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Browser Implementation For various assemblies #38559

Anipik opened this issue Jun 29, 2020 · 10 comments · Fixed by #37944

Browser Implementation For various assemblies #38559

Anipik opened this issue Jun 29, 2020 · 10 comments · Fixed by #37944
arch-wasm WebAssembly architecture area-Infrastructure-mono tracking This issue is tracking the completion of other related issues.


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Anipik commented Jun 29, 2020

I will be filling the implementation details as the work goes on
@marek-safar @akoeplinger , i tried to summarize the implementation for each of the proj, can you guys take a look at the list and check if we need to make any changes ?

cc @ericstj

Validated ProjectName Implementation Detail Comments
✔️ Microsoft.CSharp ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.Redist netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.CommandLine netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.EnvironmentVariables netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Ini netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Xml ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Composite netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical netstandard Effectively PNSE b/c of FSW
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Http netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Configuration ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventLog ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.EventSource ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.TraceSource ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Options ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Options.DataAnnotations ridless
✔️ Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives ridless
✔️ Microsoft.IO.Redist netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Win32.Primitives PNSE
✔️ Microsoft.Win32.Registry Unix Implementation
✔️ Microsoft.Win32.Registry.AccessControl netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.XmlSerializer.Generator netstandard
✔️ Microsoft.VisualBasic netstandard
✔️ mscorlib netstandard
✔️ netstandard netstandard
✔️ System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations netstandard
✔️ System.Configuration netstandard
✔️ System.Core netstandard
✔️ System netstandard
✔️ System.Data netstandard
✔️ System.Drawing netstandard
✔️ System.IO.Compression.FileSystem netstandard
✔️ System.Net netstandard
✔️ System.Numerics netstandard
✔️ System.Runtime.Serialization netstandard
✔️ System.Security netstandard
✔️ System.ServiceModel.Web netstandard
✔️ System.ServiceProcess netstandard
✔️ System.Transactions netstandard
✔️ System.Web netstandard
✔️ System.Windows netstandard
✔️ System.Xml netstandard
✔️ System.Xml.Linq netstandard
✔️ System.Xml.Serialization netstandard
✔️ WindowsBase netstandard
✔️ mscorlib netstandard
✔️ System netstandard
✔️ System.Data netstandard
✔️ System.Xml netstandard
✔️ System.AppContext ridless
✔️ System.Buffers ridless
✔️ System.CodeDom netstandard
✔️ System.Collections ridless
✔️ System.Collections.Concurrent ridless
✔️ System.Collections.Immutable ridless
✔️ System.Collections.NonGeneric ridless
✔️ System.Collections.Specialized ridless
✔️ System.ComponentModel ridless
✔️ System.ComponentModel.Annotations netstandard
✔️ System.ComponentModel.Composition ridless
✔️ System.ComponentModel.Composition.Registration netstandard
✔️ System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync ridless
✔️ System.ComponentModel.Primitives ridless
✔️ System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter ridless
✔️ System.Composition.AttributedModel netstandard
✔️ System.Composition.Convention netstandard
✔️ System.Composition.Hosting netstandard
✔️ System.Composition.Runtime netstandard
✔️ System.Composition.TypedParts netstandard
✔️ System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager netstandard
✔️ System.Console Browser specific
✔️ System.Data.Common ridless
✔️ System.Data.DataSetExtensions ridless
✔️ System.Data.Odbc netstandard (PNSE)
✔️ System.Data.OleDb netstandard netstandard (PNSE)
✔️ System.Diagnostics.Contracts ridless
✔️ System.Diagnostics.Debug ridless
✔️ System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource ridless
✔️ System.Diagnostics.EventLog netstandard
✔️ System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo PNSE
✔️ System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter netstandard
✔️ System.Diagnostics.Process PNSE
✔️ System.Diagnostics.StackTrace ridless
✔️ System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener ridless
✔️ System.Diagnostics.Tools ridless
✔️ System.Diagnostics.TraceSource Unix specific
✔️ System.Diagnostics.Tracing ridless
✔️ System.DirectoryServices netstandard
✔️ System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement netstandard
✔️ System.DirectoryServices.Protocols Unix Implemenation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Drawing.Common Unix Implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Drawing.Primitives ridless
✔️ System.Dynamic.Runtime ridless
✔️ System.Formats.Asn1 netstandard
✔️ System.Formats.Cbor ridless
✔️ System.Globalization ridless
✔️ System.Globalization.Calendars ridless
✔️ System.Globalization.Extensions ridless
✔️ System.IO ridless
✔️ System.IO.Compression Unix Implementation
✔️ System.IO.Compression.Brotli PNSE
✔️ System.IO.Compression.ZipFile ridless
✔️ System.IO.FileSystem Unix implemenation PAL may need tweaks
✔️ System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl netstandard
✔️ System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo Browser Specific
✔️ System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives ridless
✔️ System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher PNSE
✔️ System.IO.IsolatedStorage PNSE
✔️ System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles Unix Implementation Some browser tweaks needed.
✔️ System.IO.Packaging netstandard
✔️ System.IO.Pipelines ridless
✔️ System.IO.Pipes Unix Implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.IO.Pipes.AccessControl ridless
✔️ System.IO.Ports netstandard
✔️ System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream ridless
✔️ System.Linq ridless
✔️ System.Linq.Expressions ridless
✔️ System.Linq.Parallel ridless
✔️ System.Linq.Queryable ridless
✔️ System.Management netstandard
✔️ System.Memory ridless
✔️ System.Net.Http Linux specific Browser
✔️ System.Net.Http.Json ridless
✔️ System.Net.Http.WinHttpHandler netstandard
✔️ System.Net.HttpListener unix implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Net.Mail unix implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Net.NameResolution unix implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Net.NetworkInformation unix implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Net.Ping unix implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Net.Primitives unix implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Net.Requests unix implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Net.Security unix implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Net.ServicePoint ridless
✔️ System.Net.Sockets unix implementation netstandard/PNSE
✔️ System.Net.WebClient ridless PNSE
✔️ System.Net.WebHeaderCollection ridless
✔️ System.Net.WebProxy ridless
✔️ System.Net.WebSockets ridless
✔️ System.Net.WebSockets.Client ridless
✔️ System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketProtocol ridless
✔️ System.Numerics.Tensors netstandard
✔️ System.Numerics.Vectors ridless
✔️ System.ObjectModel ridless
✔️ System.Private.DataContractSerialization ridless
✔️ System.Private.Uri ridless
✔️ System.Private.Xml ridless
✔️ System.Private.Xml.Linq ridless
✔️ System.Reflection ridless
✔️ System.Reflection.Context netstandard
✔️ System.Reflection.DispatchProxy ridless
✔️ System.Reflection.Emit ridless
✔️ System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration ridless
✔️ System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight ridless
✔️ System.Reflection.Extensions ridless
✔️ System.Reflection.Metadata ridless
✔️ System.Reflection.MetadataLoadContext ridless
✔️ System.Reflection.Primitives ridless
✔️ System.Reflection.TypeExtensions ridless
✔️ System.Resources.Extensions netstandard
✔️ System.Resources.Reader ridless
✔️ System.Resources.ResourceManager ridless
✔️ System.Resources.Writer ridless
✔️ System.Runtime ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.Caching netstandard
✔️ System.Runtime.CompilerServices.VisualC ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.Extensions ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.Handles ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.InteropServices ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript netstandard
✔️ System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation netstandard
✔️ System.Runtime.Intrinsics ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.Loader ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.Numerics ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.Serialization.Json ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives ridless
✔️ System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml ridless
✔️ System.Security.AccessControl netstandard
✔️ System.Security.Claims ridless
✔️ System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms netstandard
✔️ System.Security.Cryptography.Cng ridless
✔️ System.Security.Cryptography.Csp PNSE
✔️ System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding PNSE
✔️ System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl PNSE
✔️ System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs ridless
✔️ System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives ridless
✔️ System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData netstandard
✔️ System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates PNSE
✔️ System.Security.Cryptography.Xml netstandard
✔️ System.Security.Permissions ridless
✔️ System.Security.Principal ridless
✔️ System.Security.Principal.Windows netstandard
✔️ System.Security.SecureString ridless
✔️ System.ServiceModel.Syndication netstandard
✔️ System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController netstandard
✔️ System.Text.Encoding ridless
✔️ System.Text.Encoding.CodePages ridless
✔️ System.Text.Encoding.Extensions ridless
✔️ System.Text.Encodings.Web ridless
✔️ System.Text.Json ridless
✔️ System.Text.RegularExpressions ridless
✔️ System.Threading ridless
✔️ System.Threading.AccessControl netstandard
✔️ System.Threading.Channels ridless
✔️ System.Threading.Overlapped ridless
✔️ System.Threading.Tasks ridless
✔️ System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow netstandard
✔️ System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions ridless
✔️ System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel ridless
✔️ System.Threading.Thread ridless
✔️ System.Threading.ThreadPool ridless
✔️ System.Threading.Timer ridless
✔️ System.Transactions.Local ridless
✔️ System.Utf8String.Experimental ridless
✔️ System.ValueTuple ridless
✔️ System.Web.HttpUtility ridless
✔️ System.Windows.Extensions ridless
✔️ System.Xml.ReaderWriter ridless
✔️ System.Xml.XDocument ridless
✔️ System.Xml.XmlDocument ridless
✔️ System.Xml.XmlSerializer ridless
✔️ System.Xml.XPath ridless
✔️ System.Xml.XPath.XDocument ridless
✔️ GenDefinedCharList netstandard
✔️ GenUnicodeRanges netstandard
@Dotnet-GitSync-Bot Dotnet-GitSync-Bot added the untriaged New issue has not been triaged by the area owner label Jun 29, 2020
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I couldn't figure out the best area label to add to this issue. If you have write-permissions please help me learn by adding exactly one area label.

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ghost commented Jun 29, 2020

Tagging subscribers to this area: @directhex
Notify danmosemsft if you want to be subscribed.

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ghost commented Jun 29, 2020

Tagging subscribers to this area: @safern, @ViktorHofer
Notify danmosemsft if you want to be subscribed.

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ericstj commented Jul 1, 2020

Maybe we can omit everything that isn't changing. Only list the things we aim to change, so it should be a list that's 20-40 items.

@marek-safar marek-safar added this to the 5.0.0 milestone Jul 1, 2020
@marek-safar marek-safar added arch-wasm WebAssembly architecture and removed untriaged New issue has not been triaged by the area owner labels Jul 1, 2020
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marek-safar commented Jul 1, 2020

I did first pass and added comments on what will most likely need to change. I don't think we should hold original PR as there are/will be PRs (for example #37962) addressing this on per assembly basis as we enable more tests.

/cc @steveisok @MaximLipnin @mdh1418

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ghost commented Jul 21, 2020

Tagging subscribers to this area: @directhex
Notify danmosemsft if you want to be subscribed.

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Triage: @steveisok will update the table. We might want to add a column to track completeness.

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VSadov commented Aug 1, 2020

I pushed a rebased branch and github did autoclose. Probably because there is a commit that claims to be resolving this.

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I think we're in good shape here

@marek-safar marek-safar added the tracking This issue is tracking the completion of other related issues. label Aug 24, 2020
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Closing as we are in good shape and any follow up will be handled on per assembly level

@ghost ghost locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Dec 8, 2020
ViktorHofer pushed a commit to dotnet/winforms that referenced this issue Dec 5, 2022
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arch-wasm WebAssembly architecture area-Infrastructure-mono tracking This issue is tracking the completion of other related issues.
None yet

Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.