Ready to 'pute some graphs??
graphputer lets you decompose some computation into a directed graph of computations. Let's say you're writing a user signup API endpoint. Instead of writing something like this:
;; assume `validate` and `insert-user` are defined
(defn user-signup
(if-let [validation-errors (validate params)]
{:status 400
:body validation-errors}
(if-let [user (insert-user params)]
{:status 200
:body user}
{:status 500})))
(user-signup {:username "newuser"})
You can write something like this:
(require '[donut.graphputer :as puter])
(def user-signup-graph
{:id :user-signup
:init :validate
{:pute (fn [user-params]
(if-let [validation-errors (validate user-params)]
[::puter/goto :fail validation-errors]
;; the vector [::puter/goto :fail new-parameter] tells graphputer to follow
;; the `:fail` edge (which points to the `:validate-failed` node here)
;; and to pass in `new-parameter` to that node's `:pute`
:edges {:default :insert-user
:fail :validate-failed}}
{:pute (fn [validation-errors]
{:status 400
:body validation-errors})}
{:pute (fn [user-params]
(if-let [inserted-user (insert-user user-params)]
[::puter/goto :fail]))
:edges {:default :user-signup-success
:fail :insert-user-failed}}
{:pute (constantly {:status 500})}
{:pute (fn [inserted-user]
{:status 200
:body inserted-user})}}})
(puter/execute user-signup-graph {:username "newuser"})
graph TB
:validate -->|:default| :insert-user
:validate -->|:fail| :validate-failed
:insert-user -->|:default| :user-signup-success
:insert-user -->|:fail| :insert-user-failed
classDef default ry:5,rx:5
Why would anyone want to do this? Honestly, it might be a bad idea. You tell me! It's an experiment.
The immediate motivating reason is to enable the creation of libraries that have nested control flow for coordinating multiple conditions and side-effecting behavior, while remaining extensible by the user.
For example, I want it to be possible to create a lib for web app backends that can capture the core workflow for signing up a user, while allowing a dev to add their own custom behavior. A developer might want to email a user after successfully inserting their record in your db. You could do that like this:
(def my-user-signup-graph
{:node-name :email-user-signup-success
:node {:pute (fn [inserted-user] (email-user inserted-user))}
:input-node-name :insert-user}))
This will insert a new computation node under the :email-user-signup-success key
, and changes the :insert-user
node so that its :default
edge points to
. The :email-user-signup-success
node's :default
points to :user-signup-success
graph TB
:validate -->|:default| :insert-user
:validate -->|:fail| :validate-failed
:insert-user -->|:default| :email-user-signup-success
:insert-user -->|:fail| :insert-user-failed
:email-user-signup-success -->|:default| :user-signup-success
classDef default ry:5,rx:5
Another benefit of this approach is that it opens up possibilities for documenting your library. It's possible to visualize the compute graph and put it in your readme, making it easier for devs to understand what your lib is doing.
takes two arguments, a graph and the graph's initial
execution parameter. When you call donut.graphputer/execute
, it looks the node
named by :init
and calls its :pute
function with one argument, the initial
execution parameter. In the example above, :validate
's :pute
gets called
with the map {:username "newuser"}
If a :pute
function returns a vector like [:donut.graphputer/goto node-name new-execution-parameter]
then execution flow goes to the computation node named
by node-name
and that node gets passed new-execution-parameter
is optional; if it isn't supplied then the current
execution parameter gets passed on. So with :validate
, the :fail
node would
be :validate-failed
Otherwise, execution flow goes to the :default
node and the next :pute
function is called with the return value of the previous :pute
function. In
the example above, :user-signup-success
gets called with the value returned by
(insert-user user-params)
If there isn't another node to goto -- because :default
isn't defined or
[:donut.graphputer/goto ...]
isn't returned, then execution stops and the last
computed value is returned.
You can supply malli schemas for:
- The argument passed to
- The values that a node passes to downstream nodes
- The value that a node returns directly
This example shows you'd handle the first to cases:
{:pute (fn [user-params]
(if-let [user (insert-user user-params)]
[::puter/goto :fail insert-user-failed]))
:edges {:default :insert-user
:fail :insert-user-failed}
:schemas {::puter/input input-schema
:default default-schema
:fail fail-schema}}
Under :schemas
, ::puter/input
is a schema that's used to validate the
argument that will get passed in to the :pute
function as user-params
and :fail
both correspond to edge names, and validate the values
that will be passed along those edges (before they actually get passed).
To validate a value that's meant to be the return value for the entire
execution, you use the ::puter/output
key under :schemas
If validation fails, an exception gets thrown.
If you want to execute without using schemas for validation, include :validate? false
in your graph definition:
(def graph
{:id :my-id
:init :some-node-name
:validate? false
:nodes {}})
Not really. Unlike a state machine, you don't send it events to advance states.