A quick and dirty room booking system put together for school.
Uses a calendar class from http://www.planetphp.co.uk/free-php-booking-slots-calendar/ which seems to no longer be available.
Currently connects to a mysql database on the same linux box which also handles the email (postfix) and runs an overnight php script (cron job) to mail reminders.
- Book rooms for given period (teaching or non)
- Rooms and periods configurable
- Captures booking data like teacher, class, reason for use
- Provisional bookings / confirm nearer the time to maximise usage
- Unconfirmed bookings lapse and allow re-booking Users emailed at each stage of the process e.g. click this link to confirm booking
To do:
- Proper admin page for multiple/repeat bookings
- Tidy up all the code - curently v implementation-specific and needs generalising
- Access from home - net bods need to give us an IP and do some NATing
- Sell time on it for generating spam ... not really