | base64 -d`
echo $zen_admin_password
# Get apps endpoint of your openshift
apps_endpoint=`oc get cluster -n cp4ba-dev \
-o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}'`
echo $apps_endpoint
# Get zen token
# Based on
zen_token=`curl --silent -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username":"admin","password":"'$zen_admin_password'"}' \
https://cpd-cp4ba-dev.${apps_endpoint}/icp4d-api/v1/authorize | jq -r ".token"`
echo $zen_token
# Add cpfsadmin user to zen as administrator
curl -kv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $zen_token" \
-d '{"username":"cpfsadmin","displayName":"cpfsadmin", '\
'"iaf-automation-developer","iaf-automation-operator","zen_user_role"]}' \
# To get cpfsadmin password
oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -n cp4ba-dev -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}' | base64 -d
Also add all roles to cpadmin user to be usable for all tasks.
curl -kv -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $zen_token" \
-d '{"username":"cpadmin", '\
'"iaf-automation-developer","iaf-automation-operator","zen_user_role"]}' \
Based on you can further verify the environemnts and get important information. But before running anything else then --help follow additional steps for script configuration.
oc project cp4ba-dev
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/ --help
Perform setup for script
# Get apps endpoint of your openshift
apps_endpoint=`oc get cluster -n cp4ba-dev -o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}'`
echo $apps_endpoint
# Get CPFS token
cpfs_token=`curl --silent -k --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'username=cpadmin' \
--data-urlencode 'password=Password' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=openid' \
https://cp-console-cp4ba-dev.${apps_endpoint}/idprovider/v1/auth/identitytoken | jq -r ".access_token"`
echo $cpfs_token
# Exchange CPFS token for Zen token
zen_token=`curl --silent -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "iam-token: ${cpfs_token}" \
--header 'username: cpadmin' \
https://cpd-cp4ba-dev.${apps_endpoint}/v1/preauth/validateAuth | jq -r ".accessToken"`
echo $zen_token
# Generate ZenApiKey
zen_api_key=`curl --silent -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${zen_token}" \
--header 'username: cpadmin' \
https://cpd-cp4ba-dev.${apps_endpoint}/usermgmt/v1/user/apiKey | jq -r ".apiKey"`
echo $zen_api_key
# Change CPFS namespace for script and add password and zen api key
sed -i \
-e 's/CP4BA_COMMON_SERVICES_NAMESPACE="ibm-common-services"/'\
'PROBE_USER_API_KEY="'${zen_api_key}'"/g' \
'PROBE_USER_NAME="cpadmin"/g' \
'PROBE_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
Now you can run with other parameters.
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/ --precheck
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/ --status
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/ --console
Follow as needed.
Custom CPFS console TLS - follow
Custom CPFS admin password - follow
Custom Zen certificates - follow
# Extract cert-kubernetes
tar xvf /usr/install/ibm-cp-automation/inventory/\
cp4aOperatorSdk/files/deploy/crs/cert-k8s-22.0.2.tar \
-C /usr/install
# Rename directory for test
mv /usr/install/cert-kubernetes /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test
Select the cloud platform to deploy:
1) RedHat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS) - Public Cloud
2) Openshift Container Platform (OCP) - Private Cloud
3) Other ( Certified Kubernetes Cloud Platform / CNCF)
Enter a valid option [1 to 3]: 1 # Or 2 based on your platform
What type of deployment is being performed?
1) Starter
2) Production
Enter a valid option [1 to 2]: 2
Do you want CP4BA Operator support 'All Namespaces'? (Yes/No, default: No) No
Where do you want to deploy Cloud Pak for Business Automation?
Enter the name for a new project or an existing project (namespace): cp4ba-test
Found the existing Cloud Pak for Business Automation Operator (Pod, CSV, Subscription) in different project "cp4ba-dev"!
Do you want to deploy another CP4BA Operator in new project "cp4ba-test"? (Yes/No, default: No) Yes
Using project cp4ba-test...
Here are the existing users on this cluster:
1) Cluster Admin
2) Your User
Enter an existing username in your cluster, valid option [1 to 3], non-admin is suggested: 2
ATTENTION: When you run script, please use cluster admin user.
Follow the instructions on how to get your Entitlement Key:
Do you have a Cloud Pak for Business Automation Entitlement Registry key (Yes/No, default: No): Yes
Enter your Entitlement Registry key: # it is OK that when you paste nothing is seen - it is for security.
Verifying the Entitlement Registry key...
Login Succeeded!
Entitlement Registry key is valid.
Please use available storage classes.
The existing storage classes in the cluster:
Creating docker-registry secret for Entitlement Registry key in project cp4ba-test...
secret/ibm-entitlement-key created
Waiting for the Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator to be ready. This might take a few minutes... created created created created created created
IBM Operator Catalog source created!
Waiting for CP4A Operator Catalog pod initialization
CP4BA Operator Catalog is running ibm-cp4a-operator-catalog-g624g 1/1 Running 0 26h created
CP4BA Operator Group Created! created
CP4BA Operator Subscription Created!
Waiting for CP4BA operator pod initialization
No resources found in cp4ba namespace.
CP4A operator is running ibm-cp4a-operator-76c4c85584-pjxrf 1/1 Running 0 17s
Waiting for CP4BA Content operator pod initialization
CP4A Content operator is running ibm-content-operator-58fb9986d7-ccpzk 1/1 Running 0 32s
Label the default namespace to allow network policies to open traffic to the ingress controller using a namespaceSelector...namespace/default not labeled
Storage classes are needed to run the deployment script. For the Starter deployment scenario, you may use one (1) storage class. For an Production deployment, the deployment script will ask for three (3) storage classes to meet the slow, medium, and fast storage for the configuration of CP4A components. If you don't have three (3) storage classes, you can use the same one for slow, medium, or fast. Note that you can get the existing storage class(es) in the environment by running the following command: oc get storageclass. Take note of the storage classes that you want to use for deployment.
...omitted list of storage classes
Wait until the script finishes.
Wait until all Operators in Project cp4ba-test are in Succeeded state.
oc get csv -n cp4ba-test -w
Based on
Change CPFS size to small
oc patch CommonService common-service --type='merge' -p '{"spec":{"size":"small"}}'
Prepare services configurations
oc patch CommonService common-service --type=json \
-p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/services", "value":[]}]'
Change mongodb storage class
oc patch CommonService common-service --type=json \
-p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/services/-",'\
'"spec":{"mongoDB": {"storageClass":"ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd"}}}}]'
Customize username of the default CPFS admin
oc patch CommonService common-service --type=json \
-p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/services/-",'\
'"spec":{"authentication": {"config":{"defaultAdminUser":"cpfsadmin"}}}}}]'
Generate properties for components that you would like to deploy.
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/ -m property
Answer as follows.
Tips:Press [ENTER] to accept the default (None of the patterns is selected)
Enter a valid option [1 to 4, 5a, 5b, 6, 7a, 7b]: 5b
Tips:Press [ENTER] to accept the default (None of the patterns is selected)
Enter a valid option [1 to 4, 5a, 5b, 6, 7a, 7b]: 1
Hit Enter to continue.
Pattern "FileNet Content Manager": Select optional components:
1) Content Search Services
2) Content Management Interoperability Services
3) IBM Enterprise Records
4) IBM Content Collector for SAP
5) Business Automation Insights
6) Task Manager
ATTENTION: IBM Content Collector for SAP (5) does NOT support a cluster running a Linux on Power architecture.
Tips: Press [ENTER] if you do not want any optional components or when you are finished selecting your optional components
Enter a valid option [1 to 6 or ENTER]:
Hit Enter to continue.
Pattern "(a) Workflow Authoring": Select optional components:
1) Business Automation Insights
Tips: Press [ENTER] to accept the default (None of the components is selected)
Enter a valid option [1 to 1 or ENTER]:
Hit Enter to continue.
What is the LDAP type used for this deployment?
1) Microsoft Active Directory
2) Tivoli Directory Server / Security Directory Server
Enter a valid option [1 to 2]: 2
[*] You can change the parameter "LDAP_SSL_ENABLED" in the property file "/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/" later. "LDAP_SSL_ENABLED" is "TRUE" by default.
To provision the persistent volumes and volume claims
please enter the file storage classname for slow storage(RWX): ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
please enter the file storage classname for medium storage(RWX): ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
please enter the file storage classname for fast storage(RWX): ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
please enter the block storage classname for Zen(RWO): ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd
What is the Database type used for this deployment?
1) IBM Db2 Database
2) Oracle
3) Microsoft SQL Server
4) PostgreSQL
Enter a valid option [1 to 4]: 4
[*] You can change the parameter "DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE" in the property file "/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/" later. "DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE" is "TRUE" by default.
[*] You can change the parameter "POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER" in the property file "/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/" later. "POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER" is "TRUE" by default
[*] - POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER="True": For a PostgreSQL database with both server and client authentication
[*] - POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER="False": For a PostgreSQL database with server-only authentication
Enter the alias name(s) for the database server(s)/instance(s) to be used by the CP4BA deployment.
(NOTE: NOT the host name of the database server, and CANNOT include a dot[.] character)
(NOTE: This key supports comma-separated lists (for example: dbserver1,dbserver2,dbserver3)
The alias name(s): postgresql
How many object stores will be deployed for the content pattern? 1
============== Creating database and LDAP property files for CP4BA ==============
Creating DB Server property file for CP4BA
[✔] Created the DB Server property file for CP4BA
Creating LDAP Server property file for CP4BA
[✔] Created the LDAP Server property file for CP4BA
============== Creating property file for database name and user required by CP4BA ==============
Creating Property file for IBM FileNet Content Manager GCD
[✔] Created Property file for IBM FileNet Content Manager GCD
Creating Property file for IBM FileNet Content Manager Object Store required by BAW authoring or BAW Runtime
[✔] Created Property file for IBM FileNet Content Manager Object Store required by BAW authoring or BAW Runtime
Creating Property file for IBM Business Automation Navigator
[✔] Created Property file for IBM Business Automation Navigator
Creating Property file for IBM Business Automation Studio
[✔] Created Property file for IBM Business Automation Studio
============== Created all property files for CP4BA ==============
Enter the <Required> values in the property files under /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile
[*] The key name in the property file is created by the and is NOT EDITABLE.
[*] The value in the property file must be within double quotes.
[*] The value for User/Password in [] [] file should NOT include special characters "=" "." "\"
[*] The value in [] or [] [] file should NOT include special character '"'
* []:
- Properties for database server used by CP4BA deployment, such as DATABASE_SERVERNAME/DATABASE_PORT/DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE.
- The value of "<DB_SERVER_LIST>" is an alias for the database servers. The key supports comma-separated lists.
* []:
- Properties for database name and user name required by each component of the CP4BA deployment, such as GCD_DB_NAME/GCD_DB_USER_NAME/GCD_DB_USER_PASSWORD.
- Change the prefix "<DB_SERVER_NAME>" to assign which database is used by the component.
- The value of "<DB_SERVER_NAME>" must match the value of <DB_SERVER_LIST> that is defined in "<DB_SERVER_LIST>" of "".
* []:
- Properties for the LDAP server that is used by the CP4BA deployment, such as LDAP_SERVER/LDAP_PORT/LDAP_BASE_DN/LDAP_BIND_DN/LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD.
* []:
- Properties for the global value used by the CP4BA deployment, such as "sc_deployment_license".
- properties for the value used by each component of CP4BA, such as <APPLOGIN_USER>/<APPLOGIN_PASSWORD>
Update values for
# Backup generated file
cp /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/ \
# Update generated file with real values
sed -i \
-e 's/postgresql.DATABASE_SERVERNAME="<Required>"/'\
'postgresql.DATABASE_SERVERNAME="postgresql.cp4ba-postgresql.svc.cluster.local"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.DATABASE_PORT="<Required>"/postgresql.DATABASE_PORT="5432"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE="True"/postgresql.DATABASE_SSL_ENABLE="False"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER="True"/postgresql.POSTGRESQL_SSL_CLIENT_SERVER="False"/g' \
Update values for
# Backup generated file
cp /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/ \
# Update generated file with real values
sed -i \
-e 's/postgresql.GCD_DB_NAME="GCDDB"/postgresql.GCD_DB_NAME="TESTGCD"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.GCD_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.GCD_DB_USER_NAME="testgcd"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.GCD_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.GCD_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.OS1_DB_NAME="OS1DB"/postgresql.OS1_DB_NAME="TESTOS1"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.OS1_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.OS1_DB_USER_NAME="testos1"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.OS1_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.OS1_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_NAME="BAWDOCS"/postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_NAME="TESTBAWDOCS"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_USER_NAME="testbawdocs"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/'\
'postgresql.BAWDOCS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_NAME="BAWDOS"/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_NAME="TESTBAWDOS"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_USER_NAME="testbawdos"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.BAWDOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_NAME="BAWTOS"/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_NAME="TESTBAWTOS"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_USER_NAME="testbawtos"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.BAWTOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.CHOS_DB_NAME="CHOS"/postgresql.CHOS_DB_NAME="TESTCHOS"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.CHOS_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.CHOS_DB_USER_NAME="testchos"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.CHOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.CHOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.AEOS_DB_NAME="AEOS"/postgresql.AEOS_DB_NAME="TESTAEOS"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.AEOS_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.AEOS_DB_USER_NAME="testaeos"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.AEOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.AEOS_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.ICN_DB_NAME="ICNDB"/postgresql.ICN_DB_NAME="TESTICN"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.ICN_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.ICN_DB_USER_NAME="testicn"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.ICN_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/postgresql.ICN_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.APP_ENGINE_DB_NAME="AAEDB"/postgresql.APP_ENGINE_DB_NAME="TESTAAE"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.APP_ENGINE_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.APP_ENGINE_DB_USER_NAME="testaae"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.APP_ENGINE_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/'\
'postgresql.APP_ENGINE_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAW_RUNTIME_DB_NAME="BAWDB"/postgresql.BAW_RUNTIME_DB_NAME="TESTBAW"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAW_RUNTIME_DB_USER_NAME="<youruser1>"/postgresql.BAW_RUNTIME_DB_USER_NAME="testbaw"/g' \
-e 's/postgresql.BAW_RUNTIME_DB_USER_PASSWORD="<yourpassword>"/'\
'postgresql.BAW_RUNTIME_DB_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
Update values for
# Backup generated file
cp /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/ \
# Update generated file with real values
sed -i \
-e 's/LDAP_TYPE="IBM Security Directory Server"/LDAP_TYPE="Custom"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_SERVER="<Required>"/LDAP_SERVER="openldap.cp4ba-openldap.svc.cluster.local"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_PORT="<Required>"/LDAP_PORT="389"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_BASE_DN="<Required>"/LDAP_BASE_DN="dc=cp,dc=internal"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_BIND_DN="<Required>"/LDAP_BIND_DN="cn=admin,dc=cp,dc=internal"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD="<Required>"/LDAP_BIND_DN_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN="<Required>"/LDAP_GROUP_BASE_DN="ou=Groups,dc=cp,dc=internal"/g' \
'(|(\&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(member={0}))(\&(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(uniquemember={0})))"/g' \
-e 's/LDAP_GROUP_MEMBER_ID_MAP="<Required>"/LDAP_GROUP_MEMBER_ID_MAP="groupOfNames:member"/g' \
-e 's/LC_USER_FILTER="<Required>"/LC_USER_FILTER="(\&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))"/g' \
-e 's/LC_GROUP_FILTER="<Required>"/'\
'(\&(cn=%v)(|(objectclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(objectclass=groupofurls)))"/g' \
Update values for
# Backup generated file
cp /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile/ \
# Update generated file with real values
sed -i \
-e 's/CP4BA.CP4BA_LICENSE="<Required>"/CP4BA.CP4BA_LICENSE="non-production"/g' \
-e 's/CP4BA.FNCM_LICENSE="<Required>"/CP4BA.FNCM_LICENSE="non-production"/g' \
-e 's/CP4BA.BAW_LICENSE="<Required>"/CP4BA.BAW_LICENSE="non-production"/g' \
-e 's/BAN.APPLOGIN_USER="<Required>"/BAN.APPLOGIN_USER="cpadmin"/g' \
-e 's/BAN.LTPA_PASSWORD="<Required>"/BAN.LTPA_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
-e 's/APP_ENGINE.ADMIN_USER="<Required>"/APP_ENGINE.ADMIN_USER="cpadmin"/g' \
-e 's/BAW_RUNTIME.ADMIN_USER="<Required>"/BAW_RUNTIME.ADMIN_USER="cpadmin"/g' \
Generate SQL and Secrets
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/ -m generate
PostgreSQL instance configured in a way that tablespace path in some of the generated SQL create scripts doesn't need updating.
Update GCD create script table space path
sed -i \
-e 's|/pgsqldata/gcd|/pgsqldata/testgcd|g' \
Copy create scripts to PostgreSQL instance
oc cp /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/dbscript \
cp4ba-postgresql/$(oc get pods --namespace cp4ba-postgresql -o name | cut -d"/" -f2):/usr/dbscript-test
Execute create scripts with table space directory creation
# Application engine
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# BAW runtime
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# BAW runtime DOCS
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/testbawdocs; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/testbawdocs;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# BAW runtime DOS
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/testbawdos; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/testbawdos;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# BAW runtime TOS
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/testbawtos; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/testbawtos;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# BAW runtime CHOS
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/testchos; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/testchos;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
# Navigator
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/testicn; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/testicn;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/testos1; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/testos1;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/testaeos; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/testaeos;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'mkdir /pgsqldata/testgcd; chown postgres:postgres /pgsqldata/testgcd;'
oc --namespace cp4ba-postgresql exec deploy/postgresql -- /bin/bash -c \
'psql postgresql://cpadmin:Password@localhost:5432/postgresdb \
Apply secrets which are in /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/secret_template/.
# Switch to Project
oc project cp4ba-test
# Apply secrets
Validate connectivity
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/ -m validate
Look for all green checkmarks.
Based on
Run deployment script
Based on
IMPORTANT: Review the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation license information here:
Press any key to continue
Do you accept the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation license (Yes/No, default: No): Yes
Did you deploy Content CR (CRD: in current cluster? (Yes/No, default: No): No
Starting to Install the Cloud Pak for Business Automation Operator...
What type of deployment is being performed?
1) Starter
2) Production
Enter a valid option [1 to 2]: 2
Summary of CP4BA capabilities
1. Cloud Pak capability to deploy:
* FileNet Content Manager
* Business Automation Workflow
(b) Workflow Runtime
2. Optional components to deploy:
* None
[INFO] Above CP4BA capabilities is already selected in the script
Press any key to continue
Please select the deployment profile (default: small). Refer to the documentation in CP4BA Knowledge Center for details on profile.
1) small
2) medium
3) large
Enter a valid option [1 to 3]: 1
Select the cloud platform to deploy:
1) RedHat OpenShift Kubernetes Service (ROKS) - Public Cloud
2) Openshift Container Platform (OCP) - Private Cloud
3) Other ( Certified Kubernetes Cloud Platform / CNCF)
Enter a valid option [1 to 3]: 1 # Or 2 based on your platform
Provide a URL to zip file that contains JDBC and/or ICCSAP drivers.
(optional - if not provided, the Operator will configure using the default shipped JDBC driver): # Hit Enter - omit
The Operator will configure using the default shipped JDBC driver.
Summary of input
1. Cloud Pak capability to deploy:
* FileNet Content Manager
* Business Automation Workflow
(b) Workflow Runtime
2. Optional components to deploy:
* None
3. File storage classname(RWX):
* Slow: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
* Medium: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
* Fast: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
4. Block storage classname(RWO): ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd
5. URL to zip file for JDBC and/or ICCSAP drivers:
Verify that the information above is correct.
To proceed with the deployment, enter "Yes".
To make changes, enter "No" (default: No): Yes
Creating the Custom Resource of the Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator...
Applying value in property file into final CR
[✔] Applied value in property file into final CR under /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/generated-cr
Please confirm final custom resource under /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/generated-cr
The custom resource file used is: "/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/generated-cr/ibm_cp4a_cr_final.yaml"
ATTENTION: If the cluster is running a Linux on Z (s390x)/Power architecture, remove the baml_configuration section from "/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/generated-cr/ibm_cp4a_cr_final.yaml" before you apply the custom resource. Business Automation Machine Learning Server (BAML) is not supported on this architecture.
To monitor the deployment status, follow the Operator logs.
For details, refer to the troubleshooting section in Knowledge Center here:
Update CR file
Based on
Change LDAP sub settings from tds to custom
sed -i \
-e 's/tds:/custom:/g' \
Based on
Set env type to Test
yq -i '.spec.baw_configuration[0].env_type = "Test"' \
Apply CR
Based on
oc apply -n cp4ba-test -f /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/generated-cr/ibm_cp4a_cr_final.yaml
Wait for the deployment to be completed. Can be determined by looking in Project cp4ba-test in Kind ICP4ACluster, instance named icp4adeploy to have the following conditions:
oc get -n cp4ba-test icp4acluster icp4adeploy -o=jsonpath="{.status.conditions}" -w
- message: Running reconciliation
reason: Running
status: 'True'
type: Running
- message: Prerequisites execution done.
reason: Successful
status: 'True'
type: PrereqReady
- message: ''
reason: Successful
status: 'True'
type: Ready
- https://cpd-cp4ba-test.<ocp_apps_domain>/
- cpadmin / Password
- Additional capabilities based info in Project cp4ba-test in ConfigMap icp4adeploy-cp4ba-access-info
Based on you can further verify the environemnts and get important information.
oc project cp4ba-test
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/ --help
Based on
You need to setup permissions for your users.
Before that you need to add cpfsadmin user to Zen to be able to follow step 3 in the Docs.
# Get password of zen initial admin
zen_admin_password=`oc get secret admin-user-details -n cp4ba-test \
-o jsonpath='{.data.initial_admin_password}' | base64 -d`
echo $zen_admin_password
# Get apps endpoint of your openshift
apps_endpoint=`oc get cluster -n cp4ba-test \
-o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}'`
echo $apps_endpoint
# Get zen token
# Based on
zen_token=`curl --silent -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username":"admin","password":"'$zen_admin_password'"}' \
https://cpd-cp4ba-test.${apps_endpoint}/icp4d-api/v1/authorize | jq -r ".token"`
echo $zen_token
# Add cpfsadmin user to zen as administrator
curl -kv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $zen_token" \
-d '{"username":"cpfsadmin","displayName":"cpfsadmin", '\
'"iaf-automation-developer","iaf-automation-operator","zen_user_role"]}' \
# To get cpfsadmin password
oc get secret platform-auth-idp-credentials -n cp4ba-test -o jsonpath='{.data.admin_password}' | base64 -d
Also add all roles to cpadmin user to be usable for all tasks.
curl -kv -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $zen_token" \
-d '{"username":"cpadmin", '\
'"iaf-automation-developer","iaf-automation-operator","zen_user_role"]}' \
Based on you can further verify the environemnts and get important information. But before running anything else then --help follow additional steps for script configuration.
oc project cp4ba-test
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/ --help
Perform setup for script
# Get apps endpoint of your openshift
apps_endpoint=`oc get cluster -n cp4ba-dev -o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}'`
echo $apps_endpoint
# Get CPFS token
cpfs_token=`curl --silent -k --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'username=cpadmin' \
--data-urlencode 'password=Password' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=openid' \
https://cp-console-cp4ba-test.${apps_endpoint}/idprovider/v1/auth/identitytoken | jq -r ".access_token"`
echo $cpfs_token
# Exchange CPFS token for Zen token
zen_token=`curl --silent -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "iam-token: ${cpfs_token}" \
--header 'username: cpadmin' \
https://cpd-cp4ba-test.${apps_endpoint}/v1/preauth/validateAuth | jq -r ".accessToken"`
echo $zen_token
# Generate ZenApiKey
zen_api_key=`curl --silent -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${zen_token}" \
--header 'username: cpadmin' \
https://cpd-cp4ba-test.${apps_endpoint}/usermgmt/v1/user/apiKey | jq -r ".apiKey"`
echo $zen_api_key
# Change CPFS namespace for script and add password and zen api key
sed -i \
-e 's/CP4BA_COMMON_SERVICES_NAMESPACE="ibm-common-services"/'\
'PROBE_USER_API_KEY="'${zen_api_key}'"/g' \
'PROBE_USER_NAME="cpadmin"/g' \
'PROBE_USER_PASSWORD="Password"/g' \
Now you can run with other parameters.
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/ --precheck
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/ --status
/usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/ --console
Follow as needed.
Custom CPFS console TLS - follow
Custom Zen certificates - follow
Custom CPFS admin password - follow
Connect to Authoring
Based on
The exchange needs to happen periodically based on the validity of the certificates.
# Get Zen CA from dev environment
oc get secret iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-ca -n cp4ba-dev \
-o template --template='{{ index .data "tls.crt" }}' \
| base64 --decode > /usr/install/zenRootCAdev.cert
# Create secret on Test with Zen CA from Dev
oc create secret generic baw-tls-zen-secret -n cp4ba-test \
# Get Zen CA from test environment
oc get secret iaf-system-automationui-aui-zen-ca -n cp4ba-test \
-o template --template='{{ index .data "tls.crt" }}' \
| base64 --decode > /usr/install/zenRootCAtest.cert
# Get CPFS CA from test environment
oc get secret cs-ca-certificate-secret -n cp4ba-test \
-o template --template='{{ index .data "tls.crt" }}' \
| base64 --decode > /usr/install/csRootCAtest.cert
# Create secret on Dev with Zen CA and CPFS CA from Test
oc create secret generic bawaut-tls-zen-secret -n cp4ba-dev \
oc create secret generic bawaut-tls-cs-secret -n cp4ba-dev \
# Create secret with Workflow Authoring credentials in Test
echo "
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: ibm-baw-wc-secret
namespace: cp4ba-test
type: Opaque
username: cpadmin
password: Password
" | oc apply -f -
# Configure Workflow Runtime to trust Workflow Authoring TLS
yq -i '.spec.baw_configuration[0].tls = {"tls_trust_list": ["baw-tls-zen-secret"]}' \
# Get apps endpoint of your openshift
apps_endpoint=`oc get cluster -n cp4ba-dev -o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}'`
echo $apps_endpoint
# Configure Workflow Runtime to be able to connect to Workflow Authoring
yq -i '.spec.baw_configuration[0].workflow_center = '\
'{"url": "https://cpd-cp4ba-dev.'$apps_endpoint'/bas/ProcessCenter", '\
'"secret_name": "ibm-baw-wc-secret", "heartbeat_interval": 30}' \
# Configure Workflow Runtime to trust Workflow Authoring URLs
yq -i '.spec.baw_configuration[0].environment_config = '\
'https://cp-console.'$apps_endpoint':443","referer_whitelist": "cpd-cp4ba-dev.'$apps_endpoint','\
'cp-console-cp4ba-dev.'$apps_endpoint':443"}}' \
# Configure Workflow Authoring to trust Workflow Runtime TLS
yq -i '.spec.workflow_authoring_configuration.tls = {"tls_trust_list": '\
'["bawaut-tls-zen-secret", "bawaut-tls-cs-secret"]}' \
# Get apps endpoint of your openshift
apps_endpoint=`oc get cluster -n cp4ba-test -o jsonpath='{.spec.domain}'`
echo $apps_endpoint
# Configure Workflow Authoring to trust Workflow Runtime URLs
yq -i '.spec.workflow_authoring_configuration.environment_config = '\
'https://cp-console.'$apps_endpoint':443","referer_whitelist": "cpd-cp4ba-test.'$apps_endpoint','\
'cp-console-cp4ba-test.'$apps_endpoint':443"}}' \
# Apply updated cp4ba-dev CR
oc apply -n cp4ba-dev -f /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-dev/scripts/generated-cr/ibm_cp4a_cr_final.yaml
# Apply updated cp4ba-test CR
oc apply -n cp4ba-test -f /usr/install/cert-kubernetes-test/scripts/generated-cr/ibm_cp4a_cr_final.yaml
Now you need to wait for next Operator cycle to propagate the changes from CR to BAW pods in both dev and test environment.
Good indicator of the change for cp4ba-test is existence of WORKFLOWCENTER environment parameters for Workflow Server
oc get statefulset icp4adeploy-bawins1-baw-server -n cp4ba-test -o yaml | grep WORKFLOWCENTER
Good indicator of the change for cp4ba-dev is existence of bawaut-tls-zen-secret secret mapping for Workflow Authoring
oc get statefulset icp4adeploy-bastudio-deployment -n cp4ba-dev -o yaml | grep bawaut-tls-zen-secret
Jan Dušek
[email protected]
Business Automation Partner Technical Specialist
IBM Czech Republic
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2023.