HBackup transfers large files between HDFS and S3 and keeps them up to date. Its main features:
- Can use S3 multipart upload, which:
- Transfers multiple chunks of the same file in parallel
- Bypasses the 5GB file limit to allow very large files
- Overwrites files in the destination if their size or mtime is different from the source file
- Uses a custom checksum to verify the integrity of backups in S3 (normal S3 checksums don't work for multipart uploads)
- Provides a health check which can verify that all files in the destination are within some delta of the corresponding source file
There are three "main" functions in HBackup:
- The main backup tool, run com.urbanairship.hbackup.HBackup. This will do a backup according to the configuration.
- The S3 in-place checksum verification tool, run com.urbanairship.hbackup.checksumverify.ChecksumVerify. This will compute checksums of files in S3 and compare the checksums against the their expected values, which are stored separately in S3.
- The backup staleness/health check, run com.urbanairship.hbackup.StalenessCheck. This tool will compare the source and destination files and exit with a nonzero error code if any destination file is older than the corresponding source file by more than a given amount of time. This could be used in a nagios health check.
Configuration can be passed in two different ways. The first way is to pass the name of a properties file as a command line argument (e.g. java com.urbanairship.hbackup.HBackup myconfig.props). The second way is to set JVM system properties (e.g. java -Dhbackup.from=hdfs://etc -Dhbackup.to=s3//etc com.urbanairship.hbackup.HBackup). Configuration values in JVM properties override the ones in properties files.
hbackup.from: The source of backup data, either an HDFS URI or S3 URI of the form "hdfs://namenode:port/dir" or "s3://bucket/prefix".
hbackup.to: The destination for the backup data, either an HDFS URI or S3 URI.
hbackup.s3AccessKey and hbackup.s3Secret: The security credentials for accessing S3. If you need to use different credentials for the source, destination, or checksum storage, there are other options you can use (see below).
All options can be seen by running com.urbanairship.hbackup.HBackup with --usage as a command line argument:
Usage: CLASSPATH=... java -Dprop=val -Dprop=val com.urbanairship.hbackup.HBackup [resource] [resource]
The "resource"s are filenames or URLs pointing to properties files which may set config values.
You can set config values in the resource files or by setting JVM system properties with -Dprop=val.
The available config values are:
hbackup.from URI of data source, e.g. hdfs:///home/bob, hdfs://reports-master-0:7050/home/bob, s3://mybucket/a/b
hbackup.to URI of data sink
hbackup.concurrentChunks Number of file chunks to transfer at a time (default 5)
hbackup.recursive Recursively back up the entire source directory tree (default true)
hbackup.from.s3AccessKey When the source is an S3 bucket, use this to set its access key
hbackup.from.s3Secret When the source is an S3 bucket, use this to set its secret
hbackup.to.s3AccessKey When the destination is an S3 bucket, use this to set its access key
hbackup.to.s3Secret When the destination is an S3 bucket, use this to set its secret
hbackup.s3.partSize When writing to S3 using the multipart API, what size of parts should the file be split into? (default 104857600)
hbackup.s3.multipartThreshold When writing to S3, use the multipart API for files larger than this (default 104857600)
hbackup.mtimecheck If true, re-transfer files when the source and sink mtime or length differs. If false, ignore the mtime and only check the length. (default true)
hbackup.includePathsRegex If set, only files matching this regex will be sent. Filenames are relative to the backup directory.
hbackup.checksumUri Where file checksums should be stored
hbackup.checksum.s3AccessKey If the checksums are stored in a protected S3 bucket, specify the access key
hbackup.checksum.s3Secret If the checksums are stored in a protected S3 bucket, specify the secret
hbackup.s3AccessKey Use this for all S3 accesses, if all your S3 usage is done under the same account
hbackup.s3Secret Use this for all S3 accesses, if all your S3 usage is done under the same account
hbackup.staleMillis When checking backed-up files for staleness, a file this much older than the source is "stale"
When specifying HDFS URIs, you can leave the host part blank (hdfs://dir/file.txt instead of hdfs://host:port/dir/file.txt) if the classpath contains a Hadoop configuration pointing to a default filesystem.
CLASSPATH=hbackup-0.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar java -Dhbackup.from=hdfs:///from -Dhbackup.to=hdfs:///to com.urbanairship.hbackup.HBackup ./otherconfigs.properties
Assuming you have a properties file named "./s3credentials.properties" that sets hbackup.s3AccessKey and hbackup.s3Secret:
CLASSPATH=hbackup-0.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar java -Dhbackup.from=hdfs:///from -Dhbackup.to=hdfs:///to com.urbanairship.hbackup.HBackup ./s3credentials.properties
Assuming you have a properties file named "./s3credentials.properties" that sets hbackup.s3AccessKey and hbackup.s3Secret:
CLASSPATH=hbackup-0.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar java -Dhbackup.from=s3://mybucket/files -Dhbackup.checksumUri=s3://mybucket/checksums com.urbanairship.hbackup.checksumverify.ChecksumVerify
Assuming you have a properties file named "./s3credentials.properties" that sets hbackup.s3AccessKey and hbackup.s3Secret:
CLASSPATH=hbackup-0.9-jar-with-dependencies.jar java -Dhbackup.from=s3://mybucket/files -Dhbackup.checksumUri=s3://mybucket/checksums com.urbanairship.hbackup.checksumverify.ChecksumVerify