Port trigger that is following main resource - this can be excluded in case resurce is having it's own pingable tcp port
Main HA process that is setting main resource state based on condition
/usr/local/sbin/haping - port trigger
/usr/local/sbin/ha-daemon.py - main HA module
/etc/ha.cfg - main config file
/var/log/ha-daemon.log - logfile
haping is appended in the resource startup so that it can reserve HA port when the service is running.
isMaster = True #is node master or not(True|False)
interface = ens192 #observed interface name
masterHost = #master node ip
slaveHost = #slave node ip
gw = #gateway IP that needs(or not) to be reached by node from $interface
port = 55000 #port where the socket digger is listening
procname = nginx #resource process name
interval = 10 #heartbeat interval
resource = /etc/init.d/nginx #resource that is started | stopped
slave configuration has False for isMaster
Use /etc/init.d/ha-daemon is executed instead of /etc/init.d/nginx as it will start also the nginx server !
In case Master node has network issue, script will terminate resourced service on in and slave will take over. Once master is back, slave will shutdown it's service and master will take over.
Script can be modified for any other resource by changing resource and procname.