python library to interface with the Roon API (
See for code examples.
An example of connecting to the roon server and using a subscription:
import time
from roonapi import RoonApi
appinfo = {
"extension_id": "python_roon_test",
"display_name": "Python library for Roon",
"display_version": "1.0.0",
"publisher": "gregd",
"email": "[email protected]",
# Can be None if you don't yet have a token
token = open("mytokenfile").read()
# Take a look at examples/discovery if you want to use discovery.
server = ""
roonapi = RoonApi(appinfo, token, server)
def my_state_callback(event, changed_ids):
"""Call when something changes in roon."""
print("my_state_callback event:%s changed_ids: %s" % (event, changed_ids))
for zone_id in changed_ids:
zone = roonapi.zones[zone_id]
print("zone_id:%s zone_info: %s" % (zone_id, zone))
# receive state updates in your callback
# save the token for next time
with open("mytokenfile", "w") as f: