#gmusicapi: an unofficial Python API for Google Music
The project is not supported nor endorsed by Google. I'll be interning for Google this summer, so to avoid conflicts of interest I'll stop contributing sometime in May. Get in touch if you're interested in taking over maintenance.
Respect Google in your use of the API. Use common sense (protocol compliance, reasonable load, etc) and don't ruin the fun for everyone else.
For those looking to use the api, documentation is hosted at Read the Docs: documentation.
For those looking to port or contribute, check out the code overview on the wiki: wiki. There's also a section on porting below.
For bugs reports, feature requests, and contributions, go ahead and open an issue.
New in version 2012.03.16:
- Simple and robust playlist manipulation
- Faster authentication
- Support for non-unique playlist names
See the changelog for details.
Feature Overview:
Getting library information:
- all song metadata
- all user playlist titles and ids
- songs from a specific playlist
Song streaming and downloading
Song uploading (only mp3s supported, currently)
Playlist manipulation:
- creation
- name modification
- song deletion, addition, and reordering
Song manipulation:
- metadata modification (be sure to read protocol_info)
- removal from library
Searching for songs, artists, and albums.
What's on the way:
- integration with the Android service api, thanks to Darryl Pogue
- more user-friendly abstractions
gmusicapi.api.Api is the user-facing interface. To get started, install the dependencies and see example.py. For more information, see the documentation and testing code.
The API has been tested on Python 2.7.2 on Linux.
Currently, the following third party modules are used:
validictory 0.8.1+
The first four are in Ubuntu's repos:
python-decorator python-mutagen python-protobuf python-mechanize
You probably want to use easy_install to get validictory.
I've seen a lot of excitement about possible ports, especially for mobile and web use. If you want to, go for it!
I'm currently aware of only one port. It's in C# (for use with Windows Phone), and being developed here.
###Porting Information for Developers
The current implementation uses the same interface that a web browser does, and a code overview can be found on the wiki. Darryl Pogue is working on a more durable implementation by emulating Google's Android app. His work is here, and may easier to port.
Either way, you'll probably want to ignore anything related to Music Manager; that's just for uploading. If uploading interests you, more information is here.
Keep in mind that ports are likely to be considered derivative works under the GPL, and, again, be sure to respect Google.
Lastly, get in touch if you're working on a port. Even if I can't contribute, it's likely I know people who can help.
Debug logging is enabled by default. All logging is done to gmusicapi.log in your working directory, with warnings and above printed to the console. Nothing related to authenticated gets logged aside from "logged in" and "logged out" messages.
Copyright 2012 Simon Weber.
Licensed under the GPLv3.