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shapeless: generic programming for Scala

Build Status Gitter Maven Central

shapeless is a type class and dependent type based generic programming library for Scala.

This branch contains an early preview of shapeless 3 for Dotty/Scala 3

shapeless 3 was developed as part of a collaboration with Martin Odersky's group at EPFL LAMP to develop language-level support for generic programming for Scala 3. shapeless 3 is included in the Dotty Community Build.

Current status

Included so far is a full implementation of poly-kinded type class derivation with the generality of shapeless, the compile time performance of Magnolia and a significantly reduced binary footprint.

Support is provided for deriving type classes indexed by types of kinds * (eg. Monoid, Eq, Show), * -> * (eg. Functor, Traverse, Monad) (* -> *) -> *), (eg. FunctorK, aka HFunctor in Haskell) and * -> * -> * (eg. Bifunctor). Support for additional kinds can be added fairly straightforwardly with a small amount of additional boilerplate for each kind.

The first two of these kinds equal the power of shapeless 2's Generic and Generic1 (see their use in the Kittens type class derivation library for Cats). The remainder go considerably beyond.

Using shapeless 3 the derivation of a monoid for a Scala ADT is as simple as,

// Type class definition, eg. from Cats
trait Monoid[A] {
  def empty: A
  def combine(x: A, y: A): A

object Monoid {
  inline def apply[A](implicit ma: Monoid[A]): Monoid[A] = ma

  // Standard instance for Boolean
  implicit val monoidBoolean: Monoid[Boolean] = new Monoid[Boolean] {
    def empty: Boolean = false
    def combine(x: Boolean, y: Boolean): Boolean = x || y
  // Standard instance for Int
  implicit val monoidInt: Monoid[Int] = new Monoid[Int] {
    def empty: Int = 0
    def combine(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x+y
  // Standard instance for String
  implicit val monoidString: Monoid[String] = new Monoid[String] {
    def empty: String = ""
    def combine(x: String, y: String): String = x+y

  // Generic instance
  implicit def monoidGen[A](implicit inst: K0.ProductInstances[Monoid, A]): Monoid[A] =
    new Monoid[A] {
      def empty: A = inst.construct([t] => (ma: Monoid[t]) => ma.empty)
      def combine(x: A, y: A): A =
        inst.map2(x, y)([t] => (mt: Monoid[t], t0: t, t1: t) => mt.combine(t0, t1))

  // Hook for Dotty derives clause
  inline def derived[A](implicit gen: K0.ProductGeneric[A]): Monoid[A] =
    monoidGen(K0.mkProductInstances[Monoid, A](gen))

// ADT definition
case class ISB(i: Int, s: String, b: Boolean) derives Monoid
val a = ISB(23, "foo", true)
val b = ISB(13, "bar", false)

Monoid[ISB].combine(a, b) // == ISB(36, "foobar", true)

A similar derivation for Functor allows the following,

sealed trait Opt[+A] derives Functor
object Opt {
  case class Sm[+A](value: A) extends Opt[A]
  case object Nn extends Opt[Nothing]

Functor[Opt].map(Sm("foo")).map(_.length) // == Sm(3)

We can even derive higher order functors in almost exactly the same way,

// An Option like type, with a default
sealed trait OptionD[T] {
  def fold: T = this match {
    case Given(t) => t
    case Default(t) => t
object OptionD {
  case class Given[T](value: T) extends OptionD[T]
  case class Default[T](value: T) extends OptionD[T]

  val fold: OptionD ~> Id = [t] => (ot: OptionD[t]) => ot.fold

// A data type parameterized with an effect
case class OrderF[F[_]](
  item: F[String],
  quantity: F[Int]
) derives FunctorK

val incompleteOrder = OrderF(Given("Epoisse"), Default(1))
val completeOrder = FunctorK[OrderF].mapK(incompleteOrder)(OptionD.fold)
// == OrderF[Id]("Epoisse", 1)


A backport to Scala 2 and an adaptation layer to ease migration from shapeless 2.x to shapeless 3.x are in progress. Other components of shapeless 2 will be migrated to shapeless 3 as it evolves.

Finding out more about the project

shapeless is part of the Typelevel family of projects. It is an Open Source project under the Apache License v2, hosted on GitHub. Binary artefacts are published to the Sonatype OSS Repository Hosting service and synced to Maven Central.

Most discussion of shapeless and generic programming in Scala happens on the shapeless Gitter channel.


The shapeless project supports the Scala Code of Conduct and wants all of its channels (Gitter, github, etc.) to be welcoming environments for everyone.


Generic programming for Scala


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