List of personal regex filters
// Emojis and clickbait)
/^(you won't believe what happens next|top [0-9]+ things you need to see|[0-9]+ shocking facts about|how to [0-9]+x your [0-9]+ in [0-9]+ easy steps|[0-9]+ reasons why [a-zA-Z0-9\s]+ is the best)$/i
/(viral video)|(simple trick)|(watch until the end)|(over 10 million views)/i
/\d+ (easy|simple|surprising|unexpected|best|clever|crazy|must-know|daily|ingenious) (ways|hacks|must-know|survival|cleaning|secret|solutions) (to|for|that|hacks|tips) [a-zA-Z ]+/i
// Blocks: *2023*, *new*, *crazy*, *undetected*, ecc..
// all the pipes that appeared more than 1 time in the text, whether they were sequential or not
// Blocks "|hello|world|" and "|abc|def|ghi|", often used by scammers and videos with fradulent software
// same as before but for "/" , "#" and ","
Match multiple words, doesn't matter the order
/^(download [a-zA-Z0-9\s]+ cheat|[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+ crack download|download [a-zA-Z0-9\s]+ mod apk)$/i
// Ignorant or time wasting videos (generic)
/(?=.*must watch)/i
/(?=.*everyday hacks)/i
/(?=.*food hacks)/i
/(?=.*genius hack)/i
/(?=.*genius hacks)/i
/(?=.*genius tiktok)/i
/(?=.*life hack)/i
/(?=.*life hacks)/i
/(?=.*life saving hacks)/i
/(?=.*react to)/i
/(?=.*123 go)/i
/(?=.*123 go!)/i
/(?=.*la la life)/i
/(?=.*in 2023)/i