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I would like to share with you my latest Mern Stack project. Real Estate Full Stack is a property management web project. It has an interface that allows users to browse properties, send a request to the property owner by e-mail, and manage their listings, if they have any. Users can filter by word, whether it is for rent, for sale, whether it is for rent or for sale, whether an offer has been made before or not, and they can look at properties by sorting from new to old or from cheap to expensive based on the filtered data.

Users who can register and log in with JWT or Google can change their profile settings. For security reasons, the generated tokens are stored in cookies (http cookie only). Images of listed properties are stored in Firebase Storage. Redux Toolkit is used as state management and user information is kept with Redux Persist.

Since it is live for free via Render, Render directly puts the site to sleep when there is no traffic on the site, so those who want to enter the live demo may have to wait for 30 seconds 😀

🔗 Live Link:

Technologies used:

⚙ RestfulAPI with Node Js & Express Js 🖥 Frontend optimized with React Js 🔑 Authentication with JWT and Firebase Google OAuth 🔥 Firebase - Cloud Firestore Database / Storage 🌟 Redux Toolkit - State Management with Redux Persist ☁ CRUD operations with Mongo Db 🎨 User experience with Tailwind Css, React Toastify, Sweet Alert2 📧 Direct communication between Buyer and Seller via e-mail 🚀 Advanced dynamic search filter 🔧 Insomnia API 📈 Modern UI/UX design 💻 Both mobile and desktop experience with responsive interface 📚 Git/GitHub 🌐 Render platform for distribution

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