Coworker who sees me looking at something in a browser: "Glad you're not busy; I need you to do this, this, this..."
Coworker who sees me staring intently at a command prompt: Backs away, slowly...
Check out the haxor-news
discussion in this Hacker News post.
brings Hacker News to the terminal, allowing you to view/filter the following without leaving your command line:
- Posts
- Post Comments
- Post Linked Web Content
- Monthly Hiring and Freelancers Posts
- User Info
- Onions
helps you filter the large number of comments that popular posts generate.
- Want to expand only previously unseen comments?
- How about recent comments posted in the past 60 minutes?
- Filter comments matching a regex query?
-cq/--comments_query [query]
Job hunting or just curious what's out there? Filter the monthly who's hiring and freelancers post:
$ hn hiring "(?i)(Node|JavaScript).*(remote)" > remote_web_jobs.txt
Combine haxor-news
with pipes, redirects, and other command line utilities. Output to pagers, write to files, automate with cron, etc.
comes with a handy optional auto-completer with interactive help:
- View Posts
- View a Post's Linked Web Content
- View and Filter a Post's Comments
- View and Filter the Monthly Hiring Post
- View and Filter the Monthly Freelancer Post
- Combine With Pipes and Redirects
- View User Info
- View Onions
- View Results in a Browser
- Windows Support
$ hn <command> [params] [options]
Optionally, you can enable fish-style completions and an auto-completion menu with interactive help:
$ haxor-news
If available, the auto-completer also automatically displays comments through a pager.
Within the auto-completer, the same syntax applies:
haxor> hn <command> [params] [options]
You can control the ansi colors used for highlighting by updating your ~/.haxornewsconfig
Color options include:
'black', 'red', 'green', 'yellow',
'blue', 'magenta', 'cyan', 'white'
For no color, set the value(s) to None
View the Top, Best, Show, Ask, Jobs, New, and Onion posts.
$ hn [command] [limit] # post limit default: 10
$ hn top
$ hn show 20
After viewing a list of posts, you can view a post's linked web content by referencing the post #
The HTML contents of the post's link are formatted for easy-viewing within your terminal. If available, the formatted output is sent to a pager.
See the View in a Browser section to view the contents in a browser instead.
$ hn view [#]
$ hn view 1
$ hn view 8
After viewing a list of posts, you can view a post's comments by referencing the post #
$ hn view 8 -c
$ hn view 8 --comments > comments.txt
If running with the auto-completer, comments are automatically paginated. To get the same pagination without the auto-completer, append | less -r
$ hn view 8 -c | less -r
Filter comments to expand only those you have not yet seen. Unseen comments are denoted with a [!]
and are fully expanded.
Seen comments will be truncated with [...] and will be shown to help provide context to unseen comments.
$ hn view 8 -cu
$ hn view 8 --comments_unseen | less -r
Filter comments to expand only those posted within the past 60 minutes.
Older comments will be truncated with [...] and will be shown to help provide context to recent comments.
$ hn view 8 -cr | less -r
$ hn view 8 --comments_recent
Filter comments based on a given regular expression query.
$ hn view 2 -cq "(?i)programmer" | less -r
$ hn view 2 --comments_regex_query "(?i)programmer" > programmer.txt
Case insensitive regex: (?i)
When filtering comments for unseen, recent, or with regex, non-matching comments are collapsed to provide context. To instead hide non-matching comments, pass the -ch\--comments_hide
flag. Hidden comments will be displayed as .
$ hn view 8 -cu -ch | less -r
Hacker News hosts a monthly hiring post where employers post the latest job openings.
$ hn hiring [regex filter]
$ hn hiring ""
$ hn hiring "(?i)JavaScript|Node"
$ hn hiring "(?i)(Node|JavaScript).*(remote)" > remote_jobs.txt
Case insensitive regex: (?i)
To search a different monthly hiring post other than the latest, use the hiring post id.
$ hn hiring [regex filter] [post id]
Hacker News hosts a monthly freelancers post where employers and freelancers post availabilities.
$ hn freelance [regex filter]
$ hn freelance ""
$ hn freelance "(?i)JavaScript|Node"
$ hn freelance "(?i)(Node|JavaScript).*(remote)" > remote_jobs.txt
Case insensitive regex: (?i)
To search a different monthly hiring post other than the latest, use the hiring post id.
$ hn freelance [regex filter] [post id]
Output to pagers, write to files, automate with cron, etc.
$ hn view 1 -c | less
$ hn freelance "(?i)(Node|JavaScript).*(remote)" > remote_jobs.txt
$ hn user [user id]
$ hn onion [limit] # post limit default: all
View the linked web content or comments in your default browser instead of your terminal.
$ hn <command> [params] [options] -b
$ hn <command> [params] [options] --browser
has been tested on Windows 10.
Pager support on Windows is more limited as discussed in the following ticket. Users can direct output to a pager with the | more
$ hn view 1 -c | more
On Windows, the .haxornewsconfig
file can be found in %userprofile%
. For example:
Although you can use the standard Windows command prompt, you'll probably have a better experience with either cmder or conemu.
is hosted on PyPI. The following command will install haxor-news
$ pip install haxor-news
You can also install the latest haxor-news
from GitHub source which can contain changes not yet pushed to PyPI:
$ pip install git+
If you are not installing in a virtualenv, run with sudo
$ sudo pip install haxor-news
Once installed, run the optional haxor-news
auto-completer with interactive help:
$ haxor-news
Run commands:
$ hn <command> [params] [options]
It is recommended that you install Python packages in a virtualenv to avoid potential issues with dependencies or permissions.
To view haxor-news
installation instructions, click here.
There is a known issue with Apple and its included python package dependencies (more info at pypa/pip#3165). We are investigating ways to fix this issue but in the meantime, to install haxor-news, you can run:
$ sudo pip install haxor-news --upgrade --ignore-installed six
- Python 2.6
- Python 2.7
- Python 3.3
- Python 3.4
- Python 3.5
- Python 3.6
- Python 3.7
- Mac OS X
- Tested on OS X 10.10
- Linux, Unix
- Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Windows
- Tested on Windows 10
If you're interested in contributing to haxor-news
, run the following commands:
$ git clone
$ pip install -e .
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ haxor-news
$ hn <command> [params] [options]
Continuous integration details are available on Travis CI.
Run unit tests in your active Python environment:
$ python tests/
Run unit tests with tox on multiple Python environments:
$ tox
Source code documentation will soon be available on Check out the source docstrings.
Run the following to build the docs:
$ scripts/
Contributions are welcome!
Review the Contributing Guidelines for details on how to:
- Submit issues
- Submit pull requests
- click by mitsuhiko
- haxor by avinassh
- html2text by aaronsw
- python-prompt-toolkit by jonathanslenders
- requests by kennethreitz
Feel free to contact me to discuss any issues, questions, or comments.
My contact info can be found on my GitHub page.
I am providing code and resources in this repository to you under an open source license. Because this is my personal repository, the license you receive to my code and resources is from me and not my employer (Facebook).
Copyright 2015 Donne Martin
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.