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[BUG] (next) when configs changed, keymaps brings an error #338
@connorgmeehan would you please pay attention here |
I can't re-create this issue, what version of neovim are you using? It should be 0.7 |
➜ v --version Features: +acl +iconv +tui system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim" Run :checkhealth for more info |
just edit one lua file and save, but not quit, then, keymap in config.lua fails |
Can you post your modules.lua + config.lua inside a
module.lua -- modules.lua - Doom nvim module selection
-- modules.lua controls what Doom nvim plugins modules are enabled and
-- what features are being used.
-- Uncomment a plugin to enable it and comment out to disable and uninstall it.
return {
features = {
-- Language features
"annotations", -- Code annotation generator
"auto_install", -- Auto install LSP providers
"autopairs", -- Automatically close character pairs
"comment", -- Adds keybinds to comment in any language
"linter", -- Linting and formatting for languages
"lsp", -- Code completion
"snippets", -- Code snippets for all languages
-- Editor
"auto_session", -- Remember sessions between loads
"colorizer", -- Show colors in neovim
"editorconfig", -- Support editorconfig files
"gitsigns", -- Show git changes in sidebar
"illuminate", -- Highlight other copies of the word you're hovering on
"indentlines", -- Show indent lines with special characters
"range_highlight", -- Highlight selected range from commands
"todo_comments", -- Highlight TODO: comments
-- "doom_themes", -- Extra themes for doom
-- UI Components
"lsp_progress", -- Check status of LSP loading
"tabline", -- Tab bar buffer switcher
"dashboard", -- A pretty dashboard upon opening
"trouble", -- A pretty diagnostic viewer
"statusline", -- A pretty status line at the bottom of the buffer
"minimap", -- Shows current position in document
"terminal", -- Integrated terminal in neovim
"symbols", -- Navigate between code symbols using telescope
-- "ranger", -- File explorer in neovim (TODO: Test)
-- "restclient", -- Test HTTP requests from neovim (TODO: Test)
"show_registers", -- Show and navigate between registers
-- Tools
-- "dap", -- Debug code through neovim
"explorer", -- An enhanced filetree explorer
-- "firenvim", -- Embed neovim in your browser
-- "lazygit", -- Lazy git integration
-- "neogit", -- A git client for neovim
"neorg", -- Organise your life
"projects", -- Quickly switch between projects
"superman", -- Read unix man pages in neovim
"suda", -- Save using sudo when necessary
"telescope", -- Fuzzy searcher to find files, grep code and more
langs = {
-- Scripts
-- Web
-- "css",
-- "vue",
-- "tailwindcss",
-- Compiled
-- JIT
-- "c_sharp",
"config", -- JSON, YAML, TOML
config.lua -- doom_config - Doom Nvim user configurations file
-- This file contains the user-defined configurations for Doom nvim.
-- Just override stuff in the `doom` global table (it's injected into scope
-- automatically).
-- doom.use_package("EdenEast/nightfox.nvim", "sainnhe/sonokai")
-- doom.use_package({
-- "ur4ltz/surround.nvim",
-- config = function()
-- require("surround").setup({mappings_style = "sandwich"})
-- end
-- })
doom.use_package("github/copilot.vim", "jspringyc/vim-word", "rmehri01/onenord.nvim", "lervag/vimtex", "dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode", "voldikss/vim-translator")
branch = "main",
-- doom.use_keybind({
-- -- The `name` field will add the keybind to whichkey
-- {"<leader>s", name = '+search', {
-- -- Bind to a vim command
-- {"g", "Telescope grep_string<CR>", name = "Grep project"},
-- -- Or to a lua function
-- {"p", function()
-- print("Not implemented yet")
-- end, name = ""}
-- }}
-- })
mode = "i",
options = { expr = true, silent = true },
}, {
function() vim.cmd("q!") end,
}, {
}, {
-- doom.use_cmd({
-- {"CustomCommand1", function() print("Trigger my custom command 1") end},
-- {"CustomCommand2", function() print("Trigger my custom command 2") end}
-- })
{ "W", function() vim.cmd("SudaWrite") end },
{ "Wq", function() vim.cmd("SudaWrite") vim.cmd("q!") end },
-- doom.use_autocmd({
-- { "FileType", "javascript", function() print('This is a javascript file') end }
-- })
vim.g.copilot_no_tab_map = true
vim.opt.colorcolumn = "0"
vim.g.tex_flavor = "xelatex"
vim.g.vimtex_quickfix_mode = 0
vim.g.vimtex_view_general_viewer = 'zathura'
vim.g.vimtex_view_method = 'zathura'
doom.indent = 2 -- Sets vim.opt.shiftwith, vim.opt.softtabstop, vim.opt.tabstop to 2
doom.colorscheme = "onenord" -- Select a colorscheme
doom.disable_ex = true -- Disable Ex mode
doom.disable_macros = true -- Disable macros
doom.use_floating_win_packer = true -- Use floating window packer
doom.preserve_edit_pos = true -- Preserve the cursor position when switching buffers
doom.auto_comment = true -- Enable auto-commenting
doom.impatient_enabled = true -- Enable impatient mode
doom.freeze_dependencies = false -- Freeze dependencies
doom.undo_dir = "/home/nextalone/.cache/nvim/undo" -- Set the undo directory
Ok thanks, I can re-create this issue, I'm working on resolving the bug now. For the time being you can include |
Ohh, thanks for your work |
@NextAlone This has been fixed, there's also a new Also I'm not sure how the copilot plugin works but it looks like the copilot command is malformed. |
Oh, keymaps works, but copilot truly failed, it's expr, and works with previous versions. Does new mapper not accept expr? |
Oops, I was using |
Thanks for your work, it works fine for me now. |
and BTW, dashboard cant be install with a fresh doom-nvim, shows that the commit not in the tree |
and |
Also I've fixed the broken hotkey :). |
there must be some breaking changes in dashboard plugin |
already fixed |
Current Behavior:
Expected Behavior:
Steps To Reproduce:
change files in lua dir or even module.lua, then save
but PackerCompile doesn't work
then keymap fails
Check Health Output
Doom Report Output
Anything else:
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: