behavior tree verification
To recreate tests, see REPRODUCIBILITY.
The following files make up BehaVerify (internal use only. do not interact with) - Converts behaverify files to DSL templates - Converts behaverify files to SMV files (for use with nuXmv) - Converts DSL files to behaverify files - Converts DSL files to python (py_trees) (NOT CURRENTLY WORKING) (internal use only. do not interact with) - Converts a py_tree to Behaverify Files (internal use only. do not interact with)
These files are located in ./src. Please note that this version is still being tested. There are errors and inefficiencies.
Information below is not accurate and has not been updated to the most recent version.
Quick overview: the newest version utilizes a Domain Specific Language (DSL) as defined in the grammar folder. Eventually, the plan is to be able to create a DSL template from an existing py_trees implementation, but that functionality does not yet exist. Furthermore, owing to some re-writes, it is currently not possible to utilize to create a modeol directly from an existing py_trees implementation.
Current usage: use in order to create an intermediate file that is used with to create an smv file for use with nuXmv.
Some nuXmv functions currently not supported, like exp and ln, because I don't actually know how those functions work. I can't make them work in any examples.
This is the first file that will be used. It will create a tree object based on the input arguments it receives and the walk this object, gathering relevant information. If an output file is provided, it will write the output to that file. Otherwise, it will print the output.
An example call would be
python3 method_to_create_root --output_file my_output
where is a file provided by the user. This file needs to have a method which when called returns the root of the tree. This method is method_to_create_root. If there are arguments that this method needs, they can be provided using the optional flags --input_args and --input_string_args.
This is the second file that will be used. It is used to modify the output of In the example call, this output was my_output. As this is a text file, it can be modified by hand. However, it may be easier or faster to utilize for this task. There are a variety of flags which can be used to mass edit nodes and variables. It is also possible to specify individual nodes/variables to modify.
An example call would be
python3 my_output.txt --force_parallel_sync --instruction_file list_of_instructions --output_file my_output2
This is the final file that will be used. It uses the file created by (or, if no editing was required). It will create the actual .smv file to be used by nuXmv. An example call would be
python3 my_output2 --spec_file ltl_specs --blackboard_output_file my_blackboard --output_file my_output.smv
Various arguments can be provided to These include a custom blackboard (this will prevent the from generating a new blackboard and use the one provided instead), specifications (these are directly copy and pasted into the file), etc.
Various outputs can be requested, allowing for greater reusability.
This is used internally. It is required, but you will not use it directly.
python3 root_file root_method --root_args ROOT_ARGS --string_args STRING_ARGS --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
The root_file must contain the root_method. When called, the root_method must return a py_trees node. This node will be treated as the root. If additional parameters are required to call this method, please include them using the optional arguments.
root_args and string_args both accept any number of arguments. Each arg in root_args will be used as an argument in the root_method. It must evaluate to a valid python expression. string_args function in the same way as root_args, but the argument will be passed as a string.
The output_file is an optional argument indicating where the output should be written. WARNING: this will overwrite an existing file! If no output_file is provided, the output will be printed.
The input_file is where modifier will read it's information from. Most likely, this should be the output of The output of will be in the same format as the input, so repeated modification is possible.
The output_file is an optional argument indicating where the output should be written. WARNING: this will overwrite an existing file! If no output_file is provided, the output will be printed.
If this flag is present, will enter an interactive mode where the user can modify values via the command prompt. This feature is incomplete, and probably shouldn't be used.
If an instruction_file is provided, will apply every instruction in the file to the provided input. For repeatability reasons, this is probably the best way to use An explanation of how to write an instruction_file can be found below.
The following Optional Arguments will be applied everywhere (where applicable).
Forces each parallel node to be treated as unsynchronized (i.e., without memory).
Forces each parallel node to be treated as synchronized (i.e., with memory).
Forces each selector node to be treated as a node with memory.
Forces each selector node to be treated as a node without memory.
Forces each sequence node to be treated as a node with memory.
Forces each sequence node to be treated as a node without memory.
Forces check_blackboard_variables to use the next value of the variable being checked. Useful if most blackboard variables have their value updated before any relevant checks are applied.
Forces check_blackboard_variables to use the current value of the variable being checked. Useful if most blackboard variables have their value updated after any relevant checks are applied.
BehaVerify will attempt to detect when blackboard variables are updated and use a current or next check as appropriate in check_blackbaord_variables. Note: this is not guaranteed to work. Nodes with access may need to be updated for more accurate results.
Sets the minimum value for each variable to the provided value.
Sets the maximum value for each variable to the provided value.
Sets the initial value for each variable to the provided value.
Removes the initial value for each variable.
Variables are treated as always existing.
Variables will need to be 'initialized'. I.E., until a node sets a value for a variable, it will be marked as not existing. All checks will automatically return False for the variable.
Variables initial exist will be set to this value (note: if variables always exist, this value is ignored).
Variables do not have an initial exist value.
If this value is provided, then when a variable's value is updated using anything other than the default case, the variable's exist value will be set to this.
Variables will be nondeterministically set to exist or not exist with each update.
If no node updates the variable's value, then the variable will automatically retain it's current value.
If no node updates the variable's value, then the node will nondeterministically take on a new value.
Variables will be split into stages, allowing much easier modelling for variables which update repeatedly during a single execution. WARNING: greatly increases state space.
Varaiables will not use stages.
The input containing tree information. Most likely, this should be the output of or
If this argument is provided, will not generate a blackbaord file. Instead, it will directly include the contents of blackboard_input_file.
If this argument is provided, will not generate additional modules (such as blackboard checks or status setting modules). Instead, it will directly include the contents of module_input_file
If this argument is provided, will include the contents of the file.
If this argument is provided, will write the output to the file. WARNING: this will overwrite existing files. If this argument is not provided, the output will be printed.
If this argument is provided, will also write the blackboard to this file. This can then be used as a template to modify the blackboard by hand. The modified blackboard can then be used in subsequent runs as a blackboard_input_file. WARNING: this will overwrite existing files.
If this argument is provided, will also write the additional modules to this file. This can then be used as a template to modify the additional modules by hand. The modified modules can then be used in subsequent runs as a module_input_file. WARNING: this will overwrite existing files.
The instruction file should be formatted as a list of dictionaries.
Each dictionary needs to contain a 'target' key. There are three valid targets: 'global_flags', 'variable', and 'node'.
If 'target' maps to 'global_flags', then the only other entry in the dictionary should be 'instructions' which maps to a list of global flags to be applied. Most optional arguments (as described above) are accepted.
If 'target' maps to 'variable', then this dictionary is going to describe what variable is to be modified and how. The dictionary should have the following entries:
The name of the variable to be modified. This is a string.
This indicates that the variable needs to be created. Should map to True
This indicates that the variable needs to be deleted. Should map to True
A dictionary of modifications to make.
If 'target' maps to 'node', then this dictionary is going to describe what node is to be modified and how. This dictionary should have the following entries:
The name of the node to be modified
A dictionary of modifications to apply to the node.