A command line client for Apache Brooklyn.
The CLI tool is written in Go and should be obtained and built as a standard Go project. You will need the following tools to build it:
- Go (min version 1.5.1), with full cross-compiler support (see https://golang.org/dl). On Mac, if using Homebrew, use "brew install go --with-cc-all"
- godep (see https://github.com/tools/godep)
Maven (used by the Brooklyn build process)
Maven (see note below on the Brooklyn build process)
Go is very particular about the layout of a source tree, and the naming of packages. It is therefore important to get the code from github.com/apache/brooklyn-client and not your own fork. If you want to contribute to the project, the procedure to follow is still to get the code from github.com/apache/brooklyn-client, and then to add your own fork as a remote.
- Ensure your $GOPATH is set correctly to a suitable location for your Go code, for example, simply $HOME/go.
- Get the Brooklyn CLI and dependencies. Note the "-d" parameter, which instructs Go to download the files but not build the code, see why in the note below on dependency management.
go get -d github.com/apache/brooklyn-client/br
The CLI has a small number of dependencies, notably on codegansta/cli. To manage the version of dependencies, the CLI
code currently uses godep.
When contributing to the CLI it is important to be aware of the distinction. To avoid potentially bringing in new
versions of dependencies, use "godep go" to build the code using the dependencies saved in br/Godeps.
Alternatively, to bring in the latest versions of the dependencies, build with "go get", but in
that case remember to update the dependencies of the project using "godep save" along with your commit.
As Go dependendencies for godep are held in the main package directory ("br"), you need to build from that directory, using godep:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/apache/brooklyn-client/br
godep go install
This will build the "br" executable into $GOPATH/bin
To use the latest published versions of the dependencies simply use
go get github.com/apache/brooklyn-client/br
When the code is ready to be committed, first update the saved dependencies with
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/apache/brooklyn-client/br
godep save
The code includes a test script in the test directory. This deploys a Tomcat server on a location of your choice and runs a number of tests against it, to verify that the br commands perform as expected. To use this you must edit the file "test_app.yaml" to change the location to your own value, and then invoke the test script like the following, where the username and password need only be supplied if Brooklyn requires them:
$ sh test.sh http://your-brooklyn-host:8081 myuser mypassword
Note, the tests are not yet comprehensive, and contributions are welcome.
For consistency with the other sub-projects of the overall Brooklyn build, Maven is used to perform the build when brooklyn-client is built as one of the sub-modules of Brooklyn. Most of the work is delegated to the release/build.sh script, which cross-compiles the code for a number of platform-architecture combinations.
Invoke the build script via Maven with one of
mvn clean install
build for all supported platformsmvn -Dtarget=native clean install
build for the current platformmvn -Dtarget=cross -Dos=OS -Darch=ARCH clean install
build for platform with operating system OS and architecture ARCH
NOTE This does not build the code into your usual GOPATH. To allow the project to be checked out along with the
other Brooklyn submodules and built using Maven, without any special treatment to install it into a separate GOPATH
location, the Maven build makes no assumption about the location of the project root directory. Instead, the Maven
directory is used as the GOPATH, and a soft link is created as target/src/github.com/apache/brooklyn-cli
the code in the root directory. If godep is already installed in the PATH, it is used, otherwise Go is used to fetch
godep and install it. The CLI dependencies need not be fetched as they are used from the Godeps directory by godep.
This builds the requested binaries into the "target" directory, each in its own subdirectory with a name that includes the platform/architecture details, e.g. bin/linux.386/br. The build installs a maven artifact to the maven repository, consisting of a zip file containing all the binaries. This artifact can be referenced in a POM as
See instructions in the included Runtime README file.
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.