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KevinRansom authored Nov 3, 2022
2 parents 9e8c226 + df393d0 commit 6159879
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Showing 32 changed files with 898 additions and 48 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions .github/workflows/add_to_project.yml
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Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,10 @@ on:
- opened
- transferred
- opened
branches: ['main']

issues: write
Expand All @@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ permissions:
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request_target'
actions: write
Expand All @@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ jobs:
github-token: ${{ secrets.REPO_PROJECT_PAT }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request_target'
- uses: actions/github-script@v6
Expand All @@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request'
if: github.event_name != 'pull_request_target'
- uses: actions/github-script@v6
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4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions FSharp.Profiles.props
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<!-- Override the setting for the Arcade UserRuntimeConfig for fsc on .NET Core -->
88 changes: 87 additions & 1 deletion src/Compiler/Checking/CheckDeclarations.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -969,6 +969,20 @@ module MutRecBindingChecking =
| rest -> rest

let prelimRecValues = [ for x in defnAs do match x with Phase2AMember bind -> yield bind.RecBindingInfo.Val | _ -> () ]

let tyconOpt =
if cenv.g.langVersion.SupportsFeature(LanguageFeature.CSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired) then
|> (fun tycon ->
(fun tryFindExtensionAttribute ->
|> Seq.tryPick (fun m -> tryFindExtensionAttribute m.Attribs)
let defnAs = MutRecShape.Tycon(TyconBindingsPhase2A(tyconOpt, declKind, prelimRecValues, tcref, copyOfTyconTypars, thisTy, defnAs))
defnAs, (tpenv, recBindIdx, uncheckedBindsRev))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3161,7 +3175,10 @@ module EstablishTypeDefinitionCores =
| None -> ()
| Some spats ->
let ctorArgNames, _ = TcSimplePatsOfUnknownType cenv true CheckCxs envinner tpenv spats
if not ctorArgNames.IsEmpty then errorR (Error(FSComp.SR.parsOnlyClassCanTakeValueArguments(), m))
if not ctorArgNames.IsEmpty then
match spats with
| SynSimplePats.SimplePats(_, m) -> errorR (Error(FSComp.SR.parsOnlyClassCanTakeValueArguments(), m))
| SynSimplePats.Typed(_, _, m) -> errorR (Error(FSComp.SR.parsOnlyClassCanTakeValueArguments(), m))

let envinner = AddDeclaredTypars CheckForDuplicateTypars (tycon.Typars m) envinner
let envinner = MakeInnerEnvForTyconRef envinner thisTyconRef false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4225,6 +4242,50 @@ module TcDeclarations =
// Check the members and decide on representations for types with implicit constructors.
let withBindings, envFinal = TcMutRecDefns_Phase2 cenv envInitial m scopem mutRecNSInfo envMutRecPrelimWithReprs withEnvs isMutRec

let withBindings =
if cenv.g.langVersion.SupportsFeature(LanguageFeature.CSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired) then
// If any of the types has a member with the System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute,
// or a recursive module has a binding with the System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute,
// that type/recursive module should also received the ExtensionAttribute if it is not yet present.
// Example:
// open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
// type Int32Extensions =
// [<Extension>]
// static member PlusOne (a:int) : int = a + 1
// or
// module rec Foo
// [<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension>]
// let PlusOne (a:int) = a + 1
|> (function
| MutRecShape.Tycon (Some tycon, bindings) ->
let tycon =
(fun tryFindExtensionAttribute ->
|> Seq.tryPick (fun m -> tryFindExtensionAttribute m.Attribs)
MutRecShape.Tycon (Some tycon, bindings)
| MutRecShape.Module ((MutRecDefnsPhase2DataForModule(moduleOrNamespaceType, entity), env), shapes) ->
let entity =
(fun tryFindExtensionAttribute ->
|> Seq.filter(fun v -> v.IsModuleBinding)
|> Seq.tryPick (fun v -> tryFindExtensionAttribute v.Attribs)

MutRecShape.Module ((MutRecDefnsPhase2DataForModule(moduleOrNamespaceType, entity), env), shapes)
| shape -> shape)

// Generate the hash/compare/equality bindings for all tycons.
// Note: generating these bindings must come after generating the members, since some in the case of structs some fields
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4763,6 +4824,31 @@ let rec TcModuleOrNamespaceElementNonMutRec (cenv: cenv) parent typeNames scopem

// Get the inferred type of the decls and record it in the modul.
moduleEntity.entity_modul_type <- MaybeLazy.Strict moduleTyAcc.Value

let moduleEntity =
if cenv.g.langVersion.SupportsFeature(LanguageFeature.CSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired) then
// If any of the let bindings inside the module has the System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute,
// that module should also received the ExtensionAttribute if it is not yet present.
// Example:
// module Foo
//let PlusOne (a:int) = a + 1
(fun tryFindExtensionAttribute ->
match moduleContents with
| ModuleOrNamespaceContents.TMDefs(defs) ->
|> Seq.tryPick (function
| ModuleOrNamespaceContents.TMDefLet (Binding.TBind(var = v),_) ->
tryFindExtensionAttribute v.Attribs
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None

let moduleDef = TMDefRec(false, [], [], [ModuleOrNamespaceBinding.Module(moduleEntity, moduleContents)], m)

PublishModuleDefn cenv env moduleEntity
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/Compiler/Checking/CheckExpressions.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1822,19 +1822,19 @@ let BuildFieldMap (cenv: cenv) env isPartial ty (flds: ((Ident list * Ident) * '
rfinfo1.TypeInst, rfinfo1.TyconRef

let fldsmap, rfldsList =
((Map.empty, []), fldResolutions) ||> List.fold (fun (fs, rfldsList) (fld, frefs, fldExpr) ->
((Map.empty, []), fldResolutions) ||> List.fold (fun (fs, rfldsList) ((_, ident), frefs, fldExpr) ->
match frefs |> List.filter (fun (FieldResolution(rfinfo2, _)) -> tyconRefEq g tcref rfinfo2.TyconRef) with
| [FieldResolution(rfinfo2, showDeprecated)] ->

// Record the precise resolution of the field for intellisense
let item = Item.RecdField(rfinfo2)
CallNameResolutionSink cenv.tcSink ((snd fld).idRange, env.NameEnv, item, emptyTyparInst, ItemOccurence.Use, ad)
CallNameResolutionSink cenv.tcSink (ident.idRange, env.NameEnv, item, emptyTyparInst, ItemOccurence.Use, ad)

let fref2 = rfinfo2.RecdFieldRef

CheckRecdFieldAccessible cenv.amap m env.eAccessRights fref2 |> ignore

CheckFSharpAttributes g fref2.PropertyAttribs m |> CommitOperationResult
CheckFSharpAttributes g fref2.PropertyAttribs ident.idRange |> CommitOperationResult

if Map.containsKey fref2.FieldName fs then
errorR (Error(FSComp.SR.tcFieldAppearsTwiceInRecord(fref2.FieldName), m))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2169,7 +2169,8 @@ module GeneralizationHelpers =
match memberFlags.MemberKind with
// can't infer extra polymorphism for properties
| SynMemberKind.PropertyGet
| SynMemberKind.PropertySet ->
| SynMemberKind.PropertySet
| SynMemberKind.PropertyGetSet ->
if not (isNil declaredTypars) then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.tcPropertyRequiresExplicitTypeParameters(), m))
| SynMemberKind.Constructor ->
Expand Down
71 changes: 63 additions & 8 deletions src/Compiler/Checking/NameResolution.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -530,14 +530,18 @@ let IsMethInfoPlainCSharpStyleExtensionMember g m isEnclExtTy (minfo: MethInfo)
/// Get the info for all the .NET-style extension members listed as static members in the type.
let private GetCSharpStyleIndexedExtensionMembersForTyconRef (amap: Import.ImportMap) m (tcrefOfStaticClass: TyconRef) =
let g = amap.g

if IsTyconRefUsedForCSharpStyleExtensionMembers g m tcrefOfStaticClass then
let pri = NextExtensionMethodPriority()

if g.langVersion.SupportsFeature(LanguageFeature.CSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired) then
let ty = generalizedTyconRef g tcrefOfStaticClass

let minfos =
GetImmediateIntrinsicMethInfosOfType (None, AccessorDomain.AccessibleFromSomeFSharpCode) g amap m ty
|> List.filter (IsMethInfoPlainCSharpStyleExtensionMember g m true)

let minfos = GetImmediateIntrinsicMethInfosOfType (None, AccessorDomain.AccessibleFromSomeFSharpCode) g amap m ty
[ for minfo in minfos do
if IsMethInfoPlainCSharpStyleExtensionMember g m true minfo then
if IsTyconRefUsedForCSharpStyleExtensionMembers g m tcrefOfStaticClass || not minfos.IsEmpty then
let pri = NextExtensionMethodPriority()

[ for minfo in minfos do
let ilExtMem = ILExtMem (tcrefOfStaticClass, minfo, pri)

// The results are indexed by the TyconRef of the first 'this' argument, if any.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -584,9 +588,60 @@ let private GetCSharpStyleIndexedExtensionMembersForTyconRef (amap: Import.Impor
| None -> ()
| Some (Some tcref) -> yield Choice1Of2(tcref, ilExtMem)
| Some None -> yield Choice2Of2 ilExtMem ]

if IsTyconRefUsedForCSharpStyleExtensionMembers g m tcrefOfStaticClass then
let pri = NextExtensionMethodPriority()
let ty = generalizedTyconRef g tcrefOfStaticClass
let minfos = GetImmediateIntrinsicMethInfosOfType (None, AccessorDomain.AccessibleFromSomeFSharpCode) g amap m ty

[ for minfo in minfos do
if IsMethInfoPlainCSharpStyleExtensionMember g m true minfo then
let ilExtMem = ILExtMem (tcrefOfStaticClass, minfo, pri)
// The results are indexed by the TyconRef of the first 'this' argument, if any.
// So we need to go and crack the type of the 'this' argument.
// This is convoluted because we only need the ILTypeRef of the first argument, and we don't
// want to read any other metadata as it can trigger missing-assembly errors. It turns out ImportILTypeRef
// is less eager in reading metadata than GetParamTypes.
// We don't use the index for the IL extension method for tuple of F# function types (e.g. if extension
// methods for tuple occur in C# code)
let thisTyconRef =
let rs =
match metadataOfTycon tcrefOfStaticClass.Deref, minfo with
| ILTypeMetadata (TILObjectReprData(scoref, _, _)), ILMeth(_, ILMethInfo(_, _, _, ilMethod, _), _) ->
match ilMethod.ParameterTypes with
| firstTy :: _ ->
match firstTy with
| ILType.Boxed tspec | ILType.Value tspec ->
let tref = (tspec |> rescopeILTypeSpec scoref).TypeRef
if Import.CanImportILTypeRef amap m tref then
let tcref = tref |> Import.ImportILTypeRef amap m
if isCompiledTupleTyconRef g tcref || tyconRefEq g tcref g.fastFunc_tcr then None
else Some tcref
else None
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
| _ ->
// The results are indexed by the TyconRef of the first 'this' argument, if any.
// So we need to go and crack the type of the 'this' argument.
let thisTy = minfo.GetParamTypes(amap, m, generalizeTypars minfo.FormalMethodTypars).Head.Head
match thisTy with
| AppTy g (tcrefOfTypeExtended, _) when not (isByrefTy g thisTy) -> Some tcrefOfTypeExtended
| _ -> None
Some rs
with e -> // Import of the ILType may fail, if so report the error and skip on
errorRecovery e m
match thisTyconRef with
| None -> ()
| Some (Some tcref) -> yield Choice1Of2(tcref, ilExtMem)
| Some None -> yield Choice2Of2 ilExtMem ]

/// Query the declared properties of a type (including inherited properties)
let IntrinsicPropInfosOfTypeInScope (infoReader: InfoReader) optFilter ad findFlag m ty =
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Compiler/FSComp.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1560,6 +1560,7 @@ featureRequiredProperties,"support for required properties"
featureInitProperties,"support for consuming init properties"
featureLowercaseDUWhenRequireQualifiedAccess,"Allow lowercase DU when RequireQualifiedAccess attribute"
featureMatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData,"Pattern match discard is not allowed for union case that takes no data."
featureCSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired,"Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules"
3353,fsiInvalidDirective,"Invalid directive '#%s %s'"
3354,tcNotAFunctionButIndexerNamedIndexingNotYetEnabled,"This value supports indexing, e.g. '%s.[index]'. The syntax '%s[index]' requires /langversion:preview. See"
3354,tcNotAFunctionButIndexerIndexingNotYetEnabled,"This expression supports indexing, e.g. 'expr.[index]'. The syntax 'expr[index]' requires /langversion:preview. See"
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Compiler/Facilities/LanguageFeatures.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ type LanguageFeature =
| InterfacesWithAbstractStaticMembers
| SelfTypeConstraints
| MatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData
| CSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired

/// LanguageVersion management
type LanguageVersion(versionText) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,6 +127,8 @@ type LanguageVersion(versionText) =
// F# preview
LanguageFeature.FromEndSlicing, previewVersion
LanguageFeature.MatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData, previewVersion
LanguageFeature.CSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired, previewVersion


static let defaultLanguageVersion = LanguageVersion("default")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,6 +236,7 @@ type LanguageVersion(versionText) =
| LanguageFeature.InterfacesWithAbstractStaticMembers -> FSComp.SR.featureInterfacesWithAbstractStaticMembers ()
| LanguageFeature.SelfTypeConstraints -> FSComp.SR.featureSelfTypeConstraints ()
| LanguageFeature.MatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData -> FSComp.SR.featureMatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData ()
| LanguageFeature.CSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired -> FSComp.SR.featureCSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired ()

/// Get a version string associated with the given feature.
static member GetFeatureVersionString feature =
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Compiler/Facilities/LanguageFeatures.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ type LanguageFeature =
| InterfacesWithAbstractStaticMembers
| SelfTypeConstraints
| MatchNotAllowedForUnionCaseWithNoData
| CSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired

/// LanguageVersion management
type LanguageVersion =
Expand Down
20 changes: 19 additions & 1 deletion src/Compiler/TypedTree/TypedTreeOps.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10410,4 +10410,22 @@ let (|EmptyModuleOrNamespaces|_|) (moduleOrNamespaceContents: ModuleOrNamespaceC
Some emptyModuleOrNamespaces
| _ -> None
| _ -> None

let tryAddExtensionAttributeIfNotAlreadyPresent
(tryFindExtensionAttributeIn: (Attrib list -> Attrib option) -> Attrib option)
(entity: Entity)
: Entity
let tryFindExtensionAttribute (attribs: Attrib list): Attrib option =
(fun (a: Attrib) ->
a.TyconRef.CompiledRepresentationForNamedType.BasicQualifiedName = "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute")

if Option.isSome (tryFindExtensionAttribute entity.Attribs) then
match tryFindExtensionAttributeIn tryFindExtensionAttribute with
| None -> entity
| Some extensionAttrib -> { entity with entity_attribs = extensionAttrib :: entity.Attribs }
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Compiler/TypedTree/TypedTreeOps.fsi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2687,3 +2687,7 @@ type TraitConstraintInfo with
/// This will match anything that does not have any types or bindings.
val (|EmptyModuleOrNamespaces|_|):
moduleOrNamespaceContents: ModuleOrNamespaceContents -> (ModuleOrNamespace list) option

/// Add an System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute to the Entity if found via predicate and not already present.
val tryAddExtensionAttributeIfNotAlreadyPresent:
tryFindExtensionAttributeIn: ((Attrib list -> Attrib option) -> Attrib option) -> entity: Entity -> Entity
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/Compiler/xlf/FSComp.txt.cs.xlf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,6 +152,11 @@
<target state="translated">automatické generování vlastnosti Message pro deklarace exception</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureCSharpExtensionAttributeNotRequired">
<source>Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</source>
<target state="new">Allow implicit Extension attribute on declaring types, modules</target>
<note />
<trans-unit id="featureDefaultInterfaceMemberConsumption">
<source>default interface member consumption</source>
<target state="translated">využití člena výchozího rozhraní</target>
Expand Down

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