.NET auto-refreshing cache
Very useful for situations where you want to offload cache preloading to a background service and make data instantly available. This is a kinda never-expiring, background-refreshing cache. And it's super simple to use :-)
Install CacheAnt with NuGet:
Install-Package CacheAnt
Or via the .NET Core CLI:
dotnet add package CacheAnt
Create a caching definition:
public class CashedCurrencies : AutoCached<IEnumerable<Currency>>
private readonly IDataContext _dataContext;
public CashedCurrencies(IDataContext dataContext)
_dataContext = dataContext;
public override TimeSpan AutoRefreshInterval => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
public override IEnumerable<Currency> Compute()
return _dataContext.Currency.AsNoTracking().ToList();
Here we are caching an IEnumerable<Currency>. It could be usefull to cache whole dictionaries also.
Add CacheAnt and pass assemblies containg your AutoCached definitions:
Use it:
public class SomeService
private readonly CashedCurrencies _cashedCurrencies;
public SomeService(CashedCurrencies cashedCurrencies)
_cashedCurrencies = cashedCurrencies;
public IEnumerable<Currency> GetCurrencies() => _cashedCurrencies.GetCached() ?? Enumerable.Empty<Currency>();
Background IHostedService CacheAntService manages cache and executes refresh at specified intervals. Initial cache loading is done on application start.