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Fix dotnet io (#10815)
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KevinRansom authored Dec 30, 2020
1 parent 94885f5 commit 0868ca8
Showing 1 changed file with 63 additions and 19 deletions.
82 changes: 63 additions & 19 deletions src/fsharp/FxResolver.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ type internal FxResolver(assumeDotNetFramework: bool option, projectDir: string,
static let getDotnetHostPath() =
match (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_HOST_PATH")) with
| value when not (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) ->
value // Value set externally
// Set externally
| _ ->
match getDotnetDirectory() with
| Some dotnetDir ->
Expand All @@ -68,32 +69,75 @@ type internal FxResolver(assumeDotNetFramework: bool option, projectDir: string,
/// we repeatedly try to run dotnet.exe on every keystroke for a script
static let desiredDotNetSdkVersionForDirectoryCache = ConcurrentDictionary<string, Result<string, exn>>()

/// Find the relevant sdk version by running `dotnet --version` in the script/project location,
// Execute the process pathToExe passing the arguments: arguments with the working directory: workingDir timeout after timeout milliseconds -1 = wait forever
// returns exit code, stdio and stderr as string arrays
let executeProcess pathToExe arguments (workingDir:string option) timeout =
if not (String.IsNullOrEmpty pathToExe) then
let errorsList = ResizeArray()
let outputList = ResizeArray()
let mutable errorslock = obj
let mutable outputlock = obj
let outputDataReceived (message: string) =
if not (isNull message) then
lock outputlock (fun () -> outputList.Add(message))

let errorDataReceived (message: string) =
if not (isNull message) then
lock errorslock (fun () -> errorsList.Add(message))

let psi = ProcessStartInfo()
psi.FileName <- pathToExe
if workingDir.IsSome then
psi.WorkingDirectory <- workingDir.Value
psi.RedirectStandardOutput <- true
psi.RedirectStandardError <- true
psi.Arguments <- arguments
psi.CreateNoWindow <- true
psi.EnvironmentVariables.Remove("MSBuildSDKsPath") // Host can sometimes add this, and it can break things
psi.UseShellExecute <- false

use p = new Process()
p.StartInfo <- psi

p.OutputDataReceived.Add(fun a -> outputDataReceived a.Data)
p.ErrorDataReceived.Add(fun a -> errorDataReceived a.Data)

if p.Start() then
if not(p.WaitForExit(timeout)) then
// Timed out resolving throw a diagnostic.
raise (new TimeoutException(sprintf "Timeout executing command '%s' '%s'" (psi.FileName) (psi.Arguments)))
if workingDir.IsSome then
File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(workingDir.Value, "StandardOutput.txt"), outputList)
File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(workingDir.Value, "StandardError.txt"), errorsList)
p.ExitCode, outputList.ToArray(), errorsList.ToArray()
-1, Array.empty, Array.empty

/// Find the relevant sdk version by running `dotnet --version` in the script/project location,
/// taking into account any global.json
let tryGetDesiredDotNetSdkVersionForDirectoryInfo() =
desiredDotNetSdkVersionForDirectoryCache.GetOrAdd(projectDir, (fun _ ->
let dotnetHostPath = getDotnetHostPath()
let psi = ProcessStartInfo(dotnetHostPath, "--version")
psi.RedirectStandardOutput <- true
psi.RedirectStandardError <- true
psi.UseShellExecute <- false
psi.CreateNoWindow <- true
psi.StandardOutputEncoding <- Encoding.UTF8
psi.StandardErrorEncoding <- Encoding.UTF8
if Directory.Exists(projectDir) then
psi.WorkingDirectory <- projectDir
let p = Process.Start(psi)
let stdout = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
let stderr = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
if p.ExitCode <> 0 then
Result.Error (Error(FSComp.SR.scriptSdkNotDetermined(dotnetHostPath, projectDir, stderr, p.ExitCode), rangeForErrors))
let workingDir =
if Directory.Exists(projectDir) then
Some projectDir
let exitCode, output, errors = executeProcess dotnetHostPath "--version" workingDir 30000
if exitCode <> 0 then
Result.Error (Error(FSComp.SR.scriptSdkNotDetermined(dotnetHostPath, projectDir, (errors |> String.concat "\n"), exitCode), rangeForErrors))
Result.Ok (stdout.Trim())
Result.Ok (output |> String.concat "\n")
with err ->
Result.Error (Error(FSComp.SR.scriptSdkNotDetermined(dotnetHostPath, projectDir, err.Message, 1), rangeForErrors))))

let tryGetDesiredDotNetSdkVersionForDirectory() =
// Make sure the warning gets replayed each time we call this
match tryGetDesiredDotNetSdkVersionForDirectoryInfo() with
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