seedbot is a Simple XMPP bot written in golang
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seedbot is under active development, the api may change w/out warning.
By itself, seedbot just sits and listens for incoming XMPP messages. When a message is received, seedbot passes the message on to any number of plugins. The plugins provide all the features of the chatbot.
Currently, the following plugins exist:
dm - seedbot recognizes his nick and replies that his ears are burning when he is mentioned.
quote - seedbot understands the quote command. Currently 3 types of quotes are supported: code quote - quotes about programming integration quote - quotes about front end integration admin quote - quotes about systems administration
chatlog - seedbot logs all messages to a text file. Currently '/tmp/chatlog'
stathat - seedbot counts each message, and logs it as a single 'hit' at stathat.
keyword - seedbot scans a message for work counts
echo - seedbot echoes a message back to the room
First, you'll need to have golang installed:
Then, once that is working, all you need to do is:
$ go get
Currently, the command I use is:
$ $GOPATH/bin/seedbot -host="" -user="[email protected]" -pass="hunter2" -room="#[email protected]" -name="seedbot"
Creating a plugin is pretty easy, you just need to import the xmppbot library:
import (
And then implement 2 exported methods so that you conform to the seedbotplugin interface:
type MyPlugin struct {}
func (p MyPlugin) Name() string {
return "MyPlugin v1.0"
func (p MyPlugin) Execute(msg xmppbot.Message, bot xmppbot.Bot) error {
if msg.From() != bot.FullName() {
bot.Send("Why, hello!")
return nil
One last step, edit seedbot/seedbot.go and add a call to your new plugin (importing if necessary) to the []seedbotplugin.Plugin slice:
That's it!