camunda BPM community extension providing support for camunda BPM platform inside OSGi containers
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: camunda BPM Platform OSGi
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.camunda.bpm.osgi
Export-Package: [...]
Import-Package: [...]
There are several ways to get started. Probably the easiest one is to use the Apache Karaf feature.xml. How to use it can be found here.
Another way is to build the project, drop it into an OSGi-environment, add camunda-bpm-engine 7.1.0-SNAPSHOT or a higher version, add MyBatis and joda-time. That's the setup for a minimal environment. Most likely you'll also need H2 Database
To use the camunda BPM platform in an enterprise OSGi environment you can use the camunda-engine-blueprint-wrapper, which already exports services.
a short list of things that yet need to be done (until we organize it elsewhere ;) )
- QA, integration tests (resolve engine-bundle)
- adapt Process Application API for OSGi
- camunda webapp WAB (cockpit, tasklist, admin)
- create example for configuring engine using PAX-CDI
- first set of integration tests
- example for configuring engine using Blueprint
Apache License, Version 2.0